HK Income Tax Manual for Employers Preparing for 2024’s Hong Kong Tax Return

Tax season can be stressful for employers anywhere, and this is no different in Hong Kong. With a plethora of specific forms, changing submission deadlines and frequently updated tax laws, staying on top of your Hong Kong tax return can be tricky—and the penalties for non-compliance steep.

But not to fear— we will be taking a look at everything you need to know about filing taxes in Hong Kong, including the relevant authorities, deadlines for tax submissions, forms you’ll need to fill out, penalties you want to avoid and tips for making the process as smooth as possible.

The Hong Kong Tax Governing Authority

In Hong Kong, the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) is the governing authority responsible for administering and enforcing tax laws. The IRD operates under the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau and is tasked with overseeing all things tax related, including income tax, property tax, profits tax, and salaries tax.

The primary role of the IRD is to ensure compliance with tax regulations, collect taxes owed to the government, and provide guidance and assistance to taxpayers looking to better understand their tax obligations. This includes for employers who are responsible for withholding and remitting taxes on behalf of their employees. So, if you’re an employer in Hong Kong, keep an eye out for releases from the IRD as they may contain pertinent info to make your tax time easier.

The IRD also plays an important role in the development and implementation of new tax policies, including updates to tax laws and regulations. Employers in Hong Kong must closely follow the guidelines and regulations created by the IRD when preparing and filing tax returns for their employees, and stay up to date with any changes that occur, in case of accidental non-compliance based on new, or changed tax law.

When to File Hong Kong Tax Return?

The deadlines for Hong Kong tax return are determined based on the taxpayer’s role and status, as well as the type of income they’re reporting. For employees paying their salary tax, the filing deadline is typically on or before April 30th of the year following the relevant tax year. For example, the tax return for the year 2023 should be filed on or before April 30th, 2024.

Employers on the other hand are required to report how much they paid to their employees through employer’s returns, which are usually due on or before the 10th day of April following the end of the tax year. Employers must also issue tax returns, commonly known as Forms IR56 series, to their employees by the end of February each year.

If you’re an employer in Hong Kong, it’s essential you meet these deadlines to avoid penalties and stay compliant with Hong Kong’s tax regulations. Because the specific tax deadlines are prone to change, this is an area you should pay extra attention to each year to avoid incurring any late penalties.

Read next: Your Guide to Managing Payroll Hong Kong

Employers’ Checklist for Filing Hong Kong Tax Return

Hong Kong tax return

As with tax submissions in many other places in the world, Hong Kong tax returns involve quite a lot of form-filling (which, as of 2023, must be filled and submitted electronically). Here, we’ve created a handy checklist of forms you’re going to need to be aware of for Hong Kong tax return season:

Tax withholding and remittance

  • Form BIR60: Employers are responsible for withholding taxes from their employees’ salaries and remitting them to the IRD on their behalf. This process involves completing Form BIR60, which provides details of the tax withheld and remitted for each employee.

Employer’s returns of remuneration and pensions

Employers are required to submit employer’s returns of remuneration and pensions to the IRD annually. These returns include the following forms:

  • BIR56A Form: This form provides details of the remuneration paid to each employee during the tax year.
  • IR56B Form: This form is used to report the end of employment or departure of an employee from Hong Kong.

For more information: How to File a Hong Kong Employer’s Return: Understanding Forms BIR56A and IR56B

Record Keeping

Employers must maintain accurate records of their employees’ remuneration, including salaries, bonuses, allowances, and other benefits. The IRD requires that these employee records should be retained and accessible for at least seven years for auditing purposes.

Additional Forms and Requirements

In addition to the above forms, there’s a few additional forms to consider, based on the specific nature of an employer’s circumstances:

  • BIR56B: This form is used to report the remuneration paid to non-resident employees.
  • BIR56C: Employers who provide benefits-in-kind to their employees must complete this form to report the cash value of these benefits.
  • BIR11E: Employers who make payments to self-employed individuals or subcontractors must complete this form to report such payments.

When it comes to tax time, make sure to run through this checklist and take note of all the forms relevant to you and your employees, so that you can submit a thorough and accurate Hong Kong tax return.

Penalties for Late Hong Kong Tax Return

Late tax filing is universally frowned upon, and in Hong Kong is no exception. There are a series of penalties and fines for employers who are tardy on their tax submissions. The penalties for late submission or non-compliance may include:

  • Late filing penalty: Employers who fail to file their employer’s returns of remuneration and pensions (the BIR56A and IR56B forms we mentioned above) by the deadlines outlined by the IRD will incur late filing penalties. The amount of the penalty varies depending on the duration of the delay. The maximum penalty for late filing is HK$50,000 (depending on the circumstances), but if payment isn’t promptly made an additional fine of HK$1,000 will be imposed every day until the issue has been resolved.
  • Late payment penalty: Filing is one thing, but payment is even more important. Employers who fail to remit the taxes withheld from their employees’ salaries by the IRD due date will also incur steep late payment penalties. The penalty is calculated based on the amount of tax outstanding and the duration of the delay. The longer the delay, the steeper the fine. Alternatively, the IRD may reassess the employer and give them a tax assessment much higher than the original amount submitted. 
  • Surcharge: In addition to late filing and late payment penalties, employers may be liable for a surcharge on the outstanding tax amount. The surcharge is imposed to deter non-compliance and is calculated as a percentage of the tax outstanding.

The IRD also has a framework under Section 82A of their Penalty Policy to help them analyze how much to penalize employers who submit their Hong Kong tax return late, largely based on attitude, cooperation, and how well informed you are. For instance, people who express genuine surprise or regret for filing late will usually face less steep penalties than employers who are combative or disagreeable. In the event you file late, make sure you are as cooperative and polite as possible with the IRD.

Tips to Stay Ahead of Hong Kong Tax Return

Now that you’ve got an understanding of the penalties for non-compliance, here’s what you can do to avoid that and to streamline your Hong Kong tax return:

  • Stay updated on regulations: Keep up to date with changes in tax laws and regulations issued by the IRD in Hong Kong. Regularly review updates and announcements to make sure you’re staying compliant with the latest requirements.
  • Maintain organized records: Maintain accurate and organized records of employee remuneration, tax withholdings, and other relevant financial data (and keep it that way for at least seven years.) Proper record-keeping helps with the preparation and submission of tax returns and minimizes the risk of errors or omissions.
  • Utilize HR technology: Leverage HR automation and software solutions to streamline payroll processes, automate tax calculations, and generate required tax forms. Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) can help simplify payroll management and ensure accuracy in tax reporting.
  • Plan and prepare early: Start preparing for tax return filing well in advance of the deadlines. Establish a timeline for completing key tasks, such as gathering financial data, compiling records, and submitting tax returns. Early planning allows for enough time to address any issues or challenges that might come up.
  • Communicate with employees: Maintain open communication with your employees regarding tax matters, including deductions from their salaries, tax filing deadlines, and any changes in tax policies or procedures. Clear and transparent communication will help your employees understand their tax obligations and reduce misunderstandings or confusion.

Make Hong Kong Tax Return Easy with Omni

Hong Kong tax return

Managing Hong Kong tax returns requires meticulous attention to legal requirements and thorough documentation—especially when the consequences for misfiling can cause significant penalties and troubles for your organization. You should strive to minimize human error by leveraging automation to ensure accuracy and compliance.

Omni’s suite of features makes the requirements for running a compliant and efficient payroll system in Hong Kong easy. With secure and centralized employee records, HR teams can swiftly access employment contracts and essential documents that support payroll practices. 

Our time and attendance features empower teams to automate data and produce accurate reports in minutes, making payroll calculations seamless and accurate. And with payroll solutions that support HKD and pay schedules, Omni offers an entire suite of solutions to make your Hong Kong tax return seamless. 

With Omni, you not only get the convenience of automation but also the peace of mind that comes with a solution designed to meet the specific needs of your business in Hong Kong. Ready to take advantage of the convenience, efficiency and reliability of automated payroll? 

Hong Kong Minimum Wage Guide for Employers

In 2023, the Hong Kong government increased Hong Kong minimum wage, as it is periodically reviewed every two years.

As a business owner or HR personnel, it’s essential to comply with these requirements, as understanding the Hong Kong minimum wage also helps ensure compliance with other labor laws.

Regarding the minimum wage in Hong Kong, how much is it, who does it apply to, and what are the penalties for non compliance? Read on to find out.

The Minimum Wage Ordinance

According to the Labor department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government, the minimum wage ordinance sets the statutory minimum wage in Hong Kong (SMW) and specifies which payments qualify as payable wages. This regulation has been in effect since 1 May 2011, when the SMW was introduced.

So, what criteria does the ordinance use to determine Hong Kong minimum wage? 

It seeks to strike a balance “between forestalling excessively low wages and minimizing the loss of low-paid jobs while sustaining Hong Kong’s economic growth and competitiveness.”

What is counted as wages in Hong Kong?

Hong Kong minimum wage

Payments that qualify as wages cannot fall below the Hong Kong minimum wage standard. So, what falls under the category of wages? According to the the Concise Guide to the Statutory Minimum Wage:

Wages are “all remuneration, earnings, allowances including traveling allowances, attendance allowances, commission, overtime pay, tips and service charges, however designated or calculated, capable of being expressed in terms of money, payable to an employee in respect of work done or to be done, subject to certain exclusions.”

What is Hong Kong minimum wage?

Currently, the Hong Kong minimum wage is HK$40 per hour. This statutory minimum wage took effect on 1 May 2023, and applies to all types of employment contracts, such as full-time, part-time, contractual, casual, daily, and piece-rate work, without regional variations. 

To calculate the total Hong Kong minimum wage, multiply the hourly rate (HK$40) by the total number of hours worked during the wage period.

Aside from this, it is important to keep track of employee work hours for payroll and labor law compliance purposes. Regarding the maximum monthly amount for employers to record the total number of hours worked by employees, this stands at HK$16,300. 

Read next: Understanding The Payroll System Hong Kong Runs On

What happens if an employee’s wage is less than Hong Kong minimum wage?

The Employment Ordinance classifies this as a breach of wage provisions. 

If an employer intentionally fails, without a valid reason, to pay their employees at least the minimum wage in Hong Kong, they may face prosecution. 

In cases where a conviction is reached, you could be subject to a fine or imprisonment for failing to comply with the Hong Kong minimum wage requirements.

Penalties for Paying Below Hong Kong Minimum Wage

Hong Kong minimum wage

Those convicted of paying below the Hong Kong minimum wage could face a fine of up to HK$350,000 and imprisonment for a term of up to three years. 

This penalty applies not only to employers but also to any managers, directors, secretaries, or other individuals in similar decision-making roles who are complicit, contribute, or neglect to ensure that employees are paid at least the Hong Kong minimum wage.

This penalty applies to employers and any consenting, contributing, or neglectful managers, directors, secretaries, or similar decision-makers who play a part in issuing salaries below the minimum wage in Hong Kong.

Who is protected under the Statutory Minimum Wage (SMW) Regime?

The Hong Kong minimum wage applies to all employees, employers, and their employment contracts, encompassing both manual and non-manual work, irrespective of age, nationality, and occupation. 

Under employment contracts

The statutory Hong Kong minimum wage is relevant to full-time, part-time, and casual employment, including apprenticeships, unless the apprentices have undergone a productivity assessment that sets a different minimum wage fitting to their productivity level.

People with disabilities are also covered by the Hong Kong minimum wage regulations. However, they have the option to undergo a productivity assessment to determine if they should receive the Hong Kong minimum wage or a lower rate commensurate with their productivity. 

Student interns and work experience students

Regarding student interns and work experience students, the Hong Kong minimum wage ordinance generally applies to them. However, there are exceptions for certain student interns and work experience students during an exempt student employment period.

To qualify for exemptions, students must be enrolled in specific education programs specified under the Minimum Wage Ordinance. They must be student employees registered in full-time education programs for non-local academic qualifications at degree level or higher, or in full-time accredited programs provided by local education institutions, as listed in the Ordinance. 

Moving on to interns, they’re exempt from the Hong Kong minimum wage requirements if their education institutions have arranged or endorsed their internships and if these internships are a compulsory or elective part of their programs. It is important to note that age and the duration of the internship are not relevant in this context. 

Similarly, work experience students are not required to be paid the Hong Kong minimum wage under certain conditions. They must be enrolled in the same education programs as student interns (as mentioned above). Their internships do not have to be curriculum-related or arranged or endorsed by the education institutions. 

Unlike student interns, age and work experience duration of work experience matter for work experience students. They must be under the age of 26 at the start of their employment.

Employers can mutually agree with a student employee to designate 59 consecutive days as an exempt student employment period. In such cases, the student employee must make a statutory declaration confirming this agreement and provide the original form or a copy of it to the employer.

It’s important to note that a student employee can only commence one exempt student employment period per year, even if they work for different employers. 

Self-employed individuals, volunteers and others

When it comes to exemptions, self-employed individuals and volunteers are not covered by the Hong Kong minimum wage regulations.

If you operate a family business and employ a relative, you are allowed to pay them below the Hong Kong minimum wage. This also applies to live-in domestic workers. Additionally, specific jobs, such as those of seafarers, aviation workers, and public officers, are subject to unique regulations concerning the minimum wage in Hong Kong. 

Learn more: Your Guide to Managing Payroll Hong Kong

Factors Affecting the Statutory Hong Kong Minimum Wage

Understanding the factors that influence the government’s decision on the Hong Kong minimum wage transforms it from a random number to a well-considered and computed rate. This understanding is crucial, especially when managing the cost of recruitment and processing payroll.

General Economic Factors

Consider the needed resources for economic growth, productivity levels, employment demand, prices, cost of living, investment, and competitiveness. But how do these economic factors play into the Hong Kong minimum wage?

The International Labor Organization (ILO) captured it succinctly when it stated, “If the minimum wage is set too high or increased too much, this may have unexpectedly large impacts on the labor costs that employers must pay. This, in turn, could trigger price inflation, hurt exports, and reduce the level of employment.”

Conversely, if wages are too low, many households in Hong Kong may struggle to sustain themselves.

Labor Market Conditions

To determine the minimum wage, decision-makers must evaluate labor market conditions, such as the cost, demand, and supply of employment. They key question is: Is the labor market competitive?

In a competitive market, offering wages that are competitive (according to the market standards) is essential to retaining a strong workforce. If wages are too low, employees may be disengaged and leading to high attrition rates, while paying excessively high wages can lead to revenue loss and potential market exit.

Therefore, policymakers must be careful when considering an increase in the Hong Kong minimum wage, as it could result in loss of employment. Employers may struggle to meet the increased wage demands, leading to reduced demand for labor and a surplus of willing workers. 

Conversely, in a non-competitive labor market, wage adjustments can be made more flexibly without the risk of job losses or business closures. This allows governments to raise the Hong Kong minimum wage without adversely affecting employment levels.

Social Inclusion

The Hong Kong minimum wage should help contain issues of labor market inequality and poverty and empower you to abide by social employment policies.

With a set hourly rate that businesses can’t go below, decision-makers provide vulnerable workers with a degree of protection against exploitation, including women, immigrants, youth, and people of color (regardless of their employment agreement).

Read next: How to Eliminate Gender Discrimination in the Workplace

Additionally, exemptions from the minimum wage in Hong Kong contribute to social inclusion. Consider this: individuals with disabilities, depending on the nature of their disability, may face challenges in being as productive as necessary for a business to profit from their employment. This situation can make them particularly vulnerable to being replaced and experiencing hiring biases.

However, a lower Hong Kong minimum wage would enable these individuals to find employment suitable for their productivity levels, while also enabling businesses to safeguard their revenue and promote workforce diversity. The same principle applies to other groups with limited availability for work, such as student interns mentioned above.

Public and Stakeholder Views

Stakeholder and public opinions matter in determining Hong Kong minimum wage, which explains why many individuals choose to voice their opinions on the matter. Their livelihoods are directly impacted by it. 

For shareholders, investors, and suppliers, the Hong Kong minimum wage represents a compulsory expense that reduces business revenue. They expect a certain return on their investment. Otherwise, many may opt to leave the market, reallocating their funds elsewhere and potentially harming the Hong Kong economy.

However, decision-makers must also consider employee perspectives since the minimum wage issue in Hong Kong directly affects employees, influencing their quality of life. 

Additionally, customers rely on services and goods that are within their purchasing power. If salaries are excessively high or low, it could price them out of the market entirely. Furthermore, human rights organizations and social services advocate for improved living conditions.

Many activists and community workers expressed outrage over the modest 32-cent increase in the Hong Kong minimum wage in 2023. They viewed it as insufficient for one of the most expensive cities in the world. Does this mean we can anticipate a significantly higher minimum wage in Hong Kong next year? Only time will tell. 

Leveraging Omni to Ensure Compliance with Hong Kong Minimum Wage

Understanding and managing Hong Kong minimum wage requires careful attention and accuracy to ensure compliance. That’s why it’s important to pick the right HR tool and strategy to make the whole process less overwhelming. 

Omni’s suite of features makes the requirements for running a compliant and efficient payroll system in Hong Kong easy. With secure and centralized employee records, HR teams can swiftly access employment contracts and essential documents that support payroll practices. Our time and attendance features empower teams to automate data and produce accurate reports in minutes. And with payroll solutions that support Hong Kong currency and pay schedules, Omni offers an entire suite of solutions to make your payroll system Hong Kong seamless. 

Manage more than one company? Omni helps you establish a dedicated payroll admin for each company, who have the power to enroll employees, manage company settings and easily process your payroll.

Book a demo with our team, or try out Omni for a free 14-day trial to learn how our automation can help you remain compliant and reduce your administrative workload for all of your People management needs.

Philippines Minimum Wage Guide for Employers

If you search for the minimum wage in most countries, you typically find a straightforward answer — a single number set by the federal government. Certain states or provinces may opt to set their own minimum wage, but it can’t be any lower than the federal minimum. However, the Philippines minimum wage is quite different.

Due to the significantly different economic conditions across various regions, the minimum wage varies in nearly every part of the country, set by regional authorities. Not only that, different minimum wages are established based on the type of employment. This specific and flexible system makes the Philippines minimum wage quite susceptible to change. 

Suffice to say, for companies planning to set up shop in the Philippines, there is much to understand about the Philippines minimum wage to ensure compliance with global labor laws. Here’s what you need to know:

Types of Employment in Philippines

Philippines minimum wage

The Philippines is a country with a particularly wide array of employment sectors, each with their own specific employment regulations you need to be aware of. Whether it’s in the agricultural sector or the diverse array of non-agricultural industries, different categories of employment have specific rights, responsibilities, and regulatory considerations. 


  • Plantation: This type of employment involves work in agricultural settings where crops such as sugarcane, rice, corn, and other plantation crops are cultivated. Employees working in plantation agriculture perform the work of planting, harvesting, and maintaining crops.
  • Non-plantation: Non-plantation agriculture includes employment in activities related to farming but excludes the plantation crops mentioned above. This includes working on smaller farms, raising livestock, poultry farming, and other agricultural activities that don’t meet the definition of plantation agriculture.


Non-agricultural employment covers a wide range of industries and sectors outside the agricultural domain. This includes work in manufacturing, services, construction, retail, hospitality, information technology, finance, and other sectors. 

There are some key differences between these two sectors which include:

Wage rates: Agricultural workers are subject to different wage rates due to the seasonal and often unpredictable nature of agricultural work. There are also different Philippines minimum wages (which vary by region) for plantation and non-plantation workers.

Working hours: There are differences in the maximum allowable working hours for agricultural and non-agricultural workers. For example, non-agricultural workers typically have standard working hours prescribed by law, while agricultural workers have more flexible and extended working hours to accommodate seasonal demands.

Employment contracts: The terms and conditions of employment contracts will vary considerably between agricultural and non-agricultural workers. An example of this could be agricultural workers will only be hired on a seasonal or temporary basis, while non-agricultural workers will have more stable and long-term employment contracts.

Benefits and protections: Agricultural workers are entitled to specific benefits and protections under the law, like provisions for housing, transportation, and healthcare, to address the unique challenges of agricultural work. 

The Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board

The Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board (RTWPB) are government bodies established to regulate and set Philippines minimum wage rates across its different regions. One of the RTWPBs’ main priorities is conducting regular assessments of economic factors, cost of living, and productivity levels within the specific region the board oversees.

The RTWPBs also recommend adjustments to minimum wage rates based on their assessments. These adjustments are necessary to make sure that workers receive fair wages that reflect changes in economic conditions and the cost of living in their specific region. If housing prices spike in one area of the Philippines, the RTWPB may recommend a minimum wage increase to prevent workers being priced out.

The RTWPBs also play a vital role in resolving disputes related to wage and labor issues. They serve as venues for tripartite (meaning involving three different parties) consultations and negotiations between employers and workers’ representatives to hear grievances and make sure that labor standards are upheld. Also, these boards conduct education and information campaigns to raise awareness about labor rights and regulations among employers and workers, promoting self-advocacy and up-to-standard work environments.

What is the Philippines Minimum Wage?

In the Philippines, the minimum wage varies depending on the region and the type of employment. The minimum wage rates are determined by the RTWPBs and are frequently reviewed and updated based on the current economic situation of the region in question.

Payroll cycle

The payroll cycle refers to how often employees get paid their wages. In the Philippines, it’s common to pay employees on a monthly basis. That said, a monthly cycle isn’t mandatory and some employers prefer a bi-monthly or semi-monthly payroll cycle.

The choice of payroll cycle will depend on factors such as company policy, industry standards, and the nature of the business. Companies with foreign offices or ownership are more likely to adopt a different cycle, as monthly payment is less common in regions like North America. Ensuring a suitable payroll cycle can also contribute to employee engagement and satisfaction

Read next: HR’s Guide to Payroll Taxes in the Philippines

Pay date

As the term suggests, the pay date is the specific day on which employees receive their salaries. Employers typically establish a pay date based on their payroll schedule and the frequency of payroll cycles. Employers need to communicate the pay date clearly to employees to ensure transparency and avoid any confusion regarding when they receive their payment.

Working hours

Working hours in the Philippines are regulated by law to protect the rights and well-being of employees. The standard work week consists of 40 hours, with employees entitled to additional compensation for any work exceeding these hours. Employers must adhere to these regulations to prevent employee burnout and ensure fair compensation for overtime work, as laid out by the Philippine labor laws. 

Night shift differential

Employees who work during the night shift, defined as hours between 10 PM and 6 AM, are entitled to receive a night shift differential. This is an additional compensation typically set at 110% of the employee’s regular wage rate. 

The night shift differential compensates employees for working during non-standard hours and makes it so employers have to provide fair compensation for working overnight. This additional pay recognizes the challenges and potential impacts on health and well-being that working during these hours can have. 

Overtime compensation

As we mentioned in our discussion of working hours, overtime compensation is provided to employees who work beyond the standard work hours or on rest days and holidays. Overtime pay rates typically range from 125% to 200% of the employee’s regular wage rate, with higher rates applying to work performed on rest days and holidays. 

Employers have to accurately calculate and offer overtime compensation to employees who work more than their standard hours to remain compliant with labor regulations and give their workers fair treatment.

The Provincial Philippines Minimum Wage

The provincial Philippines minimum wage is determined by a number of different factors, including economic conditions and the cost of living in different regions of the country. The Wage Rationalization Act (also known as RA 6727) lays out the framework for how and why to set minimum wage rates, taking into account the needs of workers and the current economic conditions in each province.

One of the key reasons for the variation in minimum wage rates is the differing cost of living and economic development levels in different regions. For example, provinces with higher living costs or more robust economies may have higher minimum wage rates compared to those in less well-off regions.

For example, Metro Manila, which is one of the most developed and expensive regions in the country, the Philippines minimum wage for non-agricultural workers is much higher compared to other provinces. As of 2024, the minimum wage in Metro Manila for non-agricultural workers is ₱570 per day. Compare that to the Caraga Region in Mindanao, where the cost of living is generally lower compared to urban areas, the minimum wage for non-agricultural workers is set at ₱385 per day.

By tailoring Philippines minimum wage rates to the specific needs of workers and the economic realities of each province, the government sets the standard to promote fair compensation and economic development across the country.

Changes in the Philippines Minimum Wage

As mentioned above, the Philippine minimum wage across regions is much more fluid and prone to change than elsewhere, shifting to meet the needs of workers. Here are some of the changes that have happened over the last three years:


National Capital Region

  • For agriculture (non-plantation) the minimum wage increased from ₱500 to ₱533
  • For agriculture (plantation) the minimum wage increased from ₱500 to ₱533
  • For non-agriculture, the minimum wage increased from ₱537 to ₱570

Western Visayas

  • For agriculture (non-plantation) the minimum wage increased from ₱315 to ₱430
  • For agriculture (plantation) the minimum wage increased from ₱315 to ₱420
  • For non-agriculture, the minimum wage increased from ₱395 to ₱450


National Capital Region

  • For agriculture (non-plantation) the minimum wage increased from ₱533 to ₱573
  • For agriculture (plantation) the minimum wage increased from ₱533 to ₱573
  • For non-agriculture, the minimum wage increased from ₱570 to ₱610


Davao Region

As of 13 February 2024, the RTWPB for the Davao region has issued a wage increase of ₱19 to take effect on 1 September 2024. When in effect the change will look like:

  • For agriculture (non-plantation) the minimum wage increased from ₱438 to ₱457
  • For agriculture (plantation) the minimum wage increased from ₱438 to ₱457
  • For non-agriculture, the minimum wage increased from ₱443 to ₱462
Philippines minimum wage

Understanding and managing the diverse Philippines minimum wage rates require careful attention to regional and industry specific variations. That’s why it’s important to pick the right HR tool and strategy to make the whole process less overwhelming. 

Omni’s suite of modules simplifies the task of managing the dynamic Philippines minimum wage. Through secure and centralized employee records, HR teams can quickly access accurate employment contracts and necessary documents for calculating minimum wage adjustments. 

Omni provides a comprehensive payroll solution tailored to Philippines specific requirements. With features like support for Philippine peso, automated tax calculations, and managed SSS, PhilHealth and PAG-IBIG contributions, Omni enables HR teams to streamline their payroll processing and ensure compliance with changing minimum wage requirements across the region.

Book a demo with our team, or try out Omni for a free 14-day trial to learn how our automation can help you remain compliant and reduce your administrative workload for all of your People management needs. 

Payroll Template and Guide for HR Teams

What is a payroll template?

A payroll template is a document designed to help you organize and track essential employee payroll information for a specific pay period. It acts as a framework for calculating, recording, and managing employee salaries, wages, bonuses and deductions. Payroll templates are essential for businesses of all sizes to improve accuracy, comply with tax regulations, and enhance payroll management efficiency.

What does a payroll template include?

Well crafted payroll templates serve as a roadmap, aiding you through the process of keeping records of employee earnings and issuing accurate payments. A payroll template also serves to maintain organized records, save time, and minimize errors. Here are some basic components that a payroll template should encompass: 

Employee information

This serves as the foundation, clearly identifying the employees through their name and employee ID, streamlining tracking and reference. Furthermore, clearly defining the current pay period’s date range sets boundaries for which earnings and deductions apply, laying the foundation for a streamlined and accurate payroll process. 

Earnings & deductions

Here’s where the numbers come in. Gross pay captures every employee’s pre-deduction earnings. Furthermore, create dedicated sections to include mandatory tax withholdings such as CPF contributions, or payroll taxes, benefit contributions and other authorized deductions to ensure compliance and proper calculation. 

Payroll calculations

This is where the magic happens. Your payroll template should automatically perform these vital calculations based on pre-filled data, resulting in the net pay – the final amount employees will be receiving. By ensuring minimal manual calculations, you receive accurate results every time. 

Additional information

Your payroll template can be customized to cater to specific needs by adding fields. Possible suggestions include adding company information for reference purposes, tracking leave accruals for future planning, or customizable fields to capture specific data that is relevant to your business needs. 

Omni Tip:
A payroll template can be as simple or as robust as you want it to be!
The primary purpose of a payroll template is to simplify the payroll process and ensure accurate record keeping at all times. By including relevant details, a payroll template can facilitate data analysis and guide informed decision making.

Benefits of a Payroll Template

payroll template

Now that we’ve covered the basics of a payroll template, let’s dive into the benefits of creating and using one.

Enhanced efficiency

A payroll template reduces the need for manual data entry and calculations. This eliminates any potential errors due to miscalculation and inconsistency. By streamlining the entire payroll calculation with a payroll template, HR professionals are able to save valuable time and effort from data collection up to issuing payment.

Improved accuracy

With predefined fields and automated formulas, a payroll template minimizes errors when performing calculations and deductions. It also provides a clear and organized record of all payroll transactions for audit and inquiry purposes. As a result, payroll accuracy is improved, ensuring compliance with tax regulations and other legal requirements. 

When employees receive accurate and timely salaries, it not only ensures financial stability but also enhances  employee engagement and trust with the organization. Knowing that their compensation is handled accurately and efficiently contributes to a positive work environment and boosts morale. In turn, this can lead to higher productivity, improved job satisfaction, and reduced attrition rates

Cost reduction

An efficient payroll template helps minimize error and rework, leading to lower processing costs. By automating calculations and deductions, the template reduces likelihood of manual errors, saving time and effort. This efficiency also reduces processing costs and allows for better cash flow management within the organization. 

Additionally, the streamlined process facilitates more efficient resource allocation. HR and finance teams can dedicate more efforts and resources to other strategic activities, improving overall operational efficiency. 

Using a payroll template also improves compliance with tax regulations and other legal requirements. By accurately calculating taxes and maintaining organized records, organizations can avoid penalties and fines associated with non-compliance, enhancing reputation and credibility.  

Time savings

A payroll template automates repetitive tasks, freeing up HR professionals to focus on strategic business activities. It simplifies data organization and retrieval, enabling quick access to necessary info for decision making. With automated formulas, information produced will always be accurate, reducing the time spent managing errors and discrepancies that often arise from manual calculations. 

Additional benefits

As mentioned previously,  payroll templates provide HR professionals with maximum flexibility, accommodating to specific organizational needs by adding customizable fields. Some templates may also offer functionalities for data analytics, providing insights into salary costs and trends. 

Finally, a payroll template can also serve as a valuable repository for employee payment information, simplifying access and management. 

Choosing the Right Payroll Template

When selecting the right payroll template for your business needs, it is important to maximize its benefits and efficiency. Here are some factors to consider when choosing the perfect payroll template for your business:

  • Number of employees: Simple templates can suffice for small teams, while larger workforces could require more complex templates.
  • Payroll complexity: Consider factors like different pay types, bonuses, benefits deductions that apply to your payroll structure.
  • Desired functionalities: Assess whether data analysis, time-off tracking, or ability to insert customizable fields is a priority when choosing your payroll template. 
  • File format: Choose between spreadsheets, PDFs, or web-based templates based on your team’s preferences and current system compatibility.
  • Template accuracy and customization: Select templates that allow for adaptation to your specific needs and ensure predefined formulas and automatic calculations apply to your payroll structure. 
  • Integration: Factor in whether the payroll template can integrate with your existing payroll software or accounting system. 
  • Data security: Ensure that the template has secure features to protect your employee financial data.

Omni Tip:
Always a good idea to start with a basic template and add complexity as your needs evolve! It’s also important to involve other HR leaders in the selection process for a diverse perspective.

Payroll Template for Your Business in 2024

Now that you’re equipped with a comprehensive understanding of creating a payroll template, kickstart your process with our free Excel payroll template!

Ideal for small businesses with straightforward payroll needs or budget constraints, our template is user friendly and readily accessible. Its familiar interface and simplified feature allows for easy customization to perfectly align with your unique business needs and payroll requirements. Unleash your creativity and tailor the template to suit your needs, ensuring a seamless payroll processing experience.

Streamline Your Payroll Processes with Omni

payroll template

Payroll templates offer a valuable, cost-effective starting point for automating your payroll processes, improving accuracy, and saving time. They can cater to smaller organizations or those with basic payroll requirements. However, as your workforce grows and complexities arise, these payroll templates may be limiting, which is where HRIS takes center stage. 

All-in-one HR software like Omni go beyond basic templates, offering a comprehensive and integrated solution for automating the entire end-to-end employee lifecycle—from recruitment and onboarding to employee engagement and payrol —allowing you to redirect your time to strategic work that drives business growth.

Omni offers a comprehensive solution that simplifies payroll processing by automating accurate employee payments and tax calculations, keeping you up to date on local laws and regulations. Our automated payroll information synchronization ensures that end of month processing is streamlined and seamless. 

Omni’s time off and attendance features empower teams to automate data and generate detailed reports in minutes, making payroll calculations instantaneous and accurate. With payroll solutions that support local currencies and payment schedules, Omni offers an entire suite of solutions to make your payroll system seamless. 

Ready to automate your payroll management?

Book a demo with our team and learn how our automation can help you remain compliant and reduce your administrative workload for all of your People management needs.

There’s a lot that goes into payroll processes, and they’re all highly scrutinized. From leadership looking for accuracy, to employees wanting to understand deductions and regulatory bodies examining your compliance, there is a lot of pressure to ensure your payroll processing runs smoothly.

This is especially the case during tax season, where accurate reports need to be submitted on time, and all deductions calculated precisely. Read on to know what you need in order to streamline your payroll processes and ease your stress this tax season.

Payroll Processes Explained

When it comes to payroll management, multiple processes play essential roles for making sure employees are paid appropriately and tax obligations are met. From calculating wages and deductions to managing benefits and taxes, these processes are the backbone of payroll administration.

During tax season, the complexity intensifies as accurate reporting and compliance become necessary, and it’s all-hands-on-deck to ensure timeliness and accuracy. Here’s what the most common payroll processes look like:

Wage calculation: The fundamental process involves determining employees’ wages based on factors like hourly rates, salaries, or commission structures. This calculation needs to be accurate to reflect the actual work hours, rates, and any extra pay earned by employees.

Deductions management: Payroll administrators must sift through a large number of deductions, including taxes, insurance premiums, retirement contributions, and other considerations. Accuracy is also incredibly important here so as to comply with regulations and meet employee expectations.

Benefits administration: Managing employee benefits like health insurance, retirement plans, and other perks are some of the highest profile aspects of managing payroll. During tax season, making sure these benefits are accurately reported is essential for compliance.

Time and attendance tracking: Accurate recording of employees’ work hours and attendance is another important part of payroll management. During tax season, precise timekeeping ensures that wages and taxes are calculated correctly.

Tax withholding: This process involves deducting the specific amount of income tax from employees’ paychecks. Keeping compliant with tax laws and reflecting any changes in tax regulations during the latest tax season is important, so staying up to date on regulatory shifts is a must.

Record keeping: Maintaining detailed records of all payroll transactions is absolutely necessary in the event of audits and to remain compliant. At tax time, having well-organized records makes the process more efficient and less error-prone.

Understanding and optimizing these processes are necessary for all HR professionals managing payroll (especially during tax season) when precision and efficiency become extra important.

Internal Manual Payroll Processing vs Payroll Service Provider

When it comes to managing payroll, your organization will need to make an important decision—whether to handle it internally through manual processes or enlist the services of a payroll service provider? Let’s take a look at the characteristics of each so you can make an informed decision.

Pros of internal manual payroll processing

Control and customization: Handling payroll internally provides a high level of control over processes. You can customize calculations, deductions, and processes according to your specific needs, and tailor them quickly when things change.

Cost control: In some cases, especially for small businesses, internal payroll processing might be more cost-effective, avoiding the fees associated with outsourcing.

Direct oversight: Internal processing allows for direct oversight of your payroll activities, reducing the risk of miscommunication.

Cons of internal manual payroll processing

Time-Consuming: Manual processing is inherently time-consuming. From calculating wages to managing deductions, the workload can become overwhelming, especially as your workforce grows.

Error-Prone: The manual nature of the process increases the likelihood of errors, whether in data entry, tax calculations, or compliance issues. This is especially true for smaller organizations who may not have invested in automated HR software and processes.

Resource Intensive: It demands a dedicated team or individual to manage payroll tasks, diverting resources from your other core business activities.

Pros of a payroll service provider

Efficiency: Payroll service providers can harness automation for quick and efficient processing. This can be especially beneficial during tax season when time is of the essence.

Expertise: Providers often have a team of experts well-versed in tax regulations and payroll compliance, reducing the risk of errors. If your team doesn’t employ a dedicated expert, outsourcing to specialists might be the right way to go.

Time-saving: Outsourcing payroll frees up valuable time for your organization to focus on core operations rather than getting bogged down by administrative tasks.

Cons of a payroll service provider

Cost: While outsourcing can save time, it comes at a cost. You will need to weigh the expense against the benefits.

Less control: Businesses that outsource payroll processes relinquish some control over them, which might be a concern for those who prefer hands-on management.

Dependence: Relying on an external provider introduces a level of dependence, and any issues on their end could potentially affect your business.

Ultimately, the choice between internal manual payroll processing and a payroll service provider depends on factors such as the size of your business, budget considerations, and the need for control and customization. Each approach has its merits, and you should align your choice with your specific requirements and priorities.

Choosing the Best Service Provider for Your Payroll Processes

Selecting the right payroll service provider is a major decision for businesses seeking efficiency, accuracy, and compliance in their payroll processes. Here are key considerations to consider when choosing the best service provider for your payroll needs:

1.Reputation and Experience

  • Research: Explore reviews, testimonials, and case studies to gauge the provider’s reputation. Make sure to check with a variety of sources, and consider both positive and negative reviews (if there are any) to paint an accurate picture
  • Experience: Consider providers with a proven track record and experience in handling payroll for businesses similar in size and industry. If a company similar to yours has me with success, it’s a good indicator your organization will too.

2. Compliance Expertise

  • Regulatory knowledge: Ensure the provider you’re looking at has a deep understanding of local and federal tax regulations and stays updated on changes. It’s a good idea to consider outsourcing to a locally based payroll management service.
  • Compliance track record: Check their compliance track record to mitigate risks associated with regulatory penalties. If they have a clean track record that’s a good sign they’re accurate with their record keeping.

3. Technology and Integration

  • User-friendly platforms: Assess the user-friendliness of their platforms, ensuring that your team can easily navigate and manage payroll-related tasks. Consider the time and cost of having to train your team just to use the platforms provided by the outsourced payroll manager.
  • Integration capabilities: Confirm that the provider’s systems can seamlessly integrate with your existing HRIS or accounting software.

4. Scalability

  • Growth support: Choose a provider capable of accommodating your business’s growth trajectory. Make sure that they can scale their services to keep up with the evolving needs of your workforce.

5. Data Security

  • Security protocols: Prioritize providers with robust security measures to safeguard sensitive payroll information. Check with them about their experience dealing with security threats and what their plan of action was.
  • Compliance with standards: Check to ensure their compliance with industry standards and regulations related to data protection. Any issues staying compliant is a big red flag.

6. Service Customization

  • Tailored Solutions: Look for providers offering customizable solutions to meet your unique payroll requirements. A one-size-fits-all solution won’t work for most organizations.
  • Flexibility: Ensure the provider you’re considering can adapt to changes in your payroll structure and policies.

7. Cost Structure

  • Transparent pricing: Seek providers with transparent and straightforward pricing structures. Be wary of hidden fees that can impact the overall cost and reduce any cost-savings you might be counting on by outsourcing your payroll processes.
  • Value for money: Balance cost considerations with the value and features offered by the provider.

8. Trial Periods and Demos

  • Trial options: If available, take advantage of trial periods to assess the functionality and compatibility of the provider’s systems. This try-before-you-buy approach can be done across a few service providers, and lets you get a feel for the options that work for you and your team.
  • Live demos: Request live demonstrations to get a firsthand look at the features and usability of their platforms.

By carefully evaluating these factors, your organization can make an informed decision when choosing a payroll service provider, so that they align with your specific needs and help lead to a stress-free tax season.

Read next: Your Guide to Successfully Pitching HR Software to Leadership

Steps of Payroll Processing

payroll processes

Collect employee tax information

Create a record management process

Establish a secure system for storing sensitive payroll information, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations. You’ll also need to implement policies for keeping and accessing payroll records to meet legal requirements and facilitate any audit that might happen.

Determine pay schedule

Define a clear pay schedule, whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, and communicate it to your employees. You should maintain consistency in the pay schedule to provide predictability for your employees and streamline the payroll processing workflow.

Track time and attendance

Use time-tracking systems to accurately record hours worked by your employees. This should be accompanied by clear attendance policies to manage employee attendance effectively, and minimize confusion.

Calculate deductions

Deduct employee contributions for health insurance, if applicable. Then, calculate and deduct contributions for retirement plans or other contributions (like to a housing subsidy).

Pay employees

You’ll need to choose a secure and convenient payment method, including direct deposit or printed checks. No matter what you choose, make sure it’s compliant with wage and hour laws, including minimum wage requirements.

Submit payroll tax payments and filings

Remit payroll taxes to the relevant tax authorities accurately and on time. Submit required payroll tax filings, and make sure you meet the deadlines to do so.

Streamlining Payroll Processes with HRIS 

If payroll processing seems daunting don’t worry—HRIS software has made record keeping and administration hassle-free and accurate. Here are some of the benefits you can expect:

Automated calculations

  • Accuracy: HRIS automates complex payroll calculations, reducing the risk of errors associated with manual calculations.
  • Efficiency: Accelerate the payroll process by automating routine calculations, including wages, deductions, and bonuses.

Tax deduction management

  • Accurate withholding: HRIS ensures precise tax withholding based on the latest tax regulations, minimizing compliance risks and human errors.

Real-time tax update

  • Dynamic Compliance: Stay compliant with changing tax laws through real-time updates integrated into the HRIS.
  • Adaptability: Swiftly adjust tax calculations to align with updates to tax codes or regulations.

Electronic submissions and reporting

  • Effortless reporting: Generate and submit electronic payroll reports seamlessly, reducing paperwork and manual effort.
  • Regulatory compliance: Stay compliant with tax authorities by using HRIS for accurate and timely submissions.

Integration with accounting software

  • Financial precision: Integrate HRIS with accounting software to synchronize payroll data, keeping your financial records up-to-date.
  • Simplified bookkeeping: Enhance overall financial management by eliminating manual data entry between HR and accounting systems.

Employee self-service for tax information

  • Access and transparency: Empower your employees to access their tax information, including pay stubs and tax forms, through employee self-service portals.
  • Reduced employee questions: Minimize HR queries by providing your employees with direct access to their tax-related documents.

Centralized data management

  • Unified platform: Centralize all payroll-related data in one platform, promoting consistency and reducing data discrepancies.
  • Efficient retrieval: Simplify data retrieval in case of audits or inquiries by having a centralized repository.

Compliance tracking

  • Audit trail: Maintain a comprehensive audit trail within the HRIS, making compliance tracking easy and ensuring accountability.
  • Documentation: Automatically document compliance-related activities to meet regulatory requirements.

Optimize Tax-Ready Payroll Operations with Omni

payroll processes

Leveraging HRIS for payroll processes not only enhances efficiency but also mitigates compliance risks, ultimately fostering a streamlined and error-free payroll experience.

Omni’s all-in-one HR solution helps streamline payroll processes and free of manual error to reduce the administrative burden on HR. With secure and centralized employee records, HR teams can easily store, update, and communicate employee information across departments and with employees.

Omni makes it easier than ever to calculate accurate employee payments and tax calculations through automation that saves time and reduces errors. And with automated payroll information synchronization, end of month processing becomes a streamlined and seamless effort.

Book a demo with our team, or try out Omni for a free 14-day trial to learn how our HR solution can help you remain compliant and reduce your administrative workload for all of your payroll processes.

HR’s Guide to Payroll Taxes in the Philippines

The Philippines is quickly cementing itself as a leading commercial hub in Asia, thanks to its business-friendly laws and large English-speaking workforce. While it is undoubtedly a great country to have a business in or hire remotely from, you need to consider the relatively intricate payroll taxes system in the Philippines.

From social security contributions, to housing subsidies, there are many different taxes employers need to consider, with more than a few exemptions on top. Remaining compliant to these regulations needs to be top priority, so that legal challenges and fines don’t eat into your bottom line.

Here’s everything you need to know to navigate the intricacies of payroll taxes in the Philippines:

How is Payroll Calculated in the Philippines

In the Philippines, calculating payroll is a fairly meticulous process. Many factors are considered, reflecting the country’s specific regulations and requirements. Payroll calculation encompasses not only the basic salary but also allowances, deductions, and statutory contributions. The simplest way to express this calculation is take your employees’ gross pay, and add to it the entirety of the payroll taxes you must contribute on top (which we’ll get into further down). 

Understanding the local tax landscape is necessary as it directly impacts an employee’s take-home pay and your company’s compliance with the law. From the intricacies of income tax to the nuances of mandatory deductions, a comprehensive grasp of how payroll is calculated will give you the tools and confidence you need to manage it successfully.

What are the Payroll Taxes in the Philippines

Payroll taxes in the Philippines are a primary source of revenue for the government, and are taken seriously due to the value they bring to the country and its people. These taxes are levied on employees’ income and play a fundamental role in funding public services and initiatives. 

Like most places, the Philippine government operates with a tiered tax system, where the rate of taxation increases with income. This helps distribute the tax burden fairly, helping to create a fair and sustainable method.

In the Philippines, employers are responsible for deducting payroll taxes from their employees’ salaries, reflecting the goal for a collective contribution to national development. Payroll taxes in the Philippines serve as a financial foundation for essential government functions, and employers play a major role in helping that revenue stream flow smoothly.

Key Components of Payroll Taxes

payroll taxes

As mentioned above, the payroll taxes in the Philippines encompasses a few key components. This will help you and your employees know why money is being deducted, where it’s going, and ensure everything is paid in full.

Taxable Income and Exemptions

In the Philippines, determining taxable income requires a thorough and nuanced assessment of an employee’s earnings, considering things like basic salary, allowances, bonuses, and benefits. Basically, employers need to consider their workforce’s entire earnings, not just the recurring salary they make.

There are several exemptions, including for dependents, certain allowances (such as the 13th Month Pay which serves as a form of recognition for employees’ contributions throughout the year is often untaxed up to a certain amount), and specific benefits (like small-value uniform or rice allowances, called De Minimis Benefits). Just like employers need to ensure they are deducting enough tax, they also have to make sure not to miss income or allowances that are exempt.

Social Security System (SSS) Contributions

The Social Security System in the Philippines is a comprehensive program designed to provide financial protection to employees and their beneficiaries. It encompasses contributions for retirement, disability, sickness, maternity, and even death benefits. Employers and employees contribute specific percentages of the employees’ monthly salary to the SSS fund. Understanding the intricacies of these contributions is vital for both employers and employees, ensuring comprehensive social security coverage.

PhilHealth Contributions

PhilHealth, the national health insurance program, mandates contributions from both employers and employees to maintain national health-related benefits. The contributions are calculated based on a percentage of an employees’ monthly salary, with a set income ceiling. 

These funds are a major pillar of support for the healthcare needs of employees and their dependents, which is why accurate and timely PhilHealth contributions are so important.

Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-IBIG) Contributions

The Pag-IBIG Fund, managed by the Home Development Mutual Fund, focuses on providing housing loans and financial assistance to its members. Both employers and employees contribute to this fund, which for many, plays a major role in helping them afford adequate housing. 

It is a good idea to take the time and help your employees understand how they can access housing-related benefits, which can be a major contribution to their well-being and appreciate the taxes they pay.

Challenges in Complying with Payroll Taxes in the Philippines

It’s clear that payroll taxes in the Philippines aren’t exactly simple to understand, with many different kinds of deductions and exemptions.  Here are some key challenges you can expect to face, and how to overcome them:

Changing Payroll Taxes Regulations

Like elsewhere, the tax rules in the Philippines is an ever-evolving system. Frequent changes in tax laws, amendments, and updates require an agile and consistent approach to ensure you remain compliant. 

Staying up to date with these changes requires dedicated efforts to interpret and implement new regulations accurately. You should establish a process, or dedicated personnel for monitoring updates and have plans in place to swiftly automate and adapt your payroll processes to remain compliant, and avoid any legal complications or fines.

Complex Payroll Taxes Calculations

The complexity of calculating payroll taxes, considering various components such as taxable income, exemptions, and contributions to SSS, PhilHealth, and Pag-IBIG, adds another layer of intricacy to the compliance process. 

Manual calculations are prone to errors, and the risk increases with the complexity of the tax structure. Investing in advanced payroll software and ensuring that your employees who are responsible for tax computations are well-trained can help to mitigate this challenge.

Read next: Your Guide to Successfully Pitching HR Software to Leadership

Implementing Robust Record-Keeping Systems

Robust record-keeping systems are essential for ensuring accurate payroll tax compliance. Employers should invest in digital record-keeping solutions that efficiently capture and organize relevant payroll data. These systems should enable easy retrieval of records, regardless of age, ensuring that your organization can provide the necessary documentation if you ever face an audit or inquiry.

Regular internal audits of record-keeping practices help identify discrepancies or gaps in data, allowing you to address issues proactively. Consider cloud-based storage solutions that offer accessibility and security, making sure that records are not only comprehensive but also protected from potential data loss.

Regular Audits and Internal Controls

Conducting regular internal audits is an important proactive step you can take to identify and fix potential issues in payroll tax compliance. Internal controls should be established to monitor the accuracy of your  payroll calculations and tax deductions. These controls should include periodic reviews by designated employees.

Internal audits provide an opportunity to take a look at the effectiveness of your payroll procedures, identify areas for improvement, and confirm that you remain compliant with tax regulations. By establishing a culture of continuous improvement through regular audits, your organization can fortify their payroll tax compliance framework, and stay resilient to change or challenges that might come down the road.

While these steps cannot account for every single challenge that could arise from administering payroll taxes, each one is a major step towards streamlining your process and reducing errors. This isn’t just useful from an efficiency standpoint—following these steps should reduce overall workload, avoid fines, and ultimately benefit your business’ bottom line.

Payroll Taxes in the Philippines Made Simple

payroll taxes

Managing payroll taxes in the Philippines is a complex and detail-oriented task that demands a deep understanding of the region’s unique legal requirements and a commitment to accuracy and compliance. That’s why it’s important to have the right technology on your side.

Omni offers a comprehensive payroll solution tailored to Philippines specific requirements. With features like support for Philippine peso, automated tax calculations, and managed SSS, PhilHealth and PAG-IBIG contributions, Omni can help HR teams simplify their payroll processing and ensure compliance with ease. 

Omni’s suite of features makes the requirements for running a compliant and efficient payroll system and taxes in the Philippines easy. With secure and centralized employee records, HR teams can swiftly access employment contracts and essential documents that support payroll practices. 

Our time and attendance features empower teams to automate data and produce accurate reports in minutes, making payroll calculations seamless and accurate. And with payroll solutions that support Philippine peso and pay schedules, Omni offers an entire suite of solutions to make your payroll taxes in the Philippines seamless. 

If you’re ready to take your payroll taxes management to the next level,

We’ll walk you through the platform’s capabilities and demonstrate how Omni can transform your payroll processing, saving you time, reducing administrative burdens, and enhancing overall efficiency.

Your Guide to Malaysia Payroll

The Malaysia Payroll Process

The Malaysia payroll process is intricate, combining legal regulations, cultural considerations, and economic dynamics. At its heart is balancing factors like minimum wages, working conditions, and employee leave, all governed by a framework set by Malaysia’s Employment Act. Here’s what you need to know to navigate the ins and outs of Malaysia’s payroll process:

Minimum wages and working conditions

Malaysia’s minimum wage has gone through significant development throughout the years. Previously, the minimum wage varied depending on the location of the employer, with different rates for Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak, and the Federal Territory of Labuan. However, as of 1 May 2022, the minimum wage throughout Malaysia has now been aligned from RM1,200 to RM1,500 per month.

Working conditions are governed by Malaysia’s Employment Act, and range from considerations like rest days, to working hours and public holidays. In Malaysia, there are special provisions for women in the industrial or agricultural sector where they are not permitted to work between the hours of 10PM to 5AM.

An amendment to the Employment Act that occurred in 2022 entitles employees to apply for a flexible working arrangement to vary the hours, days, or place of work. The employer has 60 days to approve or refuse the request, and if refused, reasonable grounds for refusal must be provided.

Learn More: Understanding Malaysia’s Employment Act: Updates & FAQs in 2023

Working hours

General: The standard working hours are 48 hours per week, spread over five (or in some cases, six) working days. The typical workday in Malaysia is eight hours.

Overtime: If an employee works beyond the standard hours, they’re entitled to overtime pay. For most of the Malaysia payroll system, overtime rates are 1.5 times the normal hourly rate for work on normal working days and the first eight hours on a rest day or public holiday. For work beyond the eighth hour on a rest day or public holiday, the rate is usually double.

Working Week: In Malaysia, the workweek commonly runs from Monday to Friday. However, some industries or positions might require work on Saturdays. These include industries like retail, hospitality, and other service-based roles.

Employee Leave

Public holidays: Malaysia observes a range of public holidays, including both national and state-specific. The total number of public holidays varies by state. Employees are typically entitled to a day off with full pay on these holidays.

Sick leave: The Employment Act allows for a minimum of 14 days of sick leave with full pay in a calendar year, assuming the employee has been employed for at least four months.

Parental leave

  • Maternity: Employed mothers are entitled to a maternity leave of 14 weeks.
  • Paternity: Employed fathers are generally entitled to one week of paternity leave.

Payroll frequency

In the Malaysia payroll system, the most common pay structure is monthly (employees receive their salary payment at the end of each month). That said, variations can occur depending on the specific industry.

For instance, certain industries or specific companies might adopt a bi-weekly or even weekly payroll cycle, especially in sectors where contractual or temporary employment is common. These variations are usually outlined clearly in employment contracts or company policies to manage employee expectations.

13th-month salary

The 13th-month salary is a unique aspect of the Malaysia payroll landscape. It represents an additional month’s salary, usually paid out at the end of the calendar year.

It is a customary practice in Malaysia payroll and serves as a form of recognition for employees’ contributions throughout the year. While not mandatory, it has become a standard practice for many organizations, and contributes to the festive spirit of the holiday season, helping motivate employees and boost engagement. The amount may vary based on company policies, industry standards, or individual employment contracts.

Probation period

During the probation period in Malaysia (which typically lasts three to six months) employers take time to see if a new hire is a right fit for their role. The terms and conditions of employment during the probation period are outlined in the employment contract, covering aspects such as notice periods, performance expectations, and potential benefits.

Employees on probation often receive a prorated salary, and the employer has the flexibility to terminate the employment with less red tape than under standard employment.

Malaysia payroll

Social Security and Statutory Contributions

Employer contributions

In the Malaysia payroll system, employers need to make contributions to the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) for their employees. The EPF manages employees’ retirement savings and employers are required to contribute a certain percentage of their employees’ monthly salary to the EPF.

Employee contributions

Employees in Malaysia are also obligated to contribute a portion of their monthly salary to the EPF. The employee’s share is deducted from their salary and alongside the employer’s contribution, it is deposited into the employee’s EPF account. The combined contributions form a substantial part of an employee’s retirement savings.

Employees’ provident fund (EPF)

As noted above, the EPF is a key part of the social security framework in the Malaysia payroll system. The funds accumulated in an employee’s EPF account serve as a financial cushion during retirement. Employees can also use their EPF savings for housing, education, and medical purposes. The EPF is managed by the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization, and its policies and contribution rates are updated occasionally by the government to keep up with economic conditions and retirement needs.

Social Security Organization (SOCSO)

In addition to the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF), the Malaysia payroll system has a comprehensive social security system managed by the Social Security Organization (SOCSO). SOCSO plays an important role in providing protection to employees in the unfortunate event of work-related injuries, illnesses, or disability. This social safety net has two main components:

  1. Employment Injury Insurance Scheme (EIIS):
  • The EIIS is designed to provide coverage for employees who experience injuries or illnesses associated with their work. This includes accidents that occur during working hours or diseases contracted due to workplace conditions.
  • The scheme is applicable to all Malaysian citizens, permanent residents, and foreign workers, with the exception of domestic servants.
  • In the event of a work-related injury or illness, employees can seek compensation and financial support through the EIIS.
  1. Invalidity Pension Schemes (IPS):
  • The IPS provides financial assistance to employees who become permanently disabled or die due to causes unrelated to their work. This coverage extends beyond work-related scenarios, offering protection for a wide range of life circumstances.
  • In the case of permanent disability or death, the scheme provides financial support to the affected employee or their beneficiaries.

Employment Insurance Scheme (EIS)

Malaysia payroll

The Employment Insurance Scheme (EIS) is another key component of the Malaysia payroll system’s social security framework. It focuses on providing financial assistance to employees who have lost their jobs involuntarily. Key features of the EIS include:

Unemployment Benefits: Employees who lose their jobs are eligible to receive financial assistance for a specified period. This support aims to help individuals during the time spent between jobs.

Job Search Allowance: The EIS also offers a job search allowance to assist unemployed people in covering expenses related to finding new employment.

Training Opportunities: The EIS provides opportunities for training to people facing unemployment, to help them develop employable skills and learn new technologies like AI.

Learn More: How to Apply, Claim, and Select Training Programs for HRDF Malaysia

Both SOCSO and the EIS are major parts of a broad safety net for employees, ensuring that they have financial support during challenging times. Employers are responsible for making contributions to these schemes on behalf of their employees, highlighting a shared commitment to employee well-being and social security.

Work Permits

The Malaysia payroll system has established several types of work permits to regulate the occupation of foreign professionals. Here’s what you need to know about the main categories of work permits:

Professional Visit Pass

The professional visit pass is for foreign nationals working in short-term professional activities or assignments in Malaysia. This pass is granted for short durations, often for specific projects or business meetings. It is relevant for employees involved in professional services, including consultancy, auditing, and attending conferences.

Temporary Employment Pass

This pass is geared towards foreign workers taking up temporary employment in Malaysia. It is issued for a set duration, with a possibility of renewal. The Temporary Employment Pass is for employees working in sectors with a temporary labor demand, such as construction and agriculture.

Employment Pass

The Employment Pass is targeted at skilled foreign professionals taking up long-term employment in Malaysia. It is issued for a longer duration (often over a year), and is usually tied to an employment contract. This pass requires employees to meet specific criteria related to qualifications, work experience, and job scope.

Work permits by region

Peninsular Malaysia: This region is the hub of economic activities and business centres in Malaysia, making it a focal point for work opportunities. The region is divided into three distinct zones: the Northern Zone, the Central Zone, and the Southern Zone.

Each zone has its own unique Malaysia payroll characteristics, and different regions within each zone might have specific considerations for work permits based on local demands and regulations. For example, the Northern Zone is known for its agricultural activities (which are usually associated with Temporary Employment Passes), while the Central Zone is home to the capital city of Kuala Lumpur, which is the centre of the country’s financial and commercial activities, and would more commonly have foreign workers seeking an Employment Pass.

East Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak): These regions, known for their unique cultural and economic characteristics, may have distinct requirements for work permits. Sabah is known for its ecotourism industry, while Sarawak is home to the largest cave chamber in the world and is a major producer of timber, industries where Temporary Work Passes would be more common. Both employers and employees need to be aware of regional differences to make sure they are compliant with the Malaysia payroll law when applying for work permits.

Documentation Requirements:

Securing a work permit in Malaysia comes with its complexities, and requires careful documentation. Both employers and employees must adhere to requirements that are designed to facilitate a smooth application process. Here are the documents you need to be aware of:

  • Passport and Visa: A valid passport and visa are the basic requirements for any work permit application.
  • Employment Contract: A detailed employment contract specifying terms and conditions of employment.
  • Educational and Professional Certificates: Proof of educational qualifications and professional certifications relevant to the job.
  • Letter of Offer: A formal letter from the employer offering the job to the foreign national.
  • Health Examination: In some cases, a health examination report might be required to make sure the applicant is healthy and fit for work (mainly for jobs with demanding physical labor like construction).

It is important to verify the specific documentation needed for the nature of employment. Working closely with immigration authorities or legal professionals is a good way to help streamline the application process and avoid obstacles.


Understanding the tax landscape in the Malaysia payroll system is necessary for both employers and employees to have a clear view of total compensation, and maintaining compliance. Here’s a breakdown of the key aspects related to employer and employee taxes:

Employer Tax

Employers in Malaysia are responsible for deducting income tax from their employees’ salaries through the Monthly Tax Deduction (MTD) system. The deducted amount is then transferred to the Inland Revenue Board (IRB).

Employee Tax

For Residents: The Malaysia payroll system employs a progressive tax system for residents, where tax rates increase with higher income brackets. This ensures that those with higher earnings contribute more to the tax revenue based on their means.

For Expatriates: Higher-income expats might benefit from a flat tax rate on their employment income, which is applicable for a specific duration, typically up to five years. This acts as an incentive for skilled professionals to work in Malaysia.

Tax Return Form

Both residents and expatriates are required to file their income tax returns annually. The Malaysian government encourages using the e-Filing system, which is a convenient and efficient way to submit tax returns online. This system makes the tax process easier and more efficient, reducing paperwork, and ensuring accurate reporting.

Severance Pay

In the Malaysia payroll system, severance pay (also known as termination or retrenchment benefits) is another major part of the employment safety net. It serves as financial protection for employees facing involuntary job loss, and protects their well-being after finding themselves unexpectedly unemployed.

Severance pay in the Malaysia payroll system is not mandated for voluntary resignations. But for involuntary terminations, the Employment Act 1955 and the Industrial Relations Act 1967 govern the compensation process. For most employees who lost their jobs, employers are required to offer termination benefits.

Calculating severance pay depends on factors such as length of service, nature of termination, and terms outlined in an employment contract. Most often, employees with longer service are entitled to more substantial severance packages than employees who worked for shorter stints.

Streamline Your Payroll Services with Omni

Navigating the ever-evolving regulations of Malaysia payroll can be challenging, and staying up to date with the latest mandates is crucial for HR teams to remain compliant.

Omni helps HR teams stay up to date with the latest laws and regulations while streamlining the end-to-end employee management lifecycle. Our comprehensive payroll solution is tailored to Malaysia’s specific requirements. With features like support for MYR, automated tax calculations, and instant payroll reports, Omni can help HR teams simplify their payroll processing while ensuring compliance.

Omni handles more than just payroll, with our dynamic time off management feature, managers and HR teams can swiftly navigate employee leave management. Our employee self-service portal allows employees to submit their time off requests directly to HR without any intervention and with automated calculations and real-time leave balance tracking, HR teams can effortlessly calculate paid time off and hours worked for payroll purposes.

For organizations with global teams, Omni’s comprehensive employee database facilitates easy tracking of immigration details, visa status, and ensures compliance with local minimum wage requirements. Our automated localized calendars further guarantee that you honor local holidays, no matter where your teams are based.

Start your 14 days free trial today and see how Omni can simplify the intricacies and complexities of Malaysia payroll processes and minimize the costs associated with common errors.

The Ultimate Guide to Switching Payroll Providers

Payroll is one of the most important business functions. Did you know more than 39% of Gen Z’s would never tolerate paycheck errors? It is pivotal for your organization to have an accurate, up-to-date payroll provider. Hence, switching payroll companies can be a delicate but critical move.

We get it. Switching payroll providers feels overwhelming as it requires careful planning, thorough review, and flawless execution. However, payroll migration can actually encourage growth, and save you time and money in the process. In this article, we provide a comprehensive guide on switching payroll providers complete with an easy-to-use  switching payroll companies checklist to help guide you in the process. 

What Is Payroll Migration?

switching payroll companies checklist

Payroll migration is the process of transferring payroll operations from one provider to another. For instance, switching from a manual to an automated payroll system, or changing from one payroll company to another, are all examples of payroll migration.

Common Reasons for Switching Payroll Providers

If you are unsure whether switching payroll providers is the right move, here are some common reasons why companies do it:

  • Outdated technology: As technology advances, you need a payroll solution that adapts and grows with it. Many payroll providers now offer real-time reporting, automated processing, self-service portals, HR system integrations, data storage security, encryption, and regular audits. If your existing payroll solution does not provide these solutions, it might be time to consider the switch.
  • Payroll errors: Are you constantly finding mistakes on tax forms, inaccurate employee hour tracking, overtime errors, data duplication, payroll discrepancies, and outdated tax rates? These errors could cost you tax penalties and your brand reputation, which necessitates switching payroll providers.
  • Changing needs: Perhaps your organization’s payroll needs have changed, and your payroll solutions are not able to serve them. You might be expanding teams, opening new locations, and developing complex compensation structures such as performance based pay. Switching payroll providers means you can find more scalable solutions.
  • Integration complications: Does your current payroll solution support seamless integration with your current accounting, HR, or non-wage systems? If not, finding one that supports them and saving the hidden costs of running multiple systems could be the way to go.
  • Budget misalignments: As your company structure shifts, it could be that your budget for payroll solutions have changed and would prefer a more complex or simplified solution. Switching payroll providers enables you to find a quote that aligns with your budget and business needs.
  • Globalized payroll: Companies that expand their operations outside their local borders require payroll systems that support multiple currencies, support for localized payroll and employment laws, and automated tax deductions and calculations. If your current provider does not support the currencies you need for your globalized team, it may be time to switch to a provider who can offer these services.

Learn more: 5 Reasons to Switch to an All-In-One HR Software

Common Challenges When Switching Payroll Providers

As the process of switching payroll providers can be complex, it is important to anticipate any potential challenges and address them proactively. Keep an eye out for the following challenges, and utilize our switching payroll providers checklist to simplify the process.

  • Varying payroll cycles: If your organization does not have a single pay frequency (such as bi-weekly or monthly payments), you will need a payroll solution that can manage the payments simultaneously.
  • No non-wage integrations: Other than salaries, your payroll solution should absorb other non-wage information such as employee retirement plans accurately.
  • Communication conflicts: Establish clear and effective communications between the payroll provider and your HR team to avoid unwanted misunderstandings and errors.
  • Software compatibility: Opt for payroll providers that are compatible with your existing company software. Also, consider if they provide new access, features, and updates that will continue to work with the software in the future.

The Best Time for Switching Payroll Providers

Switching payroll providers can be done any time. However, selecting the best time for your company ensures that your payroll processes continue to run smoothly during and after the switch. 

We recommend timing the payroll migration so that your new payroll provider starts the new calendar year with you. In other words, make the switch at the end of the year. This way, the payroll company can enter the employee wages in real-time. There is no need to catch up on the previous year’s data, called “historical payroll data,” which is needed for tax filing. Without unnecessary data matching, you can save time, simplify financial records, and facilitate quarterly and year-end tax filing to the government on time. 

This attention to timing will come in handy when you are collecting data for the new payroll provider as required in the switching payroll companies checklist below.

Switching Payroll Providers Mid-Year

If you need it done before the year end, switching payroll providers between quarters is the next best option. This involves the collection of historic employee data; however, it is more straightforward than migrating during a single quarter. It keeps tax filing manageable, and your accountant will find it easier to handle.

Conversely, switching payroll providers mid-year or mid-quarter can be hectic. Your tax accountant will need to pull information from both new and old payroll providers to complete the required quarterly tax forms and meet the IRS or state government deadlines.

What happens if you need it done before the new quarter? If that is the case, your best bet would be to find an excellent payroll provider with technology that offers highly customizable support and facilitates the transfer of historical employee and payroll data.

Switching Payroll Companies Checklist

switching payroll companies checklist

With that said, there are a few steps you should be sure to check off when switching payroll companies. This switching payroll companies checklist gives you a step-by-step guide to managing your payroll migration.

1. Picking your new payroll provider

The first item on our switching payroll companies checklist is picking your new payroll provider. 

Here, identify your new payroll provider needs. Which paperwork should fall under their responsibility? Which customization features are you after?

Look for reputable payroll providers with access to the services you need. If you are unsure, try searching for payroll providers with demos or reach out to their references for further information.

Once you have considered your needs and options, narrow them down to one or two potential payroll providers, and request a proposal. Get all the necessary information you need to make an informed decision.

2. Canceling your current payroll account

With the new payroll providers options in mind, the next step on our switching payroll companies checklist is checking your current contract, and looking for cancellation terms and periods. If you are good to go, let your current payroll provider know that you are canceling your account with them and migrating to a new service provider.

3. Preparing information and documents needed by your new payroll provider

The third step of our switching payroll companies checklist is to prepare the relevant information and documents for your new payroll provider. Some of the common information requested:

  • Organization name, business type, and address
  • Employee information to set up profiles on your new payroll software
  • Payroll records, such as employee information, payroll tax returns, and payroll register reports

4. Notify relevant parties

Next up on the switching payroll companies checklist, inform relevant employees and key stakeholders on the switch. Mention when this change will come into effect and share potential results, risks, and advantages of this migration to ensure mutual understanding and avoid potential conflicts. If needed, provide relevant training for stakeholders to ensure that the team is ready for the transition.

You will find many service providers needing up to 14 days to adjust and run the payroll system effectively after the switch. 

5. Setting up your new account

The next step in our switching payroll companies checklist is to set up your new payroll account and system. After your new payroll provider has taken the necessary information and documents from your old provider, you can safely close your old account and remove the old company’s access.

Double-check that the data migration is error-free, and go live with your new payroll solution. 

But that’s not all, the final step of our switching payroll companies checklist is to go over the payroll journal carefully the first time you run it to catch and fix any errors. Also, familiarize yourself with the new contract terms to avoid unwanted fees and draw a clear line between your duties and the payroll provider’s duties.

Benefits of Switching to Omni

Switching payroll companies can appear overwhelming but with the right information such as our switching payroll providers checklist, the benefits it provides may make it worthwhile. 

Affordable, functional, and suitable for modern growing businesses— Omni is the payroll provider that your business can rely on. Our comprehensive payroll solution is specifically crafted to meet the unique requirements of your business, regardless of your geographical location. With product features like local currency support, automated tax calculations, and instant payroll reports, HR teams can simplify their payroll processes while ensuring adherence to regulatory standards.

Omni’s suite of features makes the requirements for running a compliant and efficient payroll system easy. With secure and centralized employee records, HR teams can swiftly access employment contracts and essential documents that support payroll practices. 

Our time and attendance features empower teams to automate data and produce detailed reports in minutes, making payroll calculations instantaneous and accurate. With payroll solutions that support local currencies and payment schedules, Omni offers an entire suite of solutions to make your payroll system seamless. 

If you’re ready to take your payroll management to the next level, book a demo with us today. We’ll walk you through the platform’s features and demonstrate how Omni can transform your payroll processing, saving you time, reducing administrative burden, and enhancing overall efficiency for your team. 

The 10 Best Payroll Softwares in Malaysia in 2024

Selecting the right payroll software Malaysia for your business can feel a bit like exploring a tech-filled treasure trove. There are many options to choose from, and each different software offers distinctive benefits (and drawbacks) that could have a major impact on your business operations.

Keeping your team engaged and your operations on track is of utmost importance. Finding the right tool to support your payroll effort are key components to employee satisfaction and management strategy. 

That’s why we’re looking deeper than simple number crunchers and considering the lifeblood of your organization—your people, and the pay that they earn. Finding the right payroll software Malaysia means you’ll be able to compensate them accurately, efficiently, transparently and on time.

The stakes are high when it comes to employee payment and the processes are delicate. As a company prioritizing its employees, you should consider all essential factors before bringing any payroll software on board. 

We’ve compiled a list to help you make informed choices, here’s what you need to know about handling your workforce’s most important transaction.

Why Use Payroll Software?

HR and payroll software Malaysia

Payroll is a standard and routine occurrence across any company, yet it’s one that is rife with pain points. Traditional methods such as manual processes and spreadsheets aren’t just time-consuming, they open a door to errors and compliance issues. 

This is why payroll software can be a game changer for HR teams—it not only sidesteps the pitfalls of manual calculations, but helps your HR team make meaningful contributions to strategic initiatives.

Malaysian employment law is filled with complexities that require close management and careful calculations, a reality that can add hours onto routine HR practices, and minor errors have the potential to snowball into larger compliance issues and even government fines. 

Payroll software Malaysia helps teams to navigate complex tax laws and regulations, and maintain meticulous records to ensure compliance.

Beyond mere efficiency, using the latest payroll software empowers HR professionals with real-time insights. Instant access to accurate labor cost data means you’re not just managing finances, you’re strategically optimizing them. Instead of calculators, these tools become strategic partners, offering data-driven decision-making capabilities.

Payroll Software Malaysia: Why Malaysian Companies are Leveraging HR Technology

As your Malaysian business navigates the recent changes in regulations and workforce management, the adoption of payroll software Malaysia stands out as a needed move and a quick-win to give your business a boost and grab a competitive advantage. 

The question isn’t “why use technology” but rather, why are Malaysian companies already extensively integrating HR technology into their payroll processes?

The Malaysian business environment is characterized by intricate labor laws and tax regulations. Payroll software Malaysia offers a streamlined approach, ensuring accuracy and adherence to the latest legal requirements. It not only helps you avoid penalties, using payroll software Malaysia is a strategic move towards sustained compliance.

Relevant reading: The Employer’s Handbook to EPF Contributions in Malaysia

Real-time adaptability

Running a business in Malaysia requires changes that puts your brand at the top of the curve. The latest payroll software Malaysia ensures that businesses stay agile. Payroll software is often backed by a team of experts, keeping organizations up to date and compliant by promptly adjusting to changes in tax structures, employment laws, or other regulatory shifts.

For instance, if a newly implemented law affects how much Malaysia tax was deducted, the payroll software should be able to make an organizational-wide adjustment quickly, easily and accurately. This flexibility not only increases efficiency but also provides a competitive edge among businesses. 

Enhanced employee experience

Beyond the boardroom, there’s a direct impact on the employee experience. Streamlined payroll processes mean accurate and timely salary disbursements, reducing errors and building trust among employees. This contributes significantly to employee satisfaction and retention, crucial factors for long-term business success.

As companies embrace the advantages of payroll software Malaysia, the adoption of HR tools isn’t just a trend—it’s becoming the status-quo for companies looking to remain competitive and relevant in 2024 and beyond.

Top 10 Payroll Software Malaysia Companies are Using in 2024

best payroll software Malaysia

Choosing the right payroll software can significantly impact how businesses operate, and in Malaysia, where the business landscape is particularly vibrant and diverse, having the right tools means your organization can keep up with shifting regulations, and take advantage of new opportunities as they arise. 

Here, we’ll take a look at some of the options you have for payroll software Malaysia and offer an understanding of each option’s strengths, and when they might not be a perfect fit for certain organizations.


Omni is a comprehensive payroll solution that caters to both local and international businesses. It streamlines payroll management across various countries, making it easy to pay employees in various currencies (such as MYR, HKD, SGD, and more) and manage multiple tax and compliance laws. With automated processes and secure, digital records management, HR leaders can store records, run payroll reports, and reconcile employee data in a matter of minutes. Our intuitive user interface simplifies complex payroll processes, accurately managing employee timesheet calculations and time off allowances, making payroll seamless and timely.

Omni’s holistic, all-in-one HRIS solution serves as a single source of truth for your employee management. Meaning payroll is just one of our many functions. When you update employee information within Omni, it’s automatically reflected in your payroll, reducing the occurrence of human error and outdated records. The robustness of Omni makes it a top choice for businesses dealing with intricate international operations. Omni’s flexibility and adaptability is one of many areas that sets us apart in the competitive payroll software arena.


Kakitangan is another widely used payroll software in Malaysia designed to simplify HR and payroll management for small and medium businesses. It automates payroll processing and ensures compliance with labor laws. It also offers reporting and HR analytics tools, providing valuable insights.

Despite their amazing features and a free plan available for 3 employees, for some larger organizations, Kakitangan’s usability and implementation of some complex features can make their system feel complicated. 

Papaya Global

Papaya Global is a go-to solution for enterprises with a widespread global workforce. Hosted in the cloud, it excels in ensuring compliance with various international payroll regulations, making it a powerful payroll system Malaysia.

While its strength lies in global payroll management, businesses with a more localized focus might find the interface designed for larger enterprises a bit overwhelming. The time zone differences may also impact turnaround time for customer support. 

Employment Hero 

Employment Hero is a popular HR and payroll software for businesses across multiple regions, including Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and Malaysia. It has a range of payroll management features and enables users to handle payroll tasks from anywhere via their mobile app. 

Although Employment Hero has a lot of amazing features, some users have pointed out a few areas for improvement. For one, they wish there was more flexibility in customizing the payroll system Malaysia to fit specific needs.

Oyster Payroll

Oyster Payroll is also one of the best payroll software Malaysia and it stands out for its cloud-based simplicity. Designed for businesses looking for straightforward solutions, Oyster is user-friendly and scalable with needed payroll functionalities that benefits their users.

But while small to medium-sized enterprises might benefit from its ease of use, for those seeking more advanced features, especially if complex payroll situations are a concern, Oyster might not offer the depth that some competitors do.

SQL Payroll

Another popular payroll system in Malaysia is SQL payroll, a system that doubles as accounting software. It’s a downloadable software users have to pay for and it pretty much does everything related to payroll features created into modules. 

Although this can be a good idea for businesses who don’t want to go through a much more complex interface of other software, it might not be optimum for companies looking to automate their entire HR processes in a unified platform. 


Gusto positions itself as a payroll solution for small to medium-sized businesses. Like Oyster, its simplicity and user-friendly interface make it an attractive option for those starting their payroll journey, this is an advantage for users who love an intuitive interface.

However, Gusto lacks the features for businesses with complex payroll needs, international operations, or are looking for a comprehensive solution.


HR2eazy is a human resources management software (HRMS) that offers payroll processing and other HR features for small businesses in Malaysia. This online payroll system offers benefits management, analytics, and a self-service portal to its users.

While small to medium businesses can benefit with this payroll system Malaysia, users have noted that it was tricky to navigate when you first start using the system. 

Payroll Panda

Payroll Panda is a payroll software in Malaysia designed to simplify and streamline payroll processing for businesses. 

One of the standout features of Payroll Panda is its ease of use, with an intuitive interface that makes it easy to navigate and manage payroll tasks. Also, Payroll Panda can automate many routine payroll tasks, such as calculating salaries, deductions, and benefits, which saves time and reduces errors.

However, some users have reported that Payroll Panda’s features and reporting options can be limited, particularly for larger businesses with more complex payroll needs. 

Zoho Payroll

Zoho Payroll, a part of the broader Zoho suite, is known for its budget-friendly approach. It integrates well with other Zoho applications, providing a consistent experience for users already within the Zoho ecosystem. 

However, when compared to more comprehensive HR softwares, it may fall short for those looking for a comprehensive suite of features. Zoho Payroll is ideal for smaller businesses seeking a straightforward and cost-effective payroll solution.

While each of these payroll software options brings its strengths to the table, Omni stands out for its advanced features, user-friendly interface, and adaptability to various business sizes and structures.

Streamline Your Operations with Payroll Software Malaysia

Tracking and calculating hours, managing employee records, and administering payroll requires a clear, secure, and accurate system to ensure compliant and timely payouts for your employees.

Omni’s all-in-one HR software helps make these tasks streamlined and free of manual error to reduce the administrative burden on HR. With secure and centralized employee records, HR teams can easily store, update, and communicate employee information across departments and with employees. 

Our payroll software Malaysia solution makes it easier than ever to calculate accurate employee payments and tax calculations through automation that saves time and reduces errors. And with automated payroll information synchronization, end of month processing becomes a streamlined and seamless effort.

Book a demo with our team to learn how our automation can help you remain compliant and reduce your administrative workload for all of your People management needs.

Payslip Template Hong Kong: Payroll Simplified

Whether you’re an active business owner, manager, or HR professional, payroll is a crucial part of keeping a business running and your employees engaged. For those in Hong Kong, payroll comes with a set of complex regulations that require careful adherence to remain compliant with local laws. 

Known for its compliance with rigorous employment regulations like the Hong Kong employers return, Hong Kong payroll adds a layer of complexity to monthly management requirements for HR leaders in the region. Which is why many are turning to a payslip template Hong Kong companies can use to simplify their payroll process. 

The payslip template Hong Kong makes it easy to share key payroll information such as rental reimbursement schemes and MPF contributions that make up running payroll in Hong Kong. Let’s take a look at the government mandated requirements for Hong Kong payslips to help guide you through utilizing our payslip template Hong Kong.

Understanding Hong Kong Payslip Requirements

Like elsewhere in the world, payslips and tax filings are integral components of the payroll Hong Kong system. These elements not only ensure that employees are fairly compensated but also play a crucial role in maintaining transparency and compliance with tax regulations.

Payslips are more than just documents that detail an employee’s earnings, they also serve as records that demonstrate an employer’s adherence to legal requirements. In Hong Kong, employers are obligated to provide employees with a payslip every time they are paid. These payslips must contain specific information, including the employee’s name, employment period, wages, deductions, and the employer’s name.

Each month, after remitting contributions to their trustee, employers should also provide each employee with a monthly pay-record within seven working days. The information required to be shown in this written record includes:

  • the amount of the employee’s relevant income
  • the amounts of both the employer’s and employee’s mandatory contributions
  • the amounts of both the employer’s and employee’s voluntary contributions, (if any)
  • the date on which contributions were paid to the trustee

There are also 12 statutory holidays in Hong Kong of which employees are entitled to receive holiday pay.

The number of paid annual leave days ranges from seven to 14 according to the length of employment for a period of every 12 months of employment. From the third year of employment, an employee is entitled to one additional paid leave day per year. The annual leave accumulated is to be taken within the following period of 12 months and should be granted for a consecutive period. Most employers however offer at least 14 days of annual leave and allow employees to take leave days during the current leave entitlement period rather than a year later.

Records keeping

Business records must be retained for a minimum of 7 years, including financial documents and receipts, in either English or Chinese, within Hong Kong or an approved location. Electronic records are acceptable if they are securely stored, easily accessible, and meet authenticity and integrity requirements.

Non-compliance can result in fines, penalties, and difficulties during tax audits and investigations by the Inland Revenue Department. Compliant record-keeping is crucial to avoiding these issues.

Why Use a Payslip Template Hong Kong?

Creating itemized payslips can be time consuming and prone to error. By utilizing the payslip template Hong Kong, you save time by eliminating the need to recreate payslips for each employee.

With dedicated prompts, our payslip template Hong Kong works as a visual checklist helping you ensure you include all necessary information, reducing payroll errors and helping you remain compliant with local regulations.

Whatsmore, the payslip template Hong Kong provides a uniform and professional layout bringing consistency to your payroll process. By customizing your payslip template Hong Kong, you can provide your employees with a branded payslip that presents a united employer brand.

Customizing Your Payslip Template Hong Kong

payslip template Hong Kong

A little customization can go a long way! Here are some key ways you can make our payslip template Hong Kong your own.

  • Include your company’s logo
  • Change the payslip template Hong Kong colors to your brand’s colors
  • Include additional itemized fields or remove fields that do no apply to your team

Making these small tweaks to your payslip template Hong Kong help bring your company’s unique look and feel to your payroll process.

Common Mistakes in Payslip Preparation

When it comes to payroll, calculations are crucial, but managing many employees with varying pay grades, benefits, and time-off can result in miscalculations. Common mistakes include:

  • Taxes: tax rates are known to shift, and companies that fail to keep up with the changing tax rates and tables are at risk for miscalculations, which can result in fines.
  • Payroll: particularly common for hourly employees, miscalculations for payroll happen when the number of hours or and rate of pay are incorrectly calculated.
  • Overtime: Overtime is often calculated separately from regular rate-of-pay. Depending on your company’s policy, it’s important to take great care in calculating overtime pay as it’s a common error in payroll.

Let’s face it, everyone makes mistakes. Manually entering information like employee names or bank account numbers for direct deposit can easily result in errors. This can result in delayed payments, inaccurate records, or even deposits being delivered to incorrect accounts.

Missed deadlines
When managing multiple employees and various deadlines—especially if you’re managing a globally distributed team—can easily result in missed deadlines for filing. This can result in fines to your company, and frustrations among your staff.

Misclassification of workers
Mistake in the classification of the workers is one of the most common mistakes in payroll. Companies often have two types of workers including full-time employees and freelancers or contractors working in flexible conditions within the company. 

Guidelines for Enhancing Payroll Accuracy and Efficiency

Making sure your employees get paid correctly and on time is a big deal for any business. To avoid mistakes and keep things running smoothly, here are some simple things you can do:

Stay updated on regulations
Stay updated on the local, state, and federal laws about payroll. Make sure you understand stuff like taxes, minimum wage, and overtime. Check government websites or talk to legal experts to be sure you’re following the rules.

Maintain records
Keep track of all the important info for each employee. This includes personal details, tax forms, bank info, salary history, and any work agreements. Double-check this info regularly to catch any mistakes.

Use a payroll software
Invest in reliable payroll software for Hong Kong that fits your business needs. A good system can do the math for you, handle taxes, and make pay stubs. Look for software that works well with your accounting system and does things like updating tax info.

Automate your HR functions
Doing things by hand can lead to mistakes. Use automation for tasks like calculating pay, deducting taxes, and administering direct deposits for faster, more efficient payroll and HR functions.

Check your math
Even if you’re using a computer, it’s smart to double-check the numbers. Review your payroll regularly to make sure everything adds up, like taxes, deductions, overtime, and any special payments.

Use a payroll calendar
Make a schedule for when you do payroll, when taxes are due, and when you need to report stuff. This helps you stay on top of everything and not miss any deadlines.

Train your payroll team
Make sure your team knows how to do payroll and use the software. Keep them in the loop about any changes in the rules or procedures. Give them resources like manuals or online training to help them out.

Keep an eye on your accounts
Check your payroll accounts regularly and compare them with your financial records. This helps you catch any mistakes and keep everything accurate.

Perform regular checks
Look into your payroll processes and records from time to time. Check if you’re classifying employees right, if the hours are recorded correctly, and if the reports match up. Fix any problems you find.

Get help if you need it
Payroll can be tricky, and mistakes can cause big issues. If you’re not sure about something, think about getting help from payroll outsourcing services for Hong Kong. They can handle the hard stuff like processing payroll, filing taxes, and making sure you follow the rules.

Leveraging Technology to Streamline Your Hong Kong Payroll 

payslip template Hong Kong

Manual payroll is made easier with tools like our payslip template Hong Kong, but companies are still at risk of common errors such as miscalculations, typos, and missed deadlines. Not to mention the burden of mandatory records management.

Managing payroll in Hong Kong is a complex and detail-oriented task that demands a deep understanding of the region’s unique legal requirements and a commitment to accuracy and compliance. That’s why it’s important to have the right technology on your side.

Omni offers a comprehensive payroll solution tailored to Hong Kong’s specific requirements. With features like support for HKD, automated tax calculations, and managed MPF contributions, Omni can help HR teams simplify their payroll processing and ensure compliance with ease. 

Omni’s suite of features makes the requirements for running a compliant and efficient payroll system in Hong Kong easy. With secure and centralized employee records, HR teams can swiftly access employment contracts and essential documents that support payroll practices. 

Our time and attendance features empower teams to automate data and produce accurate reports in minutes, making payroll calculations seamless and accurate. And with payroll solutions that support HKD and pay schedules, Omni offers an entire suite of solutions to make your payroll system Hong Kong seamless. 

Manage more than one company? Omni helps you establish a dedicated payroll admin for each company, who have the power to enroll employees, manage company settings and easily process your payroll.

If you’re ready to take your payroll Hong Kong management to the next level, book a demo with us today. We’ll walk you through the platform’s capabilities and demonstrate how Omni can transform your payroll processing, saving you time, reducing administrative burdens, and enhancing overall efficiency.

Get started today!

Get a 14-day free trial and see how Omni can work for your business.