46 Effective Self-Evaluation Examples for Performance Reviews

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Self-evaluations for performance reviews should highlight measurable achievements, acknowledge areas for growth, and outline professional goals, using specific examples to demonstrate impact and progression throughout the review period.

Love them or hate them, performance reviews and self-appraisal comments are a fact of life for most employees. While the process can at times feel daunting, the feedback received from performance reviews can help mold your skills and provide motivation and understanding of how you contribute to an organization’s overall goals and outcomes.

When we think of what performance reviews and self-appraisal comments entail, we often overlook one of the most critical components of the process: the self-evaluation. Self-appraisal comments are a prime opportunity for you to demonstrate what an asset you are to your company and set goals to continue your career growth. 

We’ll walk through our best practices for preparing and writing your self-appraisal comments and evaluation, complete with self-evaluation for performance review examples to help you draw inspiration and best present your skills when it’s time for your next review.

5 Tips to Ace Your Self-Evaluation

Writing self-appraisal comments can feel awkward, as you are unsure how to estimate your progress and performance without selling yourself short or your self-appraisal comments coming off as boastful. The following tips and self-evaluation for performance review examples will help you achieve that balance.

1. Be specific (and provide examples).

Being specific adds clarity and situational relevance to your self-appraisal comments. Sharing greater detail about how you’ve reached your goals in your self-evaluation for performance review examples allows your manager to gain an understanding of your strategic approach, which accurately represents all of the hard work you’ve put into your achievements.

A detailed and specific example looks something like this: 

I leveraged keyword research, site traffic analysis, and tracked social media trends to develop targeted and timely content that generated 50 new MQLs through our paid marketing channels and successfully hit my OKR.

Much like a SMART goal for performance reviews, such self-evaluation for performance review examples provides specific, measurable self-appraisal comments that illustrate your thought process and strategic approach to achieving your goals.

2. Include facts and figures

Prime examples of self-evaluation for performance review examples are ones that provide plenty of supporting evidence to back up your claims and make your self-appraisal comments credible.

Metrics serve as a helpful reference point to include in your self-appraisal comments and self-evaluation for performance review examples for managers to clearly understand how your performance impacts results.

Simply stating that you executed a task in your job scope lacks impact. A good example should share specific self-evaluation performance review examples and numbers such as:

I grew the company LinkedIn following from 250 to 400 followers in three months and increased post engagement by 8% through continued interaction, targeted posts, and repurposed content.

Such self-evaluation for performance review examples provides tangible results that clearly lay out how your work benefits the business as well as your measurable progress and achievements. This gives your self-appraisal comments credibility.

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3. Continuously strive for growth

Performance reviews and self-appraisal comments are a time to reflect on your strengths and accomplishments as well as your areas for improvement. It can feel uncomfortable to discuss your performance shortcomings in your self-appraisal comments, as you may be nervous to point out areas of your work that need improvement. 

However, there are ways to reframe these mistakes in your self-appraisal comments as opportunities for growth instead of failures. Use positive, solution-oriented language that looks to the future when evaluating areas of improvement. 

Some phrases you can use in your self-appraisal comments are:

  • An area I’d like to focus on is...
  • This is what I’ve discovered thus far…
  • This is how I’d like to proceed in the future...
  • What I’ve learned from this is...

Additionally, your self-appraisal comments are an opportunity for you to ask for support. If your growth in a certain area requires the company’s support or resources, they’re the perfect opportunity to make that request, as you’ll see in our self-evaluation for performance review examples.

Read next: Tips on Tackling Tough Conversations at Work

4. Track your accomplishments

You do a lot in the day-to-day routine of your role, and by the time self-appraisal comments come around, it can be difficult to recall accomplishments and tasks you’ve achieved for self-appraisal comments.

A strategic way to refresh your memory and always have a pool of specific self-evaluation for performance review examples is to maintain a running list of your accomplishments throughout your time at your company. 

This can be as simple as keeping a Word document, a notes app, or a dedicated notebook that you regularly update with points for future self-appraisal comments. We recommend closing out your week by listing out your accomplishments to keep this list up to date so that you’re ready with plenty of self-evaluation for performance review examples.

5. Be positive and focus on future development

Last but not least, be positive and focus on the future. It’s easy to adopt a positive tone when it comes to your strengths, unique qualities, and professional skills. However, how can you be positive about your weaknesses? 

A good practice is to be self-aware instead of self-deprecating or defensive. Frame your weaknesses as opportunities for growth. Discuss how you can improve in the future, and ask for help if needed. This paints you as a proactive, self-aware problem-solver. So, here’s what you don’t want to say:

I struggle with presenting to a large audience and freeze every time. I’m sorry, but I believe that I’m not the right person to run ideas by our potential investors, and it’s better to have another team member take that on.

Instead, try saying this:

An area I’d like to focus on is presenting to a large audience. This way, I can better present ideas to our future investors and get the financial support our team needs. Are there any public speaking courses or experts that you can refer me to?

46 Specific Self-Evaluation Performance Review Examples

Self-evaluation for performance review examples and questions varies from company to company and even sometimes from department to department; however, these core themes often show up in all self-assessments.

Being able to assess and articulate your strengths and weaknesses will help you write comprehensive self-appraisal comments that reflect your value.

In each category, we’ll share some starting points and questions you should ask yourself, as well as provide several self-evaluations for performance review examples. 


Can I effectively and efficiently run a team while giving clear guidance? What are my strengths and weaknesses in this area?

Here are some self-evaluations for performance review examples illustrating both strengths and areas for improvement as they relate to leadership.

  • I communicate clearly and effectively with my team so they have the tools and clarity they need to achieve their best outcomes. One way I achieve this is by setting aside 15 minutes before each meeting to review the key objectives and action items I’d like to focus on for that call.
  • I assign and schedule tasks depending on whether they require synchronous or asynchronous communication to save time and improve the workflow. Hence, I have successfully led a remote team with employees from varying time zones through a project with a 20% higher than-average efficiency rate.
  • I provide systems and structure for my teams to reference so they understand what is expected of them and who they can collaborate with on any given task. An example of how I’ve done this is by implementing a team board in Asana to map out and track our key objectives and tasks. 
  • I create an open and honest work environment and make my team feel safe to come to me with any concerns or questions they might have. I set a recurring “office hours” block on my calendar and communicated to my team that I am available to them to answer any questions or provide support should they need it.
Areas for Improvement
  • I am working on incorporating more positive feedback and celebrating my team’s achievements in our weekly meetings.
  • An area I’d like to focus on is improving my delegation skills across my team.
  • I often work late and send messages outside of working hours. What I’m learning from this is that it puts pressure on my team and sets an expectation that we should work outside business hours. I’d like to begin scheduling my communications to be sent out during working hours to respect my team’s work-life balance.
  • Although I oversee day-to-day processes with ease, I want to better see and communicate the bigger picture. That’s why I want to improve my strategic planning skills to serve the company’s long-term goals.

Problem Solving & Decision-Making

Can I identify problems, suggest solutions, resolve conflicts, think of alternatives, and make decisions? How does that contribute to my role?

Here are some examples of self-evaluation for performance review that highlight strengths and areas for improvement as they relate to problem-solving and decision-making.

  • I can remain calm when things don’t go according to plan or are unclear. This allows me to think clearly and brainstorm ideas or find solutions. For example, when more people showed up to our last product launch party than expected, I proposed we take out the venue tables, switching from a banquet to an auditorium-style seating arrangement.
  • I’m not afraid to take calculated risks when I believe the potential rewards outweigh the uncertainties. For example, when we targeted a younger audience with our last product launch, many saw it as a risk, but I was confident it would resonate with Gen Z—and it paid off.
  • I can effectively communicate with internal and external clients when they face technical issues. This attention and clarity have helped me identify and attend to errors promptly.
  • I can make decisions independently without being told how or what calls to make, which came in handy when I filled in for a team member on our last software product design.
Areas for Improvement
  • I’m looking to improve my ability to think proactively and spot potential roadblocks ahead. Analyzing past data to notice workflow and industry trends can alert me to future problems.
  • In the future, I want to focus on collecting sufficient data and getting input from my teammates so that I can make informed decisions.
  • I have a capable team, and I want to use their skills in the problem-solving process. So, I’ll hold team meetings for problem-solving rather than working alone.
  • I make good decisions for short-term growth, but I want to think long-term. I believe setting a six-month or yearly plan with a timeline can help.

Team Collaboration

How do I approach collaborating within my team as well as across other departments in the organization?

Here’s some self-evaluation for performance review examples that feature potential strengths and weaknesses in team collaboration.

  • I thrive in a collaborative environment because my colleagues’ ideas and drive motivate me and inspire creativity. I regularly ask for input and feedback from my colleagues with the help of surveys and incorporate their direction into my projects and work.
  • I am constantly finding new ways to share ideas across teams, and I recently implemented a Miro board to gather team input on projects.
  • Last quarter I put a call out to our engineering team for guest posts for our company blog. I recognize that other departments’ expertise and input are valuable to our brand, and our collaboration can boost our marketing efforts.
  • My social skills help me mediate between conflicting parties efficiently. When two of my teammates quarreled over their visions for our newest product design, I suggested we take a break before revisiting the topic. Then I used our company’s brand image as common ground to build off of.
Areas for Improvement
  • I struggle to initiate collaborations with new team members because I am concerned that they will feel overwhelmed. I am learning to check in with these new employees and gauge their interest and bandwidth rather than assume they’re unable to collaborate.
  • I am learning that my enthusiasm at times can cause me to take up the majority of speaking time during team meetings, hindering team members from sharing their ideas. In the future, I’d like to come up with 2-3 ideas and allow others to speak before me.
  • I tend to offer to be the final editor on projects before they are submitted, and I have found it is a way for me to maintain control over a project. I am learning it’s important to allow others the opportunity to take the lead.
  • I have a tendency to step in too often when I work on team projects, which doesn’t give everyone the floor to speak. What I’d like to focus on is resisting that impulse so that others feel empowered to take initiative.

Technical Skills

When I think of the technical skills relevant to my field or industry, am I proficient in them? Am I continuously updating my knowledge of them? Have I completed projects requiring high expertise levels? How have I demonstrated these skills via my work, or do I need support with them?

Here are eight self-evaluations for performance review examples highlighting technical skill-related strengths and weaknesses.

  • I’m practiced in mitigating potential cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities. I made it so that our official website only accepts very strong passwords to protect our clients’ data.
  • I’ve learned to use new software such as Canva Teams, so I can collaborate efficiently with my colleagues on designs.
  • I understand database design principles well, which helps me create efficient database structures. This enhanced data storage and retrieval process was very handy, particularly for projects involving our recurring clients.
  • I developed a new feature for our latest product update that enhanced usability, resulting in a 13% increase in user engagement.
Areas for Improvement
  • I want to stay updated with our software tools to better integrate them into our projects. Are there guides or guiding materials that can help me?
  • I aim to become more proficient in tools like Google Analytics and Tableau to better analyze customer data and measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
  • I recognize the need to strengthen my proficiency in advanced Excel functions, especially in using pivot tables and macros for more complex financial analysis.
  • I aim to become more familiar with tax preparation software to streamline tax filings and ensure compliance in a timely manner.

Creativity and Innovation

Am I able to think outside the box to develop new ways of doing things? What new methods or practices did I adopt or create? How did they contribute to my role?

Some self-evaluation for performance review examples that illustrate both strengths and weaknesses in creativity and innovation include:

  • I consistently demonstrated a willingness to experiment with new ideas and take calculated risks in my work. By trying out new approaches and processes, I was able to identify opportunities for improvement and develop innovative solutions to increase efficiency and productivity. One example is when I proposed and implemented a new system for tracking project progress that enabled our team to quickly identify bottlenecks and make adjustments to our workflow.
  • I actively sought out opportunities to bring creativity and innovation to my work this year. For example, I suggested and implemented a new approach to data visualization that made our reports more engaging and accessible to our target audience. 
  • I took an innovative approach to my work this year by experimenting with new technologies and tools. For example, I explored the use of software to automate routine tasks and improve the accuracy of customer outreach.
  • I’m constantly thinking of innovative marketing strategies. For this campaign, I set up an influencer marketing partnership, which resulted in a surge in customer engagement and a 120% increase in sales halfway through the month.
Areas for Improvement
  • I’d like to pursue more learning opportunities, such as free courses and webinars, to expand my knowledge on creating TikTok content for our social media presence.
  • An area I’d like to focus on is developing my creative thinking skills in order to come up with more innovative solutions to complex problems rather than rely on existing ideas. To improve in this area, I plan to spend more time brainstorming and experimenting with new ideas to solve problems.
  • I’ve found I struggle to effectively communicate my creative ideas and proposals to others. In the future, I plan to practice presenting my ideas to different audiences and seek out opportunities to participate in collaborative brainstorming sessions to develop my communication and collaboration skills around creativity.
  • While I consistently generate innovative ideas, I wish to further improve on effectively translating my ideas into actionable and measurable strategies.


Did I successfully achieve the goals my manager and I set for my role? How do I contribute to the overall success of the organization? What are my top achievements since my last performance review?

Here are six self-evaluations for performance review examples highlighting strengths and weaknesses related to achievements.

  • I successfully launched an onboarding process for new hires in Q1. To do this, I researched best practices and developed materials such as onboarding checklists and standardized our company welcome letter to create consistency and help ensure all bases were covered.
  • I have demonstrated strong initiative and ownership in my work, leading the successful completion of multiple projects on time and within budget. I’ve done so by setting SMART goals for myself at the beginning of each quarter to ensure I remain on track and focused.
  • I proactively identified and resolved technical issues that arose during our product launch that helped mitigate potential risks and ensure a seamless launch. I did so by conducting regular audits and working closely with the UX team to remain up to date on user feedback.
Areas for Improvement
  • Although I’ve continued to provide quality support to our clients over the past quarter, I believe that learning is a lifelong journey. I want to enroll in a customer support training course to improve my tenacity.
  • I’ve succeeded in hitting my monthly goals that relate to routine tasks; however, I believe there’s work to be done when it comes to new processes and new software systems. I would like to be involved in projects with hands-on training to better keep up with dynamic market demands.
  • While I consistently meet short-term project deadlines, I’m not getting the same sense of achievement from the company’s long-term projects. I’d like to improve my time management skills so that I can make more progress on these projects.

Maximize Your Performance Review Process

Performance reviews and writing self-appraisal comments don’t have to be a dreaded task. With the right framework, guidance, and self-evaluation for performance review examples, the exercise can become a powerful tool in self-reflection and professional development. 

Allow these self-evaluations for performance review examples to guide you to a concise and complete evaluation during your next performance review. 

For more resources to improve your self-appraisal comments, download our free performance review question template.

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