Singapore Employment Pass: Updates & Requirements in 2024

In the heart of Southeast Asia, Singapore thrives as a hub of innovation and economic prowess. For many professionals, this vibrant city-state represents a realm of unparalleled career opportunities and a high quality of life. 

But before foreign workers can jump into their Singapore career, there’s one step that needs to be taken first—the Employment Pass (E Pass).

This critical document not only offers a working visa but serves as a conduit for personal and professional growth. And recently, the regulations around accessing the E Pass and the E Pass salary requirements have evolved, and the COMPASS framework is part of it.

Here, we’ll dive into the core elements of Singapore’s E Pass and E Pass Salary information, and take a look at recent updates, including the introduction of the points-based Complementarity Assessment Framework (COMPASS framework) and revised minimum salary requirements.

2024 Updates and Requirements

compass framework

As Singapore continues to evolve as a global business hub, it continually refines its policies and requirements regarding foreign work passes to maintain its competitive edge while safeguarding opportunities for local talent. 

Staying informed about these changes and the COMPASS framework is crucial for employers, HR professionals, and aspiring expatriates alike.

New Minimum E Pass Salary Requirements

The qualifying E Pass salary is SGD 5,600 for most sectors, except financial services. For those in financial services, the minimum E Pass salary stands at SGD 6,200. This salary requirement progressively increases with age, reaching up to SGD 10,700 (for most sectors) and SGD 11,800 (for financial services) for individuals aged 45 and above. 

As for existing EP holders, EPs expiring from 1 January 2026 will need to meet the revised qualifying salary. This new E Pass salary framework emphasizes both the value of experience and skill set, ensuring that foreign talents align with Singapore’s evolving workforce needs.

Learn more: Payroll Singapore Reference Guide

The COMPASS Assessment Framework

Effective from 1 September 2024, new E Pass salary candidates will encounter a new requirement, the Complementarity Assessment Framework (COMPASS framework). Alongside meeting the E Pass salary qualifications, candidates will need to navigate the COMPASS framework evaluation to determine their eligibility.

The second stage involves the COMPASS framework scoring system, which applies to all candidates unless exempted. To secure an E Pass, candidates need to amass a minimum of 40 points across various criteria within the COMPASS framework. These include:

  • E Pass Salary: The COMPASS framework evaluates the candidate’s fixed monthly salary according to sector-specific benchmarks, assigning points based on how well the salary aligns with local standards.
  • Qualifications: The COMPASS framework mandates that candidates’ qualifications are authentic and awarded by accredited institutions, requiring verification proof for post-secondary diploma and above qualifications from background screening companies and government/awarding institution portals. Under the COMPASS framework, you want to target applicants from top-tier institutions or, at least, degree-equivalent qualifications.
  • Diversity (Firm-Related): The COMPASS framework encourages employers to diversify their foreign professional workforce by awarding points for hiring candidates from underrepresented countries or regions.
  • Support for Local Employment (Firm-Related): Under the COMPASS framework, employers are prompted to display efforts in supporting local employment. Points can be earned by surpassing expectations in areas like job advertising and fair consideration.

In addition to the fundamental criteria, the COMPASS framework factors in bonus points based on the candidate’s specialized skills and alignment with Singapore’s strategic economic priorities and potential contribution to Singapore.

The introduction of the COMPASS framework ensures greater transparency, quality, and diversity in E Pass salary applications. Employers can benefit from the enhanced Self-Assessment Tool (SAT) to confirm candidate eligibility before applying.

Since 1 March 2024, successful candidates are no longer required to get COVID-19 vaccination for E Pass issuance or for the COMPASS framework; however, it’s a preferable protection measure.

The COMPASS framework exempts some applicants. If you’re paying your future employee a fixed monthly salary of at least SGD 22,500, are applying for an intra-corporate transferee, or are applying for someone to work for up to a month, they don’t need to meet the conditions set by the COMPASS framework.

Immigration Policies

One notable update in Singapore’s immigration policies came into effect on 11 March 2022. 

The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) introduced an innovative approach by replacing traditional inked endorsement stamps on passports with electronic Visit Passes (E Passes). This not only streamlines the immigration process but also underscores Singapore’s commitment to harnessing digital solutions in managing immigration.

Updates on the Dependent Pass and S Pass Quota

Since 1 May 2021, Dependent Pass (DP) holders seeking employment in Singapore have encountered a transformative change. DP holders now need to qualify for and obtain their work passes, such as E Passes, S Passes, or Work Permits, to work in Singapore.

As a result, the concept of dependency on the main pass holder has been redefined, granting DP holders increased autonomy in their work and stay privileges. Their DP will need to be canceled before their E Passes or S Pass is issued, signifying a significant shift in the dynamics of employment for DP holders.

Another update is the gradual increase in the minimum qualifying salary for S Passes. Starting from 1 September 2023, the minimum salary for S Pass holders will increase in three stages. The first increase took effect for both renewals and new applications, followed by a second increase for renewals in 2024. The final increase will apply to both new applications and renewals in 2025 and 2026, respectively.

The exact salary amounts will be determined based on local average wages at the time of each increase, but the minimum will be at least SGD 3,150 for all sectors and SGD 3,650 for financial sectors. 

Understanding the Singapore Employment Pass

In Singapore, the E Pass is an essential work visa that allows foreign professionals, managers, executives, and skilled workers to live and work in the city-state (after passing the point-based COMPASS framework). 

It is a vital document for expatriates, opening doors to numerous career opportunities and experiences in Singapore.

To give you a comprehensive understanding of the Singapore Employment Pass and the E pass salary regulations, let’s break down their key aspects:

Eligibility Criteria

The E Pass is designed for individuals who meet specific requirements, including minimum salary levels, educational qualifications, and relevant work experience. The eligibility criteria are meticulously designed to ensure that foreign professionals and workers add value to Singapore’s workforce.

Types of Employment Passes (EP) Available

The Singaporean government has introduced different categories of Employment Passes to cater to varying skill levels and industries. The 3 primary types include:

Employment Pass for Professionals

The Employment Pass for Professionals is the most common type. It’s typically designed for mid to high-skilled professionals who hold recognized qualifications. Applicants should have an offer of employment in a managerial, executive, or specialized job role. The minimum monthly E Pass salary required varies based on factors like the applicant’s age and the sector of employment, but it typically starts lower for young professionals and goes up as they gain experience.

S Pass for Mid-Skilled Workers

The S Pass is intended for mid-skilled workers, offering a more accessible option for those who may not qualify for the Employment Pass. Eligibility is based on the applicant’s qualifications, experience, and the employer’s compliance with quotas on S Pass holders.

Miscellaneous Work Pass for Short-Term Work

The Miscellaneous Work Pass is designed for individuals who need to perform short-term, non-conventional work in Singapore. It is generally used for activities that don’t fall under standard employment categories.

These categories cater to a wide spectrum of workers, from highly skilled professionals to those in mid-skilled positions and even individuals engaged in short-term projects. Understanding these categories is crucial when applying for the right Employment Pass and ensuring compliance with Singapore’s immigration laws. In the subsequent sections, we’ll delve into E Pass salary requirements and other critical details for each category.

Application Process

Applying for an E Pass in Singapore is a meticulous process, designed to ensure a smooth entry for foreign professionals into the country.

Step-by-step guide to applying for an Employment Pass

Step 1: Submit an application. Your journey begins with the submission of an online application for the E Pass. Employers (or their appointed employment agents) can start this process. 

Ensure the candidate meets the necessary qualifications by using the Self-Assessment Tool (SAT) and calculating your score in the COMPASS framework. The processing time for this initial application stage typically takes place within 10 business days.

Step 2: Receive the In-Principle Approval (IPA). Once your application successfully passes the initial stage, you will receive an In-Principle Approval (IPA) letter. This letter is a significant milestone, serving as a pre-approved single-entry visa for the candidate to enter Singapore. The IPA also specifies whether the candidate needs to undergo a medical examination.

Step 3: Request MOM to issue the E Pass. With the IPA in hand, employers should proceed to request the Ministry of Manpower to issue the Employment Pass.

Step 4: Receive the notification letter. Employers will receive a notification letter, marking another pivotal point in the process. If deemed necessary, you can extend the validity of this letter should candidates require additional time for card registration procedures.

Step 5: Register fingerprints and have photos taken. Candidates will need to register their fingerprints and have their photo taken at MOM if indicated. This step is usually immediate.

Step 6: Receive the Employment Pass card. The culmination of this process is the issuance of the actual Employment Pass card. Authorized recipients or candidates themselves will receive this card within 5 working days after fingerprint and photo registration or document verification.

Required Documents and How to Prepare Them

Before embarking on the E Pass application journey, it’s essential to ensure you have the necessary documents ready:

  • Proof of qualifications, which should be authentic and awarded by accredited institutions.
  • Written consent from the candidate to apply for the E Pass on their behalf.
  • Verification proof for post-secondary diploma and above qualifications.

Online Application Process

Employers can easily apply for the E Pass through the E Pass online portal on the Ministry of Manpower’s website. The process involves the submission of required documents and payment of processing fees.

Processing Times and Fees

Processing time for E Pass applications typically occurs within 10 business days. However, For overseas companies without a Singapore-registered office, the processing time may take up to 8 weeks.

The application fee for an E Pass is SGD 105, and the issuance fee is SGD 225. But there are several other fees you might incur, based on factors such as the type of the employing company and the desired duration of the pass.

These fees are meant to contribute to the resources required to ensure a streamlined application process for E Passes in Singapore.

Securely Navigate Employee Data and E Pass Salary Management With Automation

In Singapore, the E Pass is far more than just a visa—it’s a ticket to one of the most dynamic and economically vibrant destinations in the world. This vital travel document enables both professionals and businesses to become part of Singapore’s thriving business community, contributing to its growth while reaping the benefits of a world-class living environment. By ensuring that they receive at least the minimum e pass salary, MOM regulates that economic growth.

In the backdrop of these E Pass salary, COMPASS framework, and other regulatory changes, technology can help manage the various documents and E Pass salary requirements needed to support your foreign talent.

Omni allows your organization to securely and centrally manage employee information, such as proof of qualifications and written consent necessary to obtain a Singapore E Pass. 

Our employee-portal makes it easy for employee’s to upload and update their information, centralizing critical information, including E Pass salary minimums, expiry dates, and renewal reminders. This ensures your E Pass management meets the regulations set by the Singapore government.

e pass salary

With localized payroll, Omni can help your team process each E Pass salary with ease. Omni offers a comprehensive payroll solution tailored to Singapore’s specific requirements about E pass salary ranges, benefits, and overtime. 

With features like support for SGD, automated tax calculations, and managed CPF contributions, Omni can help HR teams simplify their payroll processing and ensure compliance.

With our automated payroll software Singapore, digitized and secure pay slip distribution, and dedicated support teams to guide your team and ensure compliance, Omni’s payroll processing reduces the administrative burden of your HR team and frees up valuable time to dedicate to more impactful business processes.

e pass salary

And with the COMPASS framework, you’ll see the effectiveness of OMNI management and practices, creating the progressive, inclusive environment you dream of. After all, our expert support and assistance is tailored to your businesses unique requirements and local regulations. 

Book a demo today, and learn how Omni can help you streamline your E Pass salary payroll processes and expertly navigate Singapore E Pass management to ensure compliance for your organization.

Payroll Singapore Reference Guide: Everything You Need to Know

Payroll is an essential function for every company, and a key driver of employee engagement and motivation. Yet navigating payroll Singapore requirements can be complicated, with various regulations, compliance requirements, and data collection. This comprehensive guide will walk you through a simplified guide to help you navigate the complexities of payroll in Singapore.

The Process of Payroll Singapore

Payroll Singapore processing requires accurate record keeping and well managed schedules to keep your business compliant. Understanding the process of setting up and collecting payroll data will ensure you pay your employees on time, keeping them motivated and engaged.

Payroll Setup

If it’s your first time setting up payroll in Singapore, you’ll need to incorporate your local company or register a foreign branch online at Bizfile+, the filing portal of Singapore’s Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA). 

You’ll also need a business bank account in Singapore for your financial transactions with the Government.

Data Collection

In order to meet the payroll Singapore requirements for processing, businesses must collect data and build profiles for each employee. Payroll data includes:

  • Salary information
  • Hours worked (if applicable)
  • Overtime (if applicable)
  • Annual leave (such as paid or unpaid vacation, sick leave, parental leave etc)
  • Employment start date
  • Visa or citizenship status
  • Employee bank details
  • Employee profile information such as legal name, date of birth, and legal address

Securely storing this data in a centralized location is essential to running a smooth payroll system. Whether you keep a spreadsheet, utilize an HRIS, or keep paper files, ensure that each employee profile is up-to-date and complete to avoid payroll delays.

Payroll Calculation

Each month, HR teams must calculate payroll for their organization. In accordance with the Employment Act, the salary must be paid at least once a month within 7 days after the end of the salary period. Overtime pay, if applicable, must be paid within 14 days of the stipulated salary period. There is no requirement for bonus payment under the Employment Act of Singapore.

This calculation may include a combination of data including hours worked, leave taken, bonuses, and deductions or contributions for things like retirement funds. Calculation is ofcourse an essential part of the payroll Singapore process, and it’s essential that this data is error-free to avoid under or over payment and delays for your workforce. 

The calculation process can be done in a variety of ways, and most modern companies rely on HR automation to ensure accuracy and timeliness to the process.

Payroll Payment or Payslip

Itemized payslips are required by payroll Singapore regulations to be administered to all employees in the first 7 days of the month following the most recent pay cycle. Payslips should include certain data, including:

  • Basic salary value
  • Date of payment
  • Pay period
  • Any deductions
  • Net monthly salary

Tip: Don’t forget ad hoc payments, foreigner tax clearance, and other payments that don’t get issued at the beginning of the month.

Statutory Submissions

Employers are required by law to prepare Form IR8A and Appendix 8A, Appendix 8B or Form IR8S (where applicable) for employees who are employed in Singapore by March 1 each year.

For more information on these forms, please refer to for a complete breakdown of each form and its requirements.

Annual Report for Individual Income Tax

The deduction of taxes from employees’ salaries is the responsibility of employees! As an employer, you are only required to pay your own individual income tax.

Like the statutory submission, on the first of March, you’ll need to file income taxes to the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS), which includes the monthly payroll income and any benefits from the company.

Employee Payroll Data Maintenance

In this phase, you conduct routine data maintenance to keep your data updated and precise. In other words, you make changes, additions, and omissions to employee data to reflect changing circumstances. This includes the following:

  • Extra pay
  • Direct deposits
  • General deductions
  • Employee tax withholding information
  • Information relating to employees with several jobs

In other words, you make changes, additions, and omissions to reflect changing circumstances. With data maintenance, rest assured that your payroll data will remain up-to-date and accurate!

Year-End Payments

If you reward annual bonuses to your team, a year-end payment is the time to administer such benefits. This is a one-time payment made to reward employees and celebrate their contributions made throughout the year.

What Is the Singapore Employment Act?

The Singapore Employment Act is a key piece of legislation that governs employment relationships and provides basic employment rights for workers in Singapore. The Employment Act covers most employees in Singapore, except for certain groups like domestic workers, seafarers, and government employees. It also sets out different provisions for managers and executives.

The Act outlines the fundamental terms of employment, including working hours, rest days, public holidays, and annual leave entitlements. It also addresses issues like salary payment frequency and overtime pay.

The Singapore employment act also sets guidelines and laws for other employment and payroll Singapore guidelines such as:

  • Guidelines for termination of employment, including notice periods and compensation for wrongful dismissal.
  • Various protections for employees, such as restrictions on deductions from wages, limits on working hours, and provisions for sick leave and maternity leave.
  • Employment records requirements.
  • Guidelines and restrictions on working hours and types of work for minors
  • Workplace safety and health.
  • Dispute resolution
  • Trade Union rights
  • Employment standards for fair treatment, wages, and benefits.
  • Foreign worker requirements such as work permits. 

It’s important to note that the Employment Act is periodically updated and amended to reflect changes in the labor landscape and to better protect the rights of employees. Employers and employees in Singapore should familiarize themselves with the latest version of the Act and any related regulations to ensure compliance with the law. Additionally, some categories of employees, such as professionals, managers, and executives, may not be fully covered by the Act, and their employment terms may be subject to negotiation and contractual agreements.

Income Taxes Explained for Payroll Singapore

Singapore has a progressive income tax system, where the tax rate increases as an individual’s income rises. Here’s a brief overview of Singapore’s income tax:

Resident vs. Non-Resident

Taxation in Singapore depends on your tax residency status. Residents are taxed on their worldwide income, while non-residents are generally taxed only on income earned in Singapore.

Progressive Tax Rates for Residents

Singapore’s tax rates for residents are progressive, with higher income levels subjected to higher tax rates. As of my knowledge cutoff date in September 2021, the tax rates for residents ranged from 0% to a maximum of 22%.

Non-Resident Tax Rates

Non-residents are taxed at a flat rate on their Singapore-sourced income. The rate varies depending on the type of income, but it is generally higher than the resident tax rates. As of my last update, employment income for non-residents was taxed at rates ranging from 15% to 22%.

Tax Deductions and Rebates

Singapore provides various tax deductions, reliefs, and rebates to reduce the tax burden for individuals. Common deductions include those for employment expenses, contributions to approved pension funds, and donations to approved charities.

Personal Income Relief

Residents are eligible for personal income relief, which reduces their taxable income. This relief is based on factors such as age, marital status, and the number of dependents.

Tax Filing and Payment

Singapore’s tax year is generally from January 1st to December 31st. Residents and non-residents may be required to file an income tax return, depending on their income level and other factors. The tax filing deadline is typically in April or May.

Employer’s Role

Employers in Singapore play a significant role in income tax compliance. They are responsible for withholding tax from their employees’ salaries (known as “tax deduction at source”) and issuing tax forms (Form IR8A) summarizing the employee’s income.

Tax laws and rates can change, it’s advisable to consult with the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) or a tax professional for the most up-to-date and detailed information regarding Singapore’s income tax regulations and rates.

Contributions and Levies

Payroll Singapore law includes deduction requirements in the form of contributions and levies, applicable to all employers and employees in Singapore, let’s break down the various categories. 

Central Provident Fund Contributions

Contributions are made to the Central Provident Fund (CPF), an employment-based scheme that serves as a compulsory savings plan for Singaporeans and Permanent Residents (PR). CPF contributions are made by both employers and employees at varying rates, depending on the employee’s age and salary.

As you work and make CPF contributions, you accumulate savings in 3 accounts: 

  • Ordinary Account (OA)
    • For retirement, housing, insurance and investment
  • MediSave Account (MA)
    • For hospitalization, medical expenses and approved medical insurance
  • Special Account (SA)
    • For old age investment in retirement-related financial products 

At age 55, a Retirement Account (RA) is created for you, where you receive monthly retirement payouts.

To learn more about calculating your CPF contributions, 

Self Help Groups Contributions

Self Help Group Funds (SHGs) are contributions set up to uplift low-income households and the less privileged, in the Chinese, Eurasian, Muslim, and Indian communities in Singapore.  The CPF Board collects SHG contributions on behalf of the SHGs. You’re expected to deduct SHG contributions from your employees’ wages.

SHARE Donations

SHARE is a voluntary monthly giving program run by Community Chest, the philanthropy and engagement arm of the National Council of Social Service. 

The CPF Board collects your employees’ SHARE donations on behalf of Community Chest, from the employees’ wages made through the company payroll.

The  Skill Development Levy and Foreign Worker Levy 

There are 2 main types of levies present in Singapore tax law, the Skill Development Levy(SDL) and Foreign Worker Levy(FWL).

All Singapore based companies will need to pay a SDL for all their employees (Local and Foreign) if they are hired on a permanent, part time, casual or temporary role. This levy is on top of the employer CPF contribution for local employees and FWL for foreign employees.

The FWL is a pricing mechanism to regulate the number of foreigners in Singapore. Employers must pay a monthly levy for Work Permit holders. The levy liability will start from the day the Temporary Work Permit or Work Permit is issued, whichever is earlier. It ends when the permit is canceled or expires.

Leveraging Technology to Streamline Payroll Singapore Processing

payroll Singapore

Managing payroll Singapore is a complex and detail-oriented task that demands a deep understanding of the region’s unique legal requirements and a commitment to accuracy and compliance. That’s why it’s important to have the right technology on your side.

Omni offers a comprehensive payroll solution tailored to Singapore’s specific requirements. With features like support for SGD, automated tax calculations, and managed CPF contributions, Omni can help HR teams simplify their payroll processing and ensure compliance with ease. 

Omni’s suite of features makes the requirements for running a compliant and efficient payroll system in Singapore easy. With secure and centralized employee records, HR teams can swiftly access employment contracts and essential documents that support payroll practices.

payroll Singapore

Our time and attendance features empower teams to automate data and produce accurate reports in minutes, making payroll calculations seamless and accurate. And with payroll solutions that support SGD and pay schedules, Omni offers an entire suite of solutions to make your payroll system Singapore seamless. 

Manage more than one company? Omni helps you establish a dedicated payroll admin for each company, who have the power to enroll employees, manage company settings and easily process your payroll.

If you’re ready to take your payroll Singapore management to the next level, book a demo with us today. We’ll walk you through the platform’s capabilities and demonstrate how Omni can transform your payroll processing, saving you time, reducing administrative burdens, and enhancing overall efficiency.

Understanding Malaysia’s Employment Act: Updates & FAQs in 2024

The Malaysia Employment Act 1955 is a cornerstone of Malaysian employment law, which means employers hiring in Malaysia need to know it inside and out—especially if there are updates. 

At the beginning of 2023, an amendment went into effect in response to changes in the cost of living, currency values, and other developments, to enhance employee protection in Malaysia. This amendment also included key changes to the First Schedule, which defines the categories of employees covered by the Malaysia Employment Act 1955.

With the implementation of the bill which came into effect in January 2023, there’s been wide-spread confusion on exactly what and how the changes should be implemented. These include expanded coverage of the act, reduced working hours, protection for gig workers and more. Here, we’ll break down the important changes that HR managers in Malaysia should be aware of to remain compliant with the Malaysia Employment Act.

Core Components of Employment Act 1955

The Malaysia Employment Act 1955 is the cornerstone of Malaysia’s labor laws, governing the relationship between employers and employees. It covers a wide range of issues that affect both parties, ensuring fair treatment and protection for everyone in the workforce.

You can check out the details in this Malaysia Employment Act 2023 pdf, or keep reading for a rundown of the core components of the Act:

Employee coverage

The Act now covers all employees regardless of their wage, removing the previous RM2,000 monthly wage limit. This ensures equal protection and rights for all workers.

Key employment terms

The Act sets standards for things like:

  • Minimum wage: The lowest amount an employer can legally pay.
  • Working hours and overtime pay: How many hours your employees can work in a day or week, and what you should be paid for extra hours.
  • Rest days and public holidays: When employees are entitled to take a break, and whether they get paid for it.
  • Annual and sick leave: How much time off employees can take for vacation or when they’re not feeling well.
  • Termination and layoff procedures: The proper way to terminate a position, and the roadmap after for laid off employees.

Employee rights and benefits

The Act is about more than just basic employment protections. It also covers wellbeing within the workplace. These include:

  • Maternity protection and benefits: For employees who are expecting mothers, the Act has rules about time off, pay, and how your job is protected. The amended Act prohibits expecting mothers from being terminated except under very specific circumstances (which we touch on below).
  • Protection against discrimination and unfair dismissal: It’s illegal for employers to discriminate against employees, and the act defines the detailed circumstances under which an employee can be dismissed while remaining compliant.
  • Safety and health regulations: Your workplace should be a safe environment, and the Act outlines what your organization needs to do to keep your employees healthy and safe on the job.

Employer obligations

It’s important to know what is expected of employers so that your organization can remain compliant and build a safe and effective workplace. Obligations include:

  • Safe and healthy workplace: Employers have to make sure the work environment they create doesn’t put employees at risk.
  • Paying wages correctly and on time: Timely payments are extremely important, not just to maintain employee morale and provide meaningful compensation, but because it’s the law—your organization could face penalties for withholding or delaying wage payment.
  • Proper termination procedure: There’s a process defined by the Act for letting employees go, and your organization needs to follow it.
  • Keeping good records: Employers need to keep track of employee details, hours worked, and pay.

Learn more: Your Guide to Malaysia Payroll

Dispute resolution

Sometimes things don’t go smoothly at work. The Malaysia Employment Act provides ways to resolve disagreements between employers and employees:

  • Mediation and conciliation: The Labour Department can help provide mediation for disputes between your organization and an employee. This third party approach can help de-escalate and minimize bias.
  • Industrial Court: If an agreement can’t be reached even with mediation, the Industrial Court can make a decision and enforce the law.

2024 Updates to Labour Law Malaysia 2023

While the Act has been protecting Malaysian workers since 1955, major updates to the Labour Law Malaysia took place last year. Here’s what you need to know about the updates for 2024 and beyond:

1. Overtime pay threshold

The salary threshold for overtime eligibility has increased. Previous to the update, only employees earning below a certain amount (RM2,000) were entitled to overtime pay. Now, that threshold has been raised to RM4,000.

2. Coverage based on wages

The Malaysia Employment Act 1955 now covers all employees, regardless of their wages. Previously, the Act only applied to employees earning monthly salaries of RM2,000 or less, along with specific worker categories.

Amendments to the Act’s First Schedule mean that all employees, regardless of their salary, are now covered. However, those earning above RM4,000 per month are exempted from certain provisions, including:

  • Overtime rates for rest days
  • Overtime rates outside working hours
  • Allowances for shift-based work
  • Overtime on public holidays
  • Overtime for half working days on holidays.

This change provides legal protection to employees who were previously not covered by the Malaysia Employment Act.

3. Flexible working arrangements

The amended Malaysia Employment Act now includes provisions for flexible working arrangements, which are important in the post-pandemic business landscape. Under Section 60P and 60Q, employees can request flexible work arrangements in writing, and employers must respond within 60 days, providing reasons in case of rejection.

4. Maximum working hours

The maximum working hours for workers have been reduced from 48 hours per week to 45 hours per week, effective 1 January 2023, excluding meal breaks. This change aims to protect workers’ welfare, reduce employee burnout, and aligns with the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention.

5. Increased paid parental leave

Maternity leave entitlement for working mothers has increased from 60 days to 98 days post-delivery. For the first time, the Act includes paid paternity leave of 7 consecutive days, subject to the following conditions:

  • The male employee must be married to the mother in question
  • He must have been employed by the same employer for at least 12 months
  • He must notify the employer at least 30 days from expected confinement (or as early as possible)

Read next: Malaysia Parental Leave Guide

6. Protection for expectant mothers

Pregnant mothers and those suffering from pregnancy-related illnesses are now protected against termination under the updated Malaysia Employment Act, with exceptions for:

  • Breach of contract
  • Misconduct
  • Business closure

7. Protection for gig workers

A new section in the Malaysia Employment Act covers gig workers, providing them with protection even in the absence of a written contract, under the following conditions:

  • Their manner of work is subject to the control or direction of another person
  • Their hours of work are subject to the control or direction of another person
  • They are provided with tools, materials or equipments by another person to execute work
  • Their work constitutes an integral part of another person’s business
  • Their work is performed solely for the benefit of another person, or where payment is made to them in return for work done by them at regular intervals

8. Sexual harassment awareness

Section 81H of the Malaysia Employment Act requires employers to display notices raising awareness about sexual harassment in the workplace.

9. Employment of foreign workers

Changes to Section 60K now require employers to obtain prior approval from the Director-General to hire foreign employees and notify the Director-General within 30 days if foreign employees are terminated. Previously, employers who hire foreign employees were required to inform the Director-General of new foreign employees along with details within 14 days of employment.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Malaysia Employment Act 1955

What is considered “wages”?

To determine which employees qualify for wages up to RM4,000 per month, it’s important to understand the specific definition of “wages” under the Malaysia Employment Act. According to the Act, “wages” include basic wages and all cash payments to an employee for their work under the contract of service. However, it does not include the following:

  • The value of housing, food, fuel, light, water, medical care, approved amenities, or services provided by the employer.
  • Contributions made by the employer to pension funds, provident funds, superannuation schemes, and other similar funds for the employee’s benefit.
  • Traveling allowances or concessions.
  • Payments to cover special expenses related to the employee’s job.
  • Gratuity paid upon discharge or retirement.
  • Annual bonuses or any portion thereof.

How does the EA define “overtime”?

The Malaysia Employment Act defines “overtime” in two key sections:

  • Section 60A(3)(b) of the EA defines overtime as the hours worked beyond the normal daily working hours. If work extends beyond ten hours after the initial spread over period, the entire duration from the end of the spread over period to the end of the workday is considered overtime.
  • Section 60A(3)(c) of the EA specifies that “normal hours of work” are the hours mutually agreed upon by the employer and employee in their contract of service, which cannot exceed the limits set in Section 60A(1).

Based on these sections, overtime is any work done outside the hours stated in the employment contract. However, the hours in the contract are subject to the restrictions outlined in Section 60A(1), which now includes limits such as not working more than 5 consecutive hours without a 30-minute leisure break and not exceeding 45 hours in a week.

How to determine when employees are entitled to overtime payments?

Employees on a monthly wage are entitled to overtime payments in the following situations, along with the respective formulas/rates:

  • Working more than the normal working hours on a regular workday: 1.5x the hourly rate of pay [Section 60A(3)(a)].
  • Working on a rest day, with the work period not exceeding half the normal working hours: 0.5 times the ordinary rate of pay [Section 60(3)(b)(i)].
  • Working on a rest day, with the work period exceeding half but not exceeding the normal working hours: One day’s wages at the ordinary rate of pay [Section 60(3)(b)(ii)].
  • Working on a rest day beyond the normal hours of work: 2x the hourly rate of pay [Section 60(3)(c)].
  • Working on a public holiday, with the work period not exceeding normal working hours: Two days’ wages at the ordinary rate of pay [Section 60D(3)(a)(i)].
  • Working on a public holiday beyond the normal hours of work: 3x the hourly rate of pay [Section 60D(3)(aa)].

How to Calculate an employee’s “ordinary rate of pay” and “hourly rate of pay”

Overtime rates depend on the “ordinary rate of pay” and “hourly rate of pay,” which the Malaysia Employment Act defines. For employees paid on a monthly rate of pay:

  • The “ordinary rate of pay” is their monthly wages divided by 26.
  • The “hourly rate of pay” is the ordinary rate of pay divided by their normal daily working hours.

For example, if an employee’s monthly salary is RM3,900 and their employment contract requires them to work 8 hours a day, they would have:

  • An ordinary rate of pay of RM150 (3900/26).
  • An hourly rate of pay of RM18.75 (150/8).

To-Do List for HR Teams

labour law malaysia 2023

Due to the recent amendments to the Malaysia Employment Act, employers who were not previously concerned with overtime payment regulations now need to take action. Here are the steps you need to take::

  • Review all employee salaries. This will help you identify those covered by the revised Malaysia Employment Act and eligible for overtime payments, considering the “wages” definition mentioned above.
  • Examine existing and future employment contracts. This will help clear specification of working hours for all employees, aligning with the EA’s working hour limits. These contractual hours will be used for calculating overtime payments.
  • Establish a clear overtime policy. A clear overtime policy will prevent unnecessary or excessive overtime claims.
  • Systematize overtime calculations. Implement a system for recording and calculating overtime work and payments, retaining records for at least 6 years.

Seamlessly Manage Employee Records and Payroll

employment act 1955

HR managers have their hands full, and the recent amendments to the Malaysia Employment Act 1955 add yet another layer of responsibility to their already existing workload. Tracking and calculating hours, managing employee records, and administering payroll requires a clear, secure, and accurate system to ensure compliant and timely payouts for your employees.

Omni’s all-in-one HR solution helps make these tasks streamlined and free of manual error to reduce the administrative burden on HR. With secure and centralized employee records, HR teams can easily store, update, and communicate employee information across departments and with employees. Our payroll solutions make it easier than ever to calculate accurate employee payments and tax calculations through automation that saves time and reduces errors. And with automated payroll information synchronization, end of month processing becomes a streamlined and seamless effort.

Book a demo with our team, or try out Omni for free to learn how our automation can help you remain compliant and reduce your administrative workload for all of your People management needs.

Your Guide to Managing Payroll Hong Kong

Savvy businesses recognize the value of operating in Hong Kong, a city where innovation and tradition combine in a potent way. But to thrive in this city, businesses need to rely on a skilled workforce to propel them forward. Behind every high-performing employee is a well-managed payroll system ensuring their hard work is rewarded promptly and accurately.

However, managing the payroll Hong Kong requires isn’t a straightforward task. The city’s payroll landscape is governed by a web of legal requirements and unique regulations that must be navigated with precision. HR professionals play a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth operation of payroll Hong Kong processes.

In this article, we’ll offer insight that HR professionals, payroll administrators, and business owners can use to better understand the ins-and-outs of managing payroll in Hong Kong. Whether you’re new to payroll Hong Kong or seeking ways to enhance your existing processes, we’re here to guide you through every step, from legal requirements to best practices and the latest technology solutions.

Preparing For Payroll Hong Kong Processing

Payroll processing is a crucial aspect of any organization’s operations, ensuring that employees are compensated accurately and on time. In Hong Kong, managing payroll comes with its unique intricacies and legal requirements. HR professionals in Hong Kong must navigate these complexities diligently to ensure compliance and maintain the trust of their employees.

Hong Kong has several laws and regulations governing payroll, which you must navigate to ensure compliance. We’ve covered these in greater depth in our Understanding the Payroll System Hong Kong Runs On post, but here is an overview for your reference:

Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Scheme: Under Hong Kong’s Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) scheme, both employers and employees are required to make regular contributions to a retirement fund.

Inland Revenue Ordinance (IRO): The Inland Revenue Ordinance (IRO) in Hong Kong governs income tax. Accurate tax compliance ensures both employees and employers fulfill their fiscal responsibilities.

Employment Compensation Ordinance (ECO): The Employment Compensation Ordinance (ECO) is designed to safeguard the rights of employees in the event of work-related injuries or fatalities. Employers must be aware of ECO provisions and take appropriate measures to provide compensation and support to affected employees and their families.

Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (PDPO): The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (PDPO) is relevant in terms of employee data privacy. It dictates how employers collect, handle, and protect employees’ personal data, including payroll-related information.

While navigating this network or ordinances isn’t always straightforward, it’s essential to avoid compliance issues and penalties. Hong Kong’s payroll regulations can be complex, so it’s advisable to seek legal counsel or work with a payroll provider well-versed in local laws to ensure accurate and lawful payroll processing.

Payslips and Tax Filings

Like elsewhere in the world, payslips and tax filings are integral components of the payroll Hong Kong system. These elements not only ensure that employees are fairly compensated but also play a crucial role in maintaining transparency and compliance with tax regulations.

Payslips in Hong Kong: Payslips are more than just documents that detail an employee’s earnings, they also serve as records that demonstrate an employer’s adherence to legal requirements. In Hong Kong, employers are obligated to provide employees with a payslip every time they are paid. These payslips must contain specific information, including the employee’s name, employment period, wages, deductions, and the employer’s name.

Tax Filings: Accurate tax filings are fundamental to the payroll Hong Kong runs on. Employers are responsible for calculating the correct amount of income tax to withhold from employees’ salaries and subsequently submitting these withholdings to the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) as part of the tax filing process. These filings must be completed in a timely manner to ensure compliance with Hong Kong’s tax regulations.

Tax Returns: Employees in Hong Kong are required to file their tax returns annually, detailing their sources of income and allowable deductions. It’s essential for both employers and employees to collaborate in this process, as it ensures that tax liabilities are correctly reported and addressed.

Employers should take the responsibility of providing employees with the necessary documentation for their tax filings, including the IR56B form, which outlines the salaries and bonuses paid to employees in a tax year.

In Hong Kong, payslips and tax filings are seen as more than just administrative drudgery. Properly maintained records and accurate reporting of these financial transactions contribute to smooth payroll Hong Kong processing and mitigate the risk of compliance issues.

Valid and Secure Documentation

In payroll Hong Kong management, documentation serves as the backbone of transparency, compliance, and accountability. For HR professionals handling the payroll Hong Kong requires, maintaining valid and secure documentation is more than a best practice—it’s a legal obligation.

Employee Contracts: Every employment relationship in Hong Kong begins with an employment contract. It’s a mandatory legal requirement for employers to provide a written employment contract to their employees within the first month of employment.

This contract outlines essential terms and conditions of employment, such as job responsibilities, compensation, working hours, leave entitlements, and termination procedures. Ensuring that these contracts are in place and compliant with local labor laws is crucial to avoid legal complications.

Employee Records: The meticulous upkeep of employee records is paramount. HR departments should maintain comprehensive personnel files for each employee, including personal particulars, job-related documents, and relevant correspondence. These records should be kept securely and readily accessible for auditing and compliance purposes.

Right to Work Verification: Hong Kong employers are obligated to verify their employees’ eligibility to work in the region. This verification process includes checking employees’ Hong Kong Identity Cards or valid work permits. Employers should also document these verifications as part of their HR records.

Data Protection Compliance: Hong Kong has stringent data protection laws, primarily governed by the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (PDPO). HR professionals must ensure that employees’ personal data, such as identification numbers and bank account details, are collected and stored securely. Compliance with PDPO is critical to protect employees’ privacy and maintain legal compliance.

Immigration Documentation: For foreign employees, employers must keep records of their immigration status, including valid work visas and relevant permits. Compliance with immigration regulations ensures that employees are legally authorized to work in Hong Kong.

These documents serve as a trail of evidence, ensuring compliance with labor laws, data protection regulations, and immigration requirements. When HR professionals diligently manage these records, they contribute to a smooth and legally sound payroll Hong Kong process.

Ensuring Accurate and Timely Payments

Payroll Hong Kong

Few areas of attention for running a business are as important as timely and accurate payments to your team, and this remains true in Hong Kong. Employees compensated consistently are definitely more likely to be highly engaged. Here are 3 best practices to uphold in the pursuit of accurate and timely payroll processing:

Centralize Data Management: One effective way to streamline payroll processing and minimize errors is to centralize data management. Implementing a robust Human Resource Information System (HRIS) allows you to store and manage employee data in a unified platform. This centralized approach helps eliminate data discrepancies and reduces the risk of manual errors when transferring data between various systems.

Automate Payroll Calculations: Leveraging automation tools (like Omni!) for payroll calculations significantly reduces the margin for error. Payroll software tailored for Hong Kong’s specific regulations can automatically calculate taxes, contributions, and deductions. By automating these complex calculations, you can save time, enhance accuracy, and ensure compliance with local tax laws.

Regular Reconciliation and Audit: To maintain the accuracy of payroll records, regular reconciliation and audit processes are essential. Your team should conduct periodic reviews of payroll data, cross-referencing it with financial records. This practice helps identify and rectify discrepancies promptly. Additionally, annual audits by external professionals can provide an extra layer of assurance regarding payroll accuracy and compliance.

Avoiding Common Errors

To ensure accurate and compliant payroll Hong Kong processing, you must be vigilant about avoiding common errors. Here are some of the most frequent pitfalls and strategies to steer clear of them:

Misclassification of Employment Status: One common error is misclassifying employees as full-time or part-time workers, which can impact their entitlements and benefits. To avoid this, your team should regularly review employment contracts and update them as necessary to reflect the correct status.

Inaccurate Tax Calculation: Hong Kong’s tax laws can be intricate, leading to errors in tax calculations. Using payroll software that is updated to accommodate changes in tax rates and deductions is crucial. Regularly verifying tax calculations and consulting with tax experts can help avoid inaccuracies.

Late or Incorrect MPF Contributions: Mishandling contributions to the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) is a significant compliance risk. Your team should ensure timely and accurate MPF contributions for all eligible employees, avoiding penalties and legal complications.

Non-Compliance with Statutory Leave Entitlements: Hong Kong has specific regulations governing leave entitlements. You should stay updated on these regulations to avoid inadvertently violating employees’ rights to statutory leave.

By proactively addressing these common errors and implementing sound payroll practices, you can ensure compliance with Hong Kong’s payroll regulations and minimize potential risks and liabilities. The careful avoidance of these pitfalls not only protects the organization but also contributes to employee satisfaction and trust.

Leveraging Technology to Streamline Payroll Hong Kong Processing

Managing payroll Hong Kong is a complex and detail-oriented task that demands a deep understanding of the region’s unique legal requirements and a commitment to accuracy and compliance. That’s why it’s important to have the right technology on your side.

Omni offers a comprehensive payroll solution tailored to Hong Kong’s specific requirements. With features like support for HKD, automated tax calculations, and managed MPF contributions, Omni can help HR teams simplify their payroll processing and ensure compliance with ease.

Payroll Hong Kong

Omni’s suite of features makes the requirements for running a compliant and efficient payroll system in Hong Kong easy. With secure and centralized employee records, HR teams can swiftly access employment contracts and essential documents that support payroll practices.

Our time and attendance features empower teams to automate data and produce accurate reports in minutes, making payroll calculations seamless and accurate. And with payroll solutions that support HKD and pay schedules, Omni offers an entire suite of solutions to make your payroll system Hong Kong seamless.

Manage more than one company? Omni helps you establish a dedicated payroll admin for each company, who have the power to enroll employees, manage company settings and easily process your payroll.

If you’re ready to take your payroll Hong Kong management to the next level, book a demo with us today. We’ll walk you through the platform’s capabilities and demonstrate how Omni can transform your payroll processing, saving you time, reducing administrative burdens, and enhancing overall efficiency.

What is the Absentee Payroll Singapore Utilizes? How to Apply and Claim

Your workforce is the heart of every operation, so prioritizing the team’s education, training, and well-being is essential for fostering a highly engaged and profitable employee base. Adopt this mentality and you’ll witness higher motivation, productivity, and efficiency throughout your workforce.

The data agrees, a study done by Zippa found 92% of employees state that well-planned training programs boost their engagement levels, and companies with comprehensive training programs have 218% higher income per employee.

While the benefits of investing in continuous learning are evident, they do require a dedicated budget that isn’t always readily available for HR teams. That’s where programs like the absentee payroll Singapore offers can be helpful to boost learning initiatives for your organization.

What exactly is the absentee payroll Singapore administered initiative? Let’s explore the ins and outs of the grant, and walk through how to apply and claim to benefit your workforce.

What Is Absentee Payroll?

The absentee payroll (AP) is a grant that the Singapore Workforce Development Agency issues. The goal is to partially cover the manpower cost of sending employees for training or workshops.

In other words, this is the Singaporean Government’s way of incentivizing business owners to give their employees certifiable skills training, making them more skilled and informed in their fields.

But that isn’t all. The Government also formed two statutory boards, the SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) and Workforce Singapore (WSG), to work under the Ministry of Education. Their mission is to lead a nationwide initiative of holistic lifelong learning via training and education.

Determining Your Absentee Payroll Singapore Eligibility

When it comes to the absentee payroll Singapore offers, the eligibility criteria is an essential to understand. Let’s take a look at who exactly is eligible to take advantage of the absentee payroll benefit in Singapore.

Who is Eligible?

In order to be eligible for absentee payroll Singapore funding, the applicant company must meet the following criteria:

  • Company must be registered or incorporated in Singapore;
  • Trainees must be fully sponsored by their employer for supportable cost components (such as course fees) incurred on the training course;

Trainees must:

  • be full-time or permanent part-time employees of the sponsoring company
  • continue to receive their salary when they attend training
  • have achieved at least 75% attendance
  • have sat for and passed the examinations/ assessments where applicable
  • complete the course whilst under employment of the sponsoring company.
  • Trainees must be paid overtime pay in accordance with the employer’s HR policy (for training outside working hours)
  • Non-business entities not registered with ACRA, such as VWOs and societies, as well as sole proprietorships, are also eligible if they meet all the above criteria.

Government Skills Training Support Classifications

Understand the distinctions between various training fundings of the absentee payroll Singapore offers to assess how much money you can claim.

Course Fee Funding

This baseline course fee funding sponsors your employees for training courses. It pays up to 70% of the fees for courses that SSG-appointed Continuing Education and Training (CET) centers offer or up to 50% of the fees for certifiable courses approved by SSG.

Now, who can claim this classification of the absentee payroll? :

  • Singapore citizens, permanent residents, and LTVP+ holders
  • Sole proprietors who meet the general eligibility criteria
  • Non-profit organization unregistered with ACRA (like Voluntary Welfare Organizations (VWOs))

Enhanced Training Support for Small and Medium Enterprises (ETSS)

This enhanced subsidy offers you an additional 20% (to the baseline course fee subsidies), which amounts to up to 90% of the course fee.

Organizations that meet the following criteria are eligible to claim ETSS:

  • Small to medium enterprises (SME) containing a Singapore citizen or resident who owns no less than 30% of the local shareholding
  • Your workforce is up to 200 individuals, or your annual sales are up to 100 million Singapore dollars
  • Sole proprietors who meet the general eligibility criteria
  • Non-business entities not registered with ACRA

SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy (MCES)

If you’re unsure what to do about disengaged employees in their mid-careers, this subsidy allows you to hone their skills and address performance gaps.

With this classification of the absentee payroll, Singapore governmental organizations pay you 20% over the baseline course fee subsidies (that’s up to 90% of course fees!) To qualify, your company and employees in question must meet the following criteria:

  • Sole proprietors meet the general eligibility criteria for the baseline absentee payroll course funding
  • The employees in question are 40 years old or over

Absentee Payroll (AP) Funding

This grant is fixed, giving you $4.50SGD per hour of SSG-funded training, with an annual maximum of $100,000 per organization. You can claim AP funding if your organization/team is/are:

  • Sole proprietors who meet the general eligibility criteria for the baseline absentee payroll course funding (listed above)
  • Non-business entities not registered with ACRA
  • Not full-time national serviceman

Absentee Payroll Singapore Sign Up in 3 Steps

Signing up for AP funding can be achieved in 3 simple steps.

Step 1: Sign Up for Corporate Paynow [First-Time Applicants]

If you don’t already have one, click on your bank’s name to get Paynow, a secure funds transfer service. It’s key to receiving the absentee payroll Singapore grants.

If you can’t find your bank in the list, contact your bank’s customer service to inquire about setting up a Corporate Paynow account.

Step 2: Enable Corp Pass Access (First Time Applicants)

Follow the instructions below to enable Corp Pass access.

  • Go to
  • Click on ‘Select Entity’s E-Services’
  • Type ‘SSG’ in the search box
  • Check the box next to the service
  • Click ‘Next’
  • Tap ‘Submit’
  • Click ‘Assign Selected E-Services’
  • Check the box next to your name
  • Tap ‘Next’
  • Check the box next to the E-service
  • Tap ‘Next’
  • Select ‘EPJS Enterprise User’
  • Add the date of the day under ‘Authorization Expiry Date’
  • Click ‘Next’
  • Tap ‘Submit’

Step 3: Make an Absentee Payroll Singapore Declaration

It’s critical to ensure that all information on your AP declaration is accurate and without error, as you are unable to edit your application once it’s submitted. For any amendments post submission, contact SSG via the feedback portal at

  • Visit
  • Tap ‘Digital Services’ in the top right-hand corner
  • Select ‘CLICK HERE’ under ‘Absentee Payroll (AP) Funding’
  • Click on ‘login’ under ‘For Enterprises’
  • Add your information, which is your UEN/Entity ID, Corp Pass ID, and password
  • Check the ‘Remember Entity ID’ box
  • Select ‘Login’
  • Choose ‘AP Funding’
  • Update your corporate Paynow account
  • Make sure your Paynow UEN is updated. This way, your company can receive the subsidy.
  • Choose the course name under ‘Course Title’
  • To begin your AP declaration, choose the course name under ‘Course Title’
  • Enter the monthly salary of the employee; ensure that it’s the correct amount
  • Complete the declaration, and make sure the data is correct
  • Click ‘Submit’
  • Close the pop-up window by clicking ‘OK’

Streamline Your Payroll Services With Omni

payroll system Hong Kong

The absentee payroll Singapore subsidy makes investing in your employees more affordable and attainable than ever, helping you develop the skills of your employees and deepening engagement along the way.

Looking for additional resources to improve your HR practices and employee experience? Leveraging technology such as AI tools for HR can decrease administrative tasks, improve the accuracy and security of essential HR functions such as payroll and employee records management, and streamline your employee’s access to the benefits that keep them engaged.

payroll system Hong Kong

Omni’s automated payroll processing brings a new level of ease to the payroll process. With secure and centralized employee records, HR teams can swiftly access employment contracts and essential documents that support payroll practices. Our time and attendance features empower teams to automate data and produce accurate reports in minutes. And with payroll solutions that support SGD and Singapore pay schedules, Omni offers an entire suite of solutions to make your payroll system seamless.

Manage more than one company? Omni helps you establish a dedicated payroll admin for each company, who have the power to enroll employees, manage company settings and easily process your payroll.

With Omni, you not only get the convenience of automation but also the peace of mind that comes with a solution designed to meet the specific needs of your business. Ready to take advantage of the convenience, efficiency and reliability of automated payroll? Book a demo with our team today to learn more.

Understanding The Payroll System Hong Kong Runs On

Hong Kong, a bustling metropolis known for its skyscrapers, international business prowess, and vibrant culture, is a beacon of economic opportunity. In this dynamic city, managing payroll is more than just a routine task—it’s a delicate process that requires precision, compliance, and adaptability.

Understanding the intricacies of the payroll system Hong Kong runs on is paramount for HR professionals navigating the inner workings of this financial hub.

Here, we’ll look at how to decode the payroll system Hong Kong operates. From the unique aspects of commission payments, allowances, bonuses, and overtime to diving deep into the legal requirements that shape payroll practices, you’ll gain the insights you need to demystify this complex landscape.

Payroll Process and Key Steps

The payroll system Hong Kong operates on is known for its efficiency and compliance with rigorous employment regulations. To effectively administer payroll, HR professionals must navigate multiple payment styles, each with its own nuances.

With its simple, low-tax environment and competitive business ecosystem, Hong Kong is a global financial hub. Its payroll processes are characterized by their precision and adherence to legal requirements.

Commission Payments

Handling commission payments within the payroll system Hong Kong requires meticulous attention to detail. Here’s a step-by-step guide to the process:

1. Sales Agreement:

  • Agreement Terms: Ensure that each employee involved in commission-based roles has a clear sales agreement outlining the terms and conditions of commission.
  • Calculation Method: Define a transparent method for calculating commissions, typically as a percentage of sales revenue or profits.
  • Performance Metrics: Establish the performance metrics on which commission payouts are based.

2. Tracking and Reporting:

  • Sales Records: Maintain accurate records of individual sales, as these records will be crucial in calculating commissions.
  • Regular Reporting: Implement a system for regular reporting and review of sales performance.

3. Commission Calculation:

  • Calculate Earned Commissions: Using the predefined method, calculate the commissions earned by each employee.
  • Deductions and Taxes: Consider any deductions or taxes applicable to commission payments and ensure compliance with relevant tax regulations.
  • Processing: Process commission payments alongside regular payroll according to your company’s payment schedule.

Allowance Payments

Allowance payments play a vital role in compensating employees for various expenses. In Hong Kong, they are subject to specific rules:

1. Identify Eligibility:

  • Allowance Types: Identify the types of allowances offered, such as housing, transportation, or meal allowances.
  • Eligibility Criteria: Determine which employees are eligible for specific allowances based on their job roles and company policies.

2. Documentation:

  • Receipts and Records: Establish a system for employees to submit receipts or records for expenses related to their allowances.
  • Approval Process: Implement an approval process to verify the accuracy and legitimacy of expense claims.

3. Calculate Allowances:

  • Amount Calculation: Calculate allowances based on the eligible expenses and company policies.
  • Tax Considerations: Ensure compliance with tax regulations when providing allowances.

Bonus Payments

Bonus payments are a common practice in Hong Kong to increase engagement and incentivize and reward employee performance:

1. Bonus Policies:

  • Policy Formation: Establish bonus policies outlining the criteria, timing, and calculation methods for bonuses.
  • Performance Metrics: Define the performance metrics upon which bonus calculations will be based.

2. Performance Assessment:

  • Evaluate Performance: Conduct performance evaluations to determine bonus eligibility.
  • Fairness: Ensure that bonus allocation is based on objective performance assessments.

3. Calculation and Payment:

  • Calculate Bonuses: Calculate bonuses based on the predefined criteria and performance metrics.
  • Processing: Process bonus payments in accordance with the company’s payment schedule.

Overtime Payment

Overtime payment is essential in the payroll system Hong Kong operates to compensate employees for extended work hours:

1. Overtime Policy:

  • Establish a Policy: Create a clear overtime policy that outlines when overtime is applicable, such as extended work hours or weekend shifts.
  • Rate Determination: Define the rate at which overtime is compensated, typically as a multiple of the regular hourly wage.

2. Time Tracking:

  • Accurate Records: Ensure accurate tracking of employee work hours, including regular hours and overtime hours worked.
  • Employee Records: Maintain detailed records of employee overtime hours for reference and verification.

3. Overtime Authorization:

  • Approval Process: Implement an approval process for overtime hours, requiring employees to seek prior authorization for overtime work.
  • Supervision: Supervisors or managers should oversee and authorize overtime hours in line with the company’s policy.

4. Calculate Overtime:

  • Hourly Calculation: Calculate overtime pay based on the predefined rate and the number of overtime hours worked.
  • Double-Check: Double-check calculations to ensure accuracy.

5. Deductions and Compliance:

  • Deductions: Consider any statutory deductions or taxes applicable to overtime payments.
  • Compliance: Ensure compliance with labor laws regarding overtime pay rates and rest periods.

In Hong Kong, the administration of payroll is not just about ensuring employees are accurately compensated—it also involves strict adherence to a range of legal requirements. To successfully navigate the payroll system Hong Kong compliance landscape, you need to understand and meet the obligations under various ordinances and schemes.

Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Scheme

The Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Scheme is a cornerstone of Hong Kong’s retirement protection system. Employers and employees alike contribute to this fund, which serves as a safeguard for employees’ financial well-being during retirement. The contributions are calculated based on a percentage of an employee’s relevant income, and there are specific rules about contribution limits, contributions holidays, and investment options.

Inland Revenue Ordinance (IRO)

The Inland Revenue Ordinance (IRO) lays out Hong Kong’s taxation framework. Understanding the IRO is crucial, as it governs the calculation and reporting of salaries, wages, and other forms of remuneration. Employers are responsible for calculating and withholding income tax from employees’ salaries and remitting it to the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) on their behalf. The IRO outlines tax rates, deductions, allowances, and filing requirements.

Employment Compensation Ordinance (ECO)

The Employment Compensation Ordinance (ECO) is another critical piece of legislation that deals with issues related to employment contracts and employee compensation. It’s designed to provide a safety net for employees in the unfortunate event of workplace injuries or occupational diseases. It establishes the framework for compensating employees and their dependents for work-related injuries, disabilities, or even death.

Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (PDPO)

In an era of heightened data privacy concerns, the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (PDPO) plays a pivotal role. Hong Kong employers are entrusted with sensitive employee data, and the PDPO mandates strict guidelines on its collection, use, and protection. Safeguarding employee privacy is not just a legal obligation but also a matter of trust and integrity.

Payroll System Hong Kong Logistics

Behind every smoothly running payroll system Hong Kong offers, there’s a tapestry of logistics that ensures employees are paid accurately and on time while complying with legal requirements. Understanding these logistical aspects is crucial for businesses operating a payroll system Hong Kong.

Payroll Schedule

The payroll schedule is the heartbeat of payroll logistics. It outlines when and how often employees are paid, the cut-off dates for salary calculations, and the disbursement process. Hong Kong follows diverse payroll schedules, including monthly, bi-monthly, and semi-monthly.

MPF Contributions

Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) contributions are a vital part of an employee’s financial security. Both employers and employees contribute to MPF accounts, and adhering to the precise schedule for these contributions is essential to meet compliance requirements and support employee retirement planning.


Hong Kong operates on a territorial tax system, which means that only income earned within its borders is subject to taxation. However, even within this scope, various tax codes and categories exist, each with its own set of rules. Employees may fall under different tax categories based on their residency status, income sources, and other factors. It’s essential for payroll administrators to accurately classify employees according to these codes to ensure the correct withholding tax.

Employment Contracts

Clear and comprehensive employment contracts lay the foundation for the employer-employee relationship. They specify terms of employment, salary structures, benefits, and obligations. Ensuring that employment contracts are meticulously drafted and align with local labor laws is key to preventing disputes.

Employee Records

Accurate record-keeping is the backbone of payroll system Hong Kong logistics. Maintaining detailed employee records helps in managing payroll calculations, compliance reporting, and resolving employee disputes. It’s essential to keep these records secure and accessible.

Payroll Outsourcing

For many businesses, managing the intricate logistics of the payroll system Hong Kong runs on can be daunting. As a result, payroll outsourcing is a common practice. By outsourcing payroll, organizations can offload the administrative burden of payroll processing, which involves a multitude of tasks, from calculating salaries and allowances to handling deductions and compliance matters. This shift in responsibilities frees up valuable time and resources, allowing businesses to focus on their core operations.

Automation for Accurate and Compliant Payroll

payroll system Hong Kong

In a world where time is of the essence, and accuracy and compliance are non-negotiable, the role of automation in payroll management shines brighter than ever. The intricate payroll system Hong Kong runs on, with its unique features and logistical complexities, requires a well organized and secure system.

Omni’s suite of features makes the requirements for running a compliant and efficient payroll system in Hong Kong easy. With secure and centralized employee records, HR teams can swiftly access employment contracts and essential documents that support payroll practices. Our time and attendance features empower teams to automate data and produce accurate reports in minutes. And with payroll solutions that support Hong Kong currency and pay schedules, Omni offers an entire suite of solutions to make your payroll system Hong Kong seamless.

payroll system Hong Kong

Manage more than one company? Omni helps you establish a dedicated payroll admin for each company, who have the power to enroll employees, manage company settings and easily process your payroll.

With Omni, you not only get the convenience of automation but also the peace of mind that comes with a solution designed to meet the specific needs of your business in Hong Kong. Ready to take advantage of the convenience, efficiency and reliability of automated payroll? Book time to chat with us today!

The 5 Best HR Software Indonesia Has to Offer in 2024

HR professionals have a lot of responsibilities — ranging from hiring the right talent, managing employee performance, maintaining a positive workplace culture, processing payroll, and much more. Their to-do list is packed with impactful tasks and initiatives, and errors in handling these core HR functions can lead to significant financial losses, compliance issues, and even an increase in employee turnover.

With so much on their plate, it’s easy to make a mistake when it comes to manual tasks that are often done on auto-pilot. Businesses and HR teams are turning to automation and HR tools like Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS), to digitize the end-to-end employee lifecycle. By automating manual tasks, HR teams can significantly reduce the likelihood of manual errors, and invest their valuable time in employee engagement strategies, succession planning, and talent development.

Among the various HRIS Indonesia has to offer, choosing the right option can be difficult. We’ve reviewed the top 5 HR Software Indonesia is working with to help ensure you make the right choice.

What is HR software? 

HR software, also referred to as HRIS, is a digital platform designed to automate and streamline HR processes. It serves as a central hub for employee data and simplifies various HR functions, including recruitment, onboarding, attendance and leave tracking, payroll processing, performance reporting, and more. When choosing HRIS, Indonesian businesses must consider business size, budget, and specific HR needs.

Why Do Organizations Need HRIS?

There are numerous benefits of investing in an all-in-one HR software, which compelled over 80% of growing businesses to invest in one for reduced administrative burden, enhanced employee engagement, and simplified recruiting process. Let’s review how the HR Software Indonesia is offering helps simplify HR functions.

Helps engage employees 

Improving employee engagement has become increasingly crucial due to the alarming rise in quiet quitting. According to a Gallup report, a staggering six in ten employees find themselves psychologically disconnected from their work. And 41% of employees said the major reason behind this disengagement is the lack of engaged company culture.

To address this issue, businesses can leverage HR software to enhance communication, and customize employee experience. As Matthew Ramirez, the founder of Rephrasely says, “The main advantage of using HR automation for me is that it allows me to customize the employee experience. By automating tasks such as setting up meetings or sending reminders, I can ensure that employees receive the necessary attention promptly.

An HRIS also ensures that employees can stay informed about company news, policies, and events, making them feel included and part of the team. Such employee involvement ensures they feel valued in the organization, thereby improving efficiency.

Automate administrative tasks 

In many organizations, HR professionals are faced with many time-consuming administrative tasks. These tasks can range from onboarding new hires and maintaining employee records to processing complex payroll calculations and managing employee benefits.  In the absence of automation, these processes often require manual data entry, verification, and coordination across multiple systems and departments. However, with the implementation of an HRIS, Indonesia businesses can automate most of these tasks.

For instance, when a new employee is hired, their information can be entered into the HRIS just once, and the system takes care of generating necessary paperwork and even automating the setup of the employees’ workspace and access to various systems. Furthermore, the system can automatically enroll employees in health insurance, retirement plans, and other benefits based on eligibility criteria. As a result of these streamlined and automated processes, HR professionals free up significant time to focus on more strategic responsibilities.

Improves performance evaluation 

Employee performance evaluations are essential for managers to assess employees’ strengths and areas for improvement, as well as to provide specific feedback on their progress.  Using an HRIS Indonesia, businesses can automate the entire performance review process, create detailed reports, and allow managers to set SMART goals for their team members. Moreover, it helps identify individuals with high potential whom the organization can further train to improve their skills and become valuable assets to the company.

Simplify the recruiting process

When you have a pool of various candidates to choose from, finding the right ones can be challenging. Reviewing resumes, cover letters, skills, and experience manually becomes confusing and time-consuming. In fact, a Gartner Report showed that 36% of HR professionals believe their current sourcing strategies are insufficient to hire the right talent.

But with the help of HRIS, Indonesia businesses can sort through all the candidate data stored in a centralized location. HR professionals can use keywords, skills, and experience to browse through resumes and other candidate data to identify qualified candidates easily. It also automates basic recruiting tasks like posting job openings, screening resumes, and scheduling interviews to give HR professionals the time to choose the right candidate.

The 5 Best HR Software Indonesia Has to Offer in 2024

When it comes to HRIS, Indonesia businesses rely on the following options to automate and manage their HR functions. Let’s look at the 5 best HR Software Indonesia has to offer in 2024.

1. Omni

HR software Indonesia

Imagine a seamless, user-friendly platform that digitizes the entire employee lifecycle and allows you to focus on what truly matters— growing your business. Meet Omni, the all-in-one HR software that helps centralize all core HR functions and saves you from juggling multiple systems or drowning in paperwork.

What sets Omni apart from the competition is our highly customizable platform that offers competitive pricing and seamless integration with various tools and systems you already use, ensuring maximum efficiency and productivity. From payroll management to employee onboarding and performance evaluation, Omni offers many features that cater to your diverse business needs and puts us at number 1 on our list of best HR software Indonesia.

Notably, Omni provides localized support for Southeast Asia, making it the go-to HRIS Indonesia can rely on for effortless hiring, onboarding, managing, and compensating employees (in your desired local currency) throughout the entire employee lifecycle.

Key features and functionalities of Omni 

  • Secured employee database 

Gone are the days of scattered records in long spreadsheets and the risk of sensitive data falling into the wrong hands. Omni ensures that your employee data remain fully protected and confidential at all times. From visa status to compensation records and performance profiles, everything is securely stored in one centralized location.

  • Seamless onboarding 

There’s no room for compromise when it comes to welcoming new hires. Omni’s customizable onboarding workflows ensure you can craft the perfect welcome journey for each role, making them feel valued from day one. You can create your own templates and sequences to guide new hires through essential tasks and information efficiently.

  • Streamlined recruitment 

Omni simplifies and optimizes your entire recruitment journey. With just one click, you can effortlessly create and publish job postings on over 30 major job boards, ensuring that you attract top talent effortlessly. All candidate data is seamlessly synced and organized in one centralized location for easy access, enabling you to stay on top of the hiring process with ease.

Collaborating with hiring managers also becomes easy as Omni helps you schedule interviews and coordinate all aspects of the recruitment process. Once you’ve set up your recruitment workflow, Omni sends out offers or rejections, ensuring a smooth and efficient candidate experience.

  • Performance management 

Omni saves you from the hassle of compiling performance review forms and repeatedly reminding employees for submission. We put the entire process on autopilot and set up performance cycles for your company or specific teams, as needed. You can add different types of question formats — from short answers to rating scales. And if you don’t know what to ask in the review forms, our built-in performance review templates are here to get you started!

  • Payroll processing 

Omni simplifies your payroll process by automating complex payroll calculations taking into account all crucial data points. You can easily upload multiple payslips and let Omni handle their distribution.  Whether it’s adjusting salaries or generating payroll reports, Omni manages everything for you, saving you valuable time and effort.

  • Employee self service

Omni improves organizational efficiency by giving your team the access to employee  self-service portals. We allow your team members to effortlessly update their personal information, access payslips, and check their time off balance without the intervention of HR or their managers. This streamlined process minimizes your workload and fosters a more productive work environment, empowering employees to manage their benefits.

Trial and pricing options

Omni provides businesses with a free 14-day trial to experiment with the vast array of benefits our platform offers. Pricing plans start at $3 per employee per month and cover all core features you need to manage your HR functions, such as employee records, workflow automation, onboarding, e-sign, and more. Book a 30-minute demo call with us today to assess how Omni aligns with your specific requirements and objectives.

2. Talenta 

HR software Indonesia

Talenta is an HR automation platform designed to minimize human errors, enhance transparency, and reduce the time spent on HR administrative tasks. By automating various HR functions, Talenta empowers managers to redirect their focus to more critical aspects of their roles.

Key features and functionalities 

  • Employee self-service 

Talenta’s Employee Self-Service portal allows employees to access and manage their HR-related information on their own. They can easily update their personal details, apply for leave, and view payroll progress. 

  • HR analytics 

HR analytics tools help businesses gather valuable insights from HR data. Managers can analyze employee metrics, engagement rates, and other key indicators to make data-driven decisions. 

  • Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

The ATS feature simplifies recruitment with automated candidate sourcing, resume screening, and interview scheduling.

Trial and pricing options

Talenta offers a 14-day free trial and three plans, each tailored to varying business needs. However, the website doesn’t disclose any pricing information.

3. WebHR

HR software Indonesia

WebHR is an HR software Indonesia businesses can rely on to automate their core HR functions such as recruitment, onboarding, and payroll. With its modules, WebHR caters to businesses of all sizes, helping them streamline their processes and saving valuable time.

Features and functionalities 

  • Performance management 

The dashboard provides a comprehensive visual report of all the performance-related data collected within the system. This allows HR managers to track and monitor key performance indicators easily. 

  • Time and attendance management 

WebHR provides real-time information, informing managers about their employees’ project progress. It also offers a flexible option for employees to log their attendance from anywhere. 

  • Recruitment

The platform makes the recruitment process easy and handles everything from applications to interview scheduling and extending offers.

Trial and pricing options

WebHR offers a free trial to its users and provides a single plan costing $2 per employee per month for basic modules.

However, for businesses seeking additional functionalities such as an applicant tracking system, payroll management, and performance management tools, these features are only available at an extra cost.

4. LinovHR 

HR software Indonesia

LinovHR is an innovative Human Resource Management System designed to meet the growing needs of various businesses. It centralizes all major HR-related processes and provides a user-friendly interface to drive efficiency and boost productivity among the workforce.

Key features and functionalities

  • Unified HR database 

LinovHR helps businesses create a secured database of employee information, performance reports, and leave tracking to streamline decision-making and simplify employee management. 

  • Efficient recruitment 

LinovHR’s applicant tracking system simplifies the recruitment process and streamlines the hiring journey. This helps organizations identify and onboard the suitable candidates without any hassle. 

  • Performance management

The platform allows businesses to set clear objectives, conduct regular performance reviews, and identify areas of improvement for employees. With continuous feedback in the processes, organizations can succeed in creating a culture of continuous growth and development.

Trial and pricing options

LinovHR provides a free trial period during which businesses can explore the platform’s features.. As for the pricing, you can request a quote after providing some details about your business.

5. Oracle HCM

HR software Indonesia

Oracle HCM is an integrated suite of cloud-based applications designed to streamline, optimize, and automate HR processes. This HRIS Indonesia allows HR professionals and business leaders to make strategic and data-driven decisions by centralizing all crucial HR processes.

Key features and functionalities 

  • HCM analytics 

Oracle’s HCM analytics help businesses analyze vast amounts of HR data to gain valuable insights into performance, engagement, and productivity. 

  • Payroll management 

The payroll management system is designed to handle the complex payroll processes of businesses across various industries. It automates calculations, tax deductions, and other core payroll processes to ensure accurate and timely employee payment. 

  • Talent management 

The platform offers a comprehensive solution streamlining recruiting, performance management, learning, and success planning. With centralized processes, businesses can easily make data-driven decisions and create an engaged workforce.

Trial and pricing options 

The platform does provide a free trial to help users understand its features. As for the pricing, Oracle HCM has three plans with a per-employee-per-month model — Help Desk ($4), Talent Management ($10), and Global HR ($15).

Omni, the HR Software Indonesia Businesses Trust

Omni combines affordability with remarkable efficiency through its fully automated and highly customizable platform to dominate our list of best HR software Indonesia businesses rely on. With Omni, you get a wide range of features to create a highly engaged and efficient work environment for your employees to thrive. From onboarding to continuous development, our easy-to-use training modules, automated reminders, and personalized communication ensure an exceptional experience that saves you valuable time and offers your employees a customized support experience that is designed to grow alongside your business.

To learn more about how Omni can simplify your HR processes, book a free demo with our team today!

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