Employee Data Management: How HRIS Can Help Achieve Accuracy and Security

An effective HR team is one that makes the most of their employee data. Employee data can be useful in predicting trends, avoiding inefficiencies and fostering a better workplace culture for everyone on the team. And because it’s so important, employee data management needs to be taken seriously.

It starts with security. Your team has to find ways to keep your employee information safe. But it also needs to be accessible—both for employees who have a right to their information, and to government regulators who might audit you to ensure compliance. Finding ways to balance your employee data management can be tricky, but it’s absolutely essential.

Here, we’ll take a look at what managing your employee data means, steps you can take to ensure you’re following best practices, and an employee data template that will help you get there.

Understanding Employee Data Management

Employee data management refers to the process that covers the collection, storage, organization, and use of different types of information related to employees within your organization.

This data includes personal details, employment history, performance evaluations, training records, compensation details, and more, which we’ll talk about more in the next section. Effective management of employee data is essential for your HR team to make informed decisions, ensure compliance with regulations, and support the top-level goals and company mission.

Proper employee data management requires a combination of technology, policies, and procedures to ensure accuracy, security, and compliance throughout your employees’ lifecycles. One major tool to consider are HRIS solutions—they play a crucial role in streamlining data management processes, enhancing data accuracy, and supporting HR professionals in their strategic initiatives.

Read next: 5 Ways Employee Database Software Elevates Your Business

Types of Employee Data

Not all data is the same, but when it pertains to your employees information, all data needs to be treated and handled correctly. Here are the different types of employee data you can expect to manage:

Core HR Data

  • Personal information: This includes basic details such as name, address, contact information, date of birth, and social security or identification numbers. Personal information forms the foundation of your employee records and is necessary for identification and communication purposes.
  • Employment details: Core HR data also encompasses employment-related information such as job title, department, reporting structure, hire date, employment status (full-time, part-time, temporary), and work location. These details provide insights into your employee’s role within your organization.
  • Payroll and tax information: Employee payroll data includes salary or wage details, tax withholding information, deductions, bonuses, and direct deposit preferences. You need to ensure accuracy in payroll and tax data because it is essential for compliance with labor laws and regulations.

Job specific data

  • Skills and qualifications: This category deals with information related to your employee’s skills, certifications, educational qualifications, and professional development activities. Tracking their skills and qualifications enables you and your team to identify performance gaps, plan training programs, and make informed decisions about job assignments and promotions.
  • Performance data: Performance-related data includes employee performance evaluations, goal progress, feedback, and other HR metrics related to how well they perform in their role. Evaluating and documenting employee performance is important for providing constructive feedback, identifying areas for improvement, and recognizing high performers.
  • Project assignments: Job-specific data also includes details of project assignments, current tasks, project timelines, and deliverables. Tracking project assignments helps managers and your HR team monitor workload distribution, assess project outcomes, and make sure resources are allocated where they need to be.

Additional data

  • Benefits enrollment: This covers information about your employee benefits enrollment, including health insurance coverage, retirement plans, flexible spending accounts, and other benefits you offer your employees. Managing this data accurately is important for administering your benefit programs, tracking eligibility, and keeping compliant with benefit regulations.
  • Time and attendance: Data related to employee attendance, work hours, time-off requests, and leave balances falls into this category. Time and attendance data is needed for processing payroll, monitoring employee attendance patterns, and ensuring compliance with labor laws regarding working hours and overtime.
  • Travel and expense records: Information regarding employee travel expenses, reimbursements, business-related expenditures, and travel itineraries. Managing travel and expense data efficiently helps your organization control costs and track business expenses.

With effective employee data management, your HR department can streamline its processes, make informed decisions, and create a positive employee experience within your organization. 

Importance of Accurate and Secure Employee Data

Everyone wants the peace of mind of knowing their data is safe but it’s more than that—laws and regulations govern employee data as it’s your team’s job to abide by all regulations and safeguard data accordingly. Here’s why it’s so important:

Compliance with regulations: Adhering to local, regional, and international regulations dealing with data privacy and protection is incredibly important. Accurate and secure employee data management ensures compliance with laws such as Singapore’s PDPA and other data protection regulations, and prevents your company from facing fines or other legal penalties.

Data-driven decision making: Reliable employee data management serves as the foundation for informed decision-making processes within your organization. You and your HR team rely on accurate data to understand workforce trends, identify areas for improvement, and develop strategic initiatives aimed at enhancing employee engagement, productivity, and retention. The proper storage and safekeeping of your employee data is essential for this.

Employee trust and confidence: Maintaining the integrity and security of your employee data builds trust and confidence among your team. When your employees feel confident that their personal and sensitive information is handled with care and confidentiality, they are more likely to engage with your HR processes and share relevant information.

Efficient HR operations: Accurate and up-to-date employee data streamlines your HR operations and administrative tasks such as payroll processing, benefits administration, performance management, and talent acquisition. With reliable data at your disposal, you can complete tasks more efficiently, with reduced errors and less administrative burden.

Risk mitigation: Making sure your employee data management is secure and accurate reduces the risk of data breaches, identity theft, and unauthorized access. Putting in place data security measures will protect sensitive employee information from threats and vulnerabilities.

Steps for Employee Data Management

employee data template

Once you’ve decided to prioritize your employee data management, you need to take the steps to secure it properly. Here’s an employee data template for your reference:

1. Define needs and implement security measures

Clearly define your organization’s employee data management needs and objectives, taking into account regulatory requirements and industry best practices. Implement robust security measures, including encryption, access controls, and user authentication, to protect sensitive employee information from unauthorized access and cyber threats.

2. Standardize data collection and maintain data accuracy

Establish standardized procedures for collecting, storing, and updating your employee data across your organization. Ensure data accuracy by regularly auditing and validating employee information, addressing any discrepancies or errors promptly. Put in place data quality controls and validation checks to maintain data integrity throughout the employee lifecycle.

3. Utilize HR technology and train HR staff

Leverage HRIS and other technology to streamline data management processes and enhance data accuracy and security. Provide comprehensive training and support to your HR team on the proper use of HR technology tools, data handling procedures, and compliance requirements.

Read next: The 7 Best HR Software Singapore Has to Offer in 2024

4. Develop a data retention policy and implement secure disposal 

Next step in our employee data template is to develop a data retention policy outlining the types of employee data collected, retention periods, and procedures for secure disposal or deletion. 

Make sure you’re adhering to regulatory requirements and industry standards when determining data retention periods.These include secure data disposal practices, such as shredding physical documents and permanently deleting electronic records, to minimize the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches.

If your team follows this employee data template, your organization can establish best practices that prioritize accuracy, security, and compliance, and reap the benefits that come from effective employee data management.

Employee Data Management Under PDPA Singapore

The Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) in Singapore sets out specific rules for organizations managing employee data to ensure compliance with data protection regulations. Here’s what you need to know:

Compliance obligation

  • Notice obligations: Your organization must inform employees about the purposes for collecting, using, and disclosing their personal data. This includes providing clear and concise privacy notices outlining the types of personal data collected, the purposes of collection, and how the data will be used.
  • Consent obligation: Your organization has to obtain employees’ consent before collecting, using, or disclosing their personal data, unless an exception under the PDPA Singapore applies. Consent should be voluntary, informed, and obtained for specific purposes, and your employees should be able to withdraw their consent at any time.
  • Access obligation: Employees have the right to request access to their personal data held by your organization and to request corrections if the data is inaccurate or incomplete. Your organization needs to establish procedures for handling access requests, and respond to them within a reasonable time.

Security measures

  • Access controls: Your team needs to implement access controls to restrict access to employee data to authorized personnel only. This includes role-based controls, user authentication mechanisms, and password policies to prevent unauthorized users having sensitive data available to them.
  • Data encryption: Employ encryption technologies to protect employee data during storage, transmission, and processing. Encryption helps protect data from unauthorized interception or access, making sure that sensitive information remains confidential and secure.
  • Regular security audits: Conduct regular security audits and assessments to identify vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and compliance gaps in employee data management practices. These audits help your organization proactively address security risks and stay compliant with PDPA Singapore requirements.

Data retention

Develop clear data retention policies outlining how long employee data will be retained and how it will be securely disposed of. Your HR team will need to make sure that data retention periods align with legal requirements under PDPA Singapore and the needs of your business. You’ll also need to put in place secure disposal procedures in your employee data management practice to permanently erase or anonymize employee data that is no longer needed. 

Utilizing HRIS to Achieve Accuracy and Security

HRIS platforms play a huge role in facilitating accurate and secure management of your employee data. Here’s how HRIS can help your organization achieve accuracy and security for managing employee data:

Automated data entry

HRIS platforms streamline data entry by automating the collection, storage, and retrieval of your employee information. Automated data entry enormously reduces the risk of human error and helps maintain data consistency over many different HR processes, like payroll processing, benefits administration, and performance management.

Access control

These platforms also incorporate robust access control mechanisms to restrict access to employee data on role-based permissions. Administrators can define user roles and permissions, making sure that only authorized people have access to sensitive employee information. Access control features help your team prevent unauthorized access and protect employee privacy.

Data encryption

Modern HRIS platforms use encryption techniques to secure employee data both at rest (when stored) and in transit (being exchanged among authorized users). Data encryption converts sensitive information into an unreadable format that can only be accessed with an encryption key. By encrypting employee data, HRIS platforms ensure confidentiality and protection against unauthorized access or data breaches.

Audit trails

Utilizing HRIS systems in employee data management can help maintain detailed audit trails that record all activities related to your employee data, including access attempts, modifications, and deletions. Audit trails provide visibility into who accessed specific data, when the access occurred, and what actions were taken. This transparency ensures accountability and helps you stay compliant with data protection regulations like PDPA Singapore.

Reporting and analytics

HRIS platforms offer robust reporting and analytics capabilities that enable your organization to gain insights into its workforce data. Your HR team can generate customized reports and dashboards to analyze employee metrics, track key performance indicators, and identify trends or patterns. By leveraging reporting and analytics tools for your employee data management, your organization can make informed decisions, optimize HR processes, and ultimately enjoy a boost in efficiency.

Read next: Your Guide to Successfully Pitching HR Software to Leadership

Leveraging Omni for Secure Employee Data Management

employee data

All-in-one HR software like Omni is a powerful tool for unifying all of the disparate employee data scattered across your company. As a single source of truth for employee data management, HRIS streamlines your HR processes and makes them more efficient.

Powering Asia’s fastest-growing, modern companies, Omni’s employee database software scales alongside your company so you can customize and leverage the system to meet your evolving employee data management needs while ensuring compliance with regulations like PDPA Singapore. 

Omni’s intuitive and fully customizable platform integrates with your team’s favorite tools for a seamless and timely adoption. And at only $3/employee/month, you can leverage HR automation to decrease administrative costs.

Book a demo with our team today to learn how Omni can help transform your businesses employee data management processes.

18 Strategic HR Metrics to Measure for Success

We live in a data driven world, and those that find the most success are the ones who wield the available data most effectively. HR is no different—with reams of information about your workforce, you and your HR team are well poised to influence strategy and inform decision makers.

But with so much data out there it can become difficult to focus on what to track. That’s where HR metrics come in, specifically tailored to help your team know what to focus on, and what outcomes they can look forward to.

What are HR metrics?

Every department has different data relevant to their goals. In HR, these metrics are quantifiable measurements that look at the details of your organization’s workforce and HR processes.

These HR metrics provide valuable insights into your team’s performance, employee engagement, productivity, and how your HR department is ultimately contributing to the goals of your organization. We’ll do a deep dive on relevant metrics to track down below, but here are some examples of HR metrics commonly used to measure success:

Employee turnover rate

  • Measures the percentage of employees who leave your organization within a specific period. High turnover rates might point to issues with employee satisfaction, retention, or workplace culture.

Cost per hire 

  • Calculates the total cost of hiring a new employee, including recruitment expenses, advertising costs, and the hiring manager’s time. It helps you assess how efficient the process is, and find areas you can cut back on cost.

Time to fill

  • Measures the average time taken to fill open positions from the time they are approved to the time an offer is accepted. Longer time-to-fill rates may indicate challenges in attracting and hiring qualified candidates.

Employee satisfaction score

  • Assesses your employees’ overall satisfaction with their job, work environment, and workplace culture. Employee satisfaction surveys or pulse checks are commonly used to measure this metric.

Diversity and inclusion metrics:

  • Measures the representation of diverse groups within your organization, like gender, race, ethnicity, and age. HR metrics might include diversity ratios, representation in leadership roles, and engagement scores by demographic groups.

These are just a few of the HR metrics that can provide valuable insights into your HR management and employee engagement, helping your team to make data-driven decisions and drive success.

What are HR metrics used for?

Data has many different purposes, and can be used in a variety of ways. This is no different for HR metrics, which can be interpreted and leveraged to paint a holistic picture of your workforce. This includes:

Performance measurement: HR metrics allow you to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of your HR processes and initiatives. By tracking metrics like recruitment efficiency, training effectiveness, and attrition rates, your team can identify areas for improvement and optimize its HR strategies.

Strategic decision-making: Analyzing available data enables strategic decision-making by offering quantifiable insights into your workforce trends, employee engagement levels, and performance gaps. You and your leadership can use HR metrics to align current initiatives with the company mission and goals.

Resource allocation: Looking at how your organization allocates its resources will allow you to identify areas of high performance and areas needing improvement. By analyzing metrics such as cost per hire, training ROI, and turnover costs, you can better allocate resources on programs that drive results.

Identifying trends and patterns: HR metrics allow your team to identify trends and patterns within its workforce, such as turnover trends, absenteeism patterns, and performance trends. By monitoring these metrics over time, your HR department can spot emerging issues before they become a serious problem and take proactive measures to fix them.

Benchmarking: The right data will allow your team to benchmark its performance against industry standards and best practices. When you use metrics such as turnover rates, employee engagement scores, and compensation levels with industry benchmarks, you’ll be able to identify areas of strength and areas needing improvement.

Read next: What is Benchmarking in HR?

Employee engagement and retention: Analyzing HR metrics is absolutely essential for measuring and improving employee engagement and retention. Metrics such as employee satisfaction scores, turnover rates, and promotion rates provide insights into satisfaction levels and factors influencing employee motivation and retention.

Compliance and risk management: Ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements related to workforce management is a top priority for HR teams. Metrics such as diversity ratios and training completion rates will help your organization mitigate risks and keep compliant with labor laws and regulations.

Armed with the right data, your HR Team will be able to adjust, update, forecast and strategize—fixing any issues that exist now, while laying the groundwork for success down the road.

Why are HR metrics important? 

You probably already know the importance of data to make informed decisions. But studying key HR metrics can be truly transformative for your workforce initiatives and overall strategy. Here’s what you need to know:

Make informed decisions, and show how you did so: Access to valuable data and insights will enable your team to make informed decisions—and prove how you did so. Analyzing metrics such as employee turnover rates, recruitment efficiency, and training effectiveness, will help you identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement, leading to more effective workforce management strategies, and a seat at the strategy planning table.

Determine what’s working (and what isn’t): Looking at the right metrics will help you assess the effectiveness and efficiency of your HR processes. By tracking key data points like employee productivity, engagement levels, and performance outcomes, you can evaluate the impact of your programs and make adjustments as needed to drive better results.

Align your work with high-level strategy: HR metrics help align your initiatives with high-level goals and objectives at your organization. Tracking metrics that directly impact business outcomes, such as revenue per employee, cost per hire, and employee turnover costs, will allow you to demonstrate the value of HR investments and ensure that your strategies are adding value to the overall strategy at your company.

Spend where it’s needed, cut where it isn’t: These metrics also allow you to allocate resources effectively by identifying areas performing well and areas needing improvement. Analyzing metrics such as cost per hire, training ROI, and turnover costs will help your team to allocate resources needed to address critical workforce needs and drive the outcomes you need.

Build a workplace people want to work at: Measuring and improving employee engagement and retention is at the core of a successful HR team. By tracking metrics such as employee satisfaction scores, turnover rates, and promotion rates, you can identify what is influencing employee engagement and retention at your organization, intervene where necessary to improve employee satisfaction, and boost retention.

Never stop improving: HR metrics support a company culture of continuous improvement by providing feedback on HR initiatives and processes. Regularly monitoring and analyzing metrics will help you identify opportunities for improvement and make necessary changes over time to enhance HR effectiveness and efficiency, driving better business outcomes in the long run.

Considerations for Setting HR Metrics

HR Metrics

When setting HR metrics, it’s important to make sure the metrics you’re tracking are meaningful, relevant, and aligned with your organization’s goals. Here are some considerations to keep in mind:

1. Define your goals

Clearly define the objectives and goals you want to achieve through HR metrics. Whether it’s improving employee engagement, reducing turnover, or enhancing workforce productivity, having clear goals will help guide your metric selection process.

2. Prioritize and focus

Prioritize the most critical areas for measurement based on their impact on organizational success. Instead of tracking a vast data set, focus on a few key metrics that align closely with your strategic objectives and can drive meaningful change.

3. Relevant and actionable metrics (SMART)

Ensure that your HR metrics are relevant to your goals and are actionable. Use the SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to ensure that each metric is clearly defined, quantifiable, and tied to specific outcomes.

4. Data availability and measurement

Assess the availability and quality of data needed to measure each metric effectively. Ensure that you have access to accurate and reliable data sources, such as HRIS, performance management systems, and employee surveys, to track and analyze the chosen metrics.

5. Benchmarking and trend analysis

Compare your HR metrics against industry benchmarks and historical data to gain insights how your organization performs relative to competitors and past performance. Trend analysis helps you identify patterns and changes over time, allowing you to anticipate challenges and opportunities.

6. Communication and transparency

Build a culture of transparency and open communication around HR metrics within your organization. Ensure that key stakeholders (including executives, managers, and employees) understand the purpose of each metric, how it is measured, and its relevance to your goals.

18 Strategic HR Metrics for Your Business

Now, let’s dive into the nitty gritty and take a look at a comprehensive list of HR metrics you and your team should consider.

Workforce management

  1. Headcount: Measure the total number of employees in your organization at a given point in time to understand workforce size and changes over time.
  2. Employee turnover rate: Calculate the percentage of employees who leave your organization within a specific period, indicating retention challenges and potential areas for improvement.
  3. Diversity, equity and inclusion metrics: Track metrics such as gender diversity, ethnic diversity, and representation in leadership roles to assess progress toward building an inclusive workforce.

Talent acquisition

  1. Time-to-hire: Measure the average time taken to fill a vacant position from the job posting to the candidate’s acceptance, indicating recruitment efficiency.
  2. Cost per hire: Calculate the total cost to hire a new employee, including recruitment advertising, agency fees, and staff time spent on hiring activities.
  3. Offer acceptance rate: Determine the percentage of job offers accepted by candidates, reflecting the attractiveness of your organization as an employer.

Performance management

  1. Goal achievement: Assess the percentage of your employees who meet or exceed their performance goals, indicating individual and team effectiveness.
  2. Key performance indicators (KPI): Track specific metrics aligned with organizational objectives to evaluate performance and progress toward strategic goals.
  3. Performance and potential: Use talent assessment frameworks like the 9-box talent review model to evaluate employee performance and potential for future development or succession planning.

Additional resource: Download Omni’s free Ultimate Performance Review Template now!

Learning and development

  1. Skills gap analysis: Identify gaps between the skills your employees possess and those required for their roles or future career progression.
  2. Training completion rate: Measure the percentage of employees who successfully complete training programs, showing their engagement with learning programs.
  3. Learning and development ROI: Evaluate the ROI of learning and development initiatives by comparing the benefits gained to the costs incurred.

Employee engagement

  1. Absenteeism rate: Calculate the average rate of employee absences from work, which can impact productivity and morale.
  2. Employee net promoter score (eNPS): Measure employee advocacy and loyalty by asking how likely they are to recommend your organization as a place to work.
  3. Employee satisfaction surveys: Conduct regular surveys to gauge employee satisfaction with different aspects of their work environment, culture, and leadership.

Compensation and benefits

  1. Total cost of workforce: Calculate the total expenditure on employee compensation, including salaries, benefits, and payroll taxes.
  2. Pay equity: Assess and monitor the fairness of compensation across demographic groups to ensure equal pay for equal work.
  3. Benefits utilization rate: Measure the percentage of eligible employees who enroll in and use company-provided benefits, reflecting their perceived value of the benefits package.

Relevant reads: The Pay Parity Guide for HR

Leveraging HR Metrics for Strategic Advantage

It is clear that HR metrics are vital for modern growing teams as it provides valuable insights into its workforce, empowering HR leaders to make strategic moves that align with company goals.

With modern HR automation tools like Omni, you gain access to data-driven insights that facilitate informed decision-making, as well as seamless integrations that effortlessly connect with your existing employee favored systems, making your entire engagement process more efficient and modern.

Omni also offers real-time graphs and easily exportable reports, streamlining HR metrics and reducing calculation times and errors. This equips you with the necessary data to understand the trends within your organization. These tools empower HR teams to monitor trends over time, compare results across various departments, and proactively identify areas for improvement.

To join the 83% of Omni customers who have unlocked new, actionable insights after using our solution, book a free demo with our team today.

Human Resource Planning (HRP) Guide and Examples

Who doesn’t love it when a plan comes together? When careful Human Resource management strategy combines with appropriate execution, you get to reap the fruits of your labor and drive success at your organization. Sounds nice right? That’s exactly what establishing an Human Resource Planning (HRP) process is all about.

You can’t predict the future and make all the correct choices needed to set yourself up for future success. But what you do have is access to data, like talent assessments, industry forecasts, performance metrics and more. The process of HRP leverages that information and allows you to get a peek into what the future might hold, and act accordingly today.

In this guide, we’re going to walk you through everything you need to know about the process of HRP for your Human Resource management, with relevant examples, key steps to take, and some challenges you can expect to face.

What is human resource planning (HRP) ?

In a nutshell, the HRP process identifies and forecasts your organization’s current and future workforce needs. This is a major step you’ll need to take in order to meet high level business objectives in the short term, and stay future-proof down the road

The process of HRP also involves taking a look at your organization’s talent requirements, assessing both internal and external factors that are impacting staffing levels, and creating a plan that makes sure the right people are in the right roles at the right time in your organization.

By aligning your HR strategies with business objectives and anticipating future workforce trends, you can help build a resilient and agile workforce capable of driving innovation today while maintaining an ongoing competitive edge.

What are the objectives of the HRP process?

process of HRP

Now that we’ve taken a look at what HRP involves, here’s some of the outcomes you can expect as a result:

Optimize workforce capabilities

The primary objective of an HRP process is to make sure your organization has the right people with the right skills in the right positions to meet current and future business needs. 

This means considering people with growth potential, and ensuring they’re allowed to grow, succeed and advance in their job, all the while contributing their productivity to your organization. 

By assigning your workforce appropriately, you’ll see improvements in Human Resource management, productivity and optimized efficiency as your team performs the work they’re most suited for.

Minimize performance gaps

HRP aims to identify and address any gaps between your demand for talent and the available supply within your organization. 

Doing so means looking at external factors (like unemployment forecasts) and internal data (like the number of employees at your company nearing retirement) and creating a strategy to fill gaps as they arise. By doing so, HRP will help you shrink performance gaps and ensure that your organization has the necessary talent to meet its goals.

Enhance employee engagement

Engaged employees are more productive, innovative, and committed to organizational success. 

The process of HRP requires strategies that aim to enhance employee engagement by aligning individual goals with organizational objectives, providing opportunities for career development, and fostering a positive company culture that aims to boost your employees’ satisfaction and well-being.

Reduce costs

When done effectively, HRP can help your organization optimize its workforce management processes and reduce costs linked to overstaffing, understaffing, turnover, and recruitment. By accurately predicting workforce needs and implementing cost-effective talent management tactics, an HRP process will contribute to overall cost reduction, improved financial performance at your organization, and ultimately a better bottom line.

Improve decision making process

The process of HRP provides valuable insights and data-driven decision-making throughout the entire organization, not just Human Resource management. 

With timely and accurate information about workforce trends, skill gaps, succession planning, and talent availability, HRP helps leadership teams make high-level strategic decisions that support business growth and competitiveness.

Put simply, the objective of the HRP process is to make decisions with confidence that will improve workforce management now, and set you on a track for success in the future. Then, you’ll be able to reap the benefits.

Benefits of The HRP Process

With the objectives of the process of HRP established, let’s talk about the benefits it offers. From more engaged employees to a boosted bottom line, here’s how HRP can help your organization: 

Improved organizational performance

HRP helps your organization align its workforce and strategic goals, making sure that talent is being used where it’s needed, and employees are working towards the company mission effectively. 

Predicting future workforce needs, identifying skill gaps, and implementing targeted development initiatives will lead to improved business performance and help your organization remain relevant even against stiff competition.

Higher employee engagement levels

As mentioned above, engaged employees are more committed, productive, and motivated. Through HRP, your organization can create opportunities for career development, provide clear pathways for advancement, and develop a culture of recognition and reward — in turn leading to higher levels of employee engagement, satisfaction and productivity. 

Ability to adapt to changing needs

The modern business environment is evolving faster than ever before, and your organization needs to be agile and responsive to changing market conditions, technology advancements, and customer preferences. 

An HRP process enables you to anticipate future workforce requirements, identify emerging skill needs, and proactively address potential challenges, making sure that you can adapt quickly to changing needs and remain competitive.

Challenges of The HRP Process

Human Resource management

While there’s no doubt about the benefits of the process of HRP, you’ll still need to prepare for the occasional roadblocks that might come up. Here are some common challenges associated with HRP that you can expect:

Data availability and accuracy

Effective process of HRP relies on accurate and reliable data about your workforce demographics, skills, performance, and future business requirements. This can be easier said than done as you might find it difficult to access relevant data or ensure its accuracy. 

This is especially true if your organization heavily relies on manual processes and data input, which can increase the chances of human error. Inaccurate data will lead to flawed workforce forecasts and ineffective planning decisions, definitely a pitfall your team will want to avoid during the process of HRP.

Time consuming and costly

Developing and implementing an HRP process requires significant time, resources, and investment, something that can be overwhelming for teams with more than enough on their plates. 

For a meaningful HRP process you’ll need to gather and analyze workforce data, conduct workforce assessments, and develop workforce strategies, all of which can be time-consuming and costly.

Uncertainty of future needs

Predicting future workforce requirements in a dynamic and uncertain business environment can be quite a challenge. Factors like technological advancements, economic conditions, regulatory changes, and shifting market demands can lead to uncertainty with workforce planning efforts, making it difficult to anticipate future talent needs accurately, regardless of the available data.

Despite these challenges, many organizations are finding ways to prioritize developing an HRP process, realizing the strategic benefits more than outweigh the obstacles that might crop up.

Key Steps in the HRP Process

With something as complex as the process of HRP, it can be daunting to even take the first step. That’s why we’ve made a step-by-step list for you to check off, and hopefully make implementing HRP a little easier. To start you need to:

1. Analyze current workforce

Your HR team should conduct a comprehensive analysis of its current workforce, including demographic data, skills inventory, performance reviews, and employee engagement surveys. This analysis helps identify existing strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement within your organization.

2. Forecast future demand

Based on business projections, market trends, and organizational growth plans, it’s time for your Human Resource management team to forecast future workforce demand. 

For instance, if the company plans to expand its operations into new markets, you need to estimate the additional staffing requirements to support this expansion.

3. Identify talent gaps

By comparing projected demand with your current workforce supply, you can identify potential talent gaps or shortages.

For example, if the forecast indicates a need for more employees with specialized technical skills, your team can prioritize recruitment efforts in those areas to address the gap before it impacts your operational efficiency.

4. Develop strategies

Next up in the process of HRP, it’s time to develop concrete strategies to address the identified talent gaps and align your workforce with top-level objectives. This will involve kicking off recruitment initiatives, training and development programs, succession planning, or workforce restructuring to meet future demands effectively.

5. Implement and monitor

Once the HRP process has been set up, it’s time to implement strategies developed to monitor their effectiveness over time. 

For instance, if your organization launches a training program to upskill existing employees, you’ll need to track participant progress, evaluate program outcomes, and make adjustments as needed to ensure the program’s success and make adjustments where needed.

That’s all it takes to reap the rewards of a successful HRP process. While certainly easier said than done, following these steps should give you a solid framework for launching your own HRP process for Human Resource management.

Useful Tools for The HRP Process

A successful HRP process relies on several tools and techniques to gather data, analyze workforce trends, and make informed decisions. Here are some of the tools you can use in your own Human Resource management:


Surveys (like employee satisfaction surveys, skills assessments, and succession planning questionnaires) provide valuable insights into your employee preferences, skills, and career aspirations. 

They’re easy to deploy, relatively straightforward to interpret, and as an added bonus allows employees to have a voice, and feel that they can affect positive change within your organization. These surveys also help your Human Resource management team understand workforce dynamics and identify areas for continuous improvement.

Workforce analytics tools

Workforce analytics tools leverage data to analyze workforce trends, predict future talent needs, and assess the impact of your HR initiatives on overall performance. 

These tools use advanced analytics techniques to generate actionable insights that enable you to make strategic workforce decisions with confidence.


Of all the tools that benefit an HRP process, HRIS platforms might be the most relevant. They centralize employee data, including demographics, skills, performance evaluations, and training records in a single database, making them reliable, accessible, and consistent. 

HRIS systems streamline HR processes, facilitate data-driven decision-making, and enhance collaboration between the Human Resource management team and other members. Also, HRIS often includes reporting and analytics capabilities, helping you to generate customized reports and track key workforce metrics.

Maximizing HRP Impact with Omni

It is clear that having a good HRP process in place can mean productivity and profitability for a company. However, you need the right tools by your side to ensure you can maximize its impact on your Human Resource management with minimal effort. 

Affordable, functional, and suitable for modern growing businesses— Omni is the Human Resource management software that your business can rely on when developing your HRP process. Our all-in-one solution is specifically crafted to meet the unique requirements of your business, regardless of your geographical location. 

What’s more, HR automation tools like Omni provide clear and timely insights into your employee demographics and the ability to generate customized reports, helping you build and audit your HRP process backed by real data.

To join the 83% of Omni customers who have unlocked new, actionable insights after using our solution, book a free demo with our team today.

What is Benchmarking in HR?

You likely have access to data analytics regarding your business, such as employee absenteeism rates, time to hire, and overtime hours. However, interpreting these figures can be challenging, as you may struggle to determine whether they are objectively positive or negative, and what targets to set for the future.

It’s not surprising that only 5% of small business owners achieved their goals in a Clutch survey, largely due to lack of attention to benchmarking. The situation is similar for mid-sized businesses and enterprises. In this article, we explore the concept of benchmarking and provide guidance on how to implement the benchmarking process effectively in your company.

What is Benchmarking in HR?

To answer the question of “What is benchmarking?,” this technique compares the key HR metrics between or within businesses, industries, teams, roles, sectors, processes, and practices. It can also involve comparing current data with past data.

Using quantitative and qualitative data, you can identify the best business practices, get feedback that helps you improve your people’s practices, and modify current processes by incorporating these practices.

If you’re still unclear about the meaning of benchmarking, it involves comparing your company’s policies and practices to those of another similar company. This comparison helps you to determine the benchmark, or the target you aim for.

Conducting the benchmarking process regularly is essential for continuous improvement in your business practices. 

Types of HR Benchmarking

To fully understand the question “What is benchmarking?” we must consider the nuance in the meaning of benchmarking, which encompasses two types. Understanding these types will help you interpret the data you generate. 

Internal Benchmarking

You can conduct internal benchmarking, meaning that you compare metrics across teams, groups, and departments within an organization. For example, you might compare two departments in terms of profitability or employee engagement. By continuously monitoring these metrics, you can track changes.

Shareholders, managers, and analysts often take an interest in these comparisons, as they reveal trends in business performance and enable them to anticipate future results.

The benchmarking process also allows you to calculate the average engagement rate across teams, providing insight into the average performance for a specific metric. This data helps you classify each team as either below or above average, aiding in the development of a suitable employee engagement plan.

External Benchmarking

In an external benchmarking process, what is benchmarking? It involves comparing your business with a similar one in a particular regard, enabling you to calculate an average or industry norm. 

This perspective helps you determine whether your business falls above or below the average and provides insight into its competitiveness.

Goal of Benchmarking

benchmarking process

Now that we’ve clarified the question of “What is benchmarking?,” let’s explore what you can achieve with it to ensure your efforts are focused on your goals.

Identify Areas of Improvement

What is benchmarking if not a method to uncover organizational issues? By comparing against industry benchmarks or a competitor’s averages, you can readily determine whether your company’s performance falls below or exceeds those standards.

Whether the issue is disengagement or turnover, the benchmarking process detects areas for potential improvement. This enables you to prioritize these areas in your strategy or even initiative specific initiatives to address them.

Set Realistic Goals

You’re likely familiar with SMART goals, where the A stands for Achievable. The data-driven insights from the benchmarking process can assist you in setting realistic goals. 

These goals will be grounded in your current performance levels and can be compared against industry benchmarks, competitor rates, or your company’s historical data (depending on your focus). 

Read next: Performance Review SMART Goals: 18 Examples to Drive Results

Develop Best Practices

You can design the best industry practices via the benchmarking process, meaning that you can compare HR metrics to see what works and what doesn’t. This appraisal helps you find the best methods, adjust them to your organization, and refine existing practices.

Let’s say a competitor has much higher employee engagement levels. Taking inspiration from their company-wide employee appreciation campaign can inspire you to develop the best recognition techniques for your company.

Make Informed Decisions

The benchmarking process enhances the value of data and centralizes its interpretation, enabling you to make informed decisions. By comparing certain metrics with those of your competitors, industry averages, or your company’s past data, you can determine the right direction for your company.

What is benchmarking? It’s a way of spotting effective policies and those that require modification. Periodic external benchmarking, which is ongoing, allows you to monitor industry trends and the evolving nature of customer demands. 

Advantages & Disadvantages of Benchmarking

When considering the question ”What is benchmarking?” we aim to provide a comprehensive overview by examining its pros and cons. This approach helps you implement the strategy effectively. On one hand, the benchmarking process offers the following advantages:

  • Enhanced business impacts: Benchmarking involves examining your workforce practices and linking them to business results, providing insights into how these practices affect overall performance.
  • Improved HR practices: Benchmarking allows for objective evaluation of HR processes, highlighting weaknesses and facilitating improvements.
  • Industry trends tracking: Regular benchmarking enables the identification of industry trends and shifts, helping in strategic planning to maintain competitiveness. 
  • Better employee experience: Utilizing benchmarking insights to enhance HR practices increases employee engagement and overall work experience.
  • Talent attraction: A positive work experience, achieved through the benchmarking process, attracts high quality candidates and retains current employees, supported by competitive compensation and benefit programs.
  • Effective training: The benchmarking process reveals the skills employees in similar businesses possess and their training durations, enabling you to offer sufficient training programs.

However, the benchmarking process also has its drawbacks that you need to take note of:

  • Inaccurate comparisons: Comparing data between different teams within your company or with other organizations can be challenging due to varying factors and circumstances. Therefore, it’s important to consider HR benchmarking along with other indicators for more precise assessments.
  • Terminology standardization issues: In benchmarking, clarity in meaning can be elusive, as HR metrics may not have consistent names or measurement systems across organizations.

Process of HR Benchmarking

benchmarking process

In this section, we’ll guide you through HR benchmarking, enabling you to follow these steps to attain the advantages outlined above.

1. Define your goals and objectives

“What is benchmarking, and where do I start?” Before anything, what is your purpose from the HR benchmarking process? Maybe you want to enhance your budget distribution or the composition of your workforce. The benchmarking process works for all HR processes, but focusing your efforts on specific areas makes them more impactful.

2. Identify relevant benchmarks

You’ve identified specific areas of benchmarking, focusing on relevant benchmarks or metrics for comparison across or within companies. For example, you might address employee engagement by benchmarking the attrition rate and retention rate. Other benchmarks include:

  • Quality of hire
  • Quality of work
  • Average compensation per employee
  • Market index

3. Collect and analyze date

What is benchmarking if not detailed data collection and analysis? If you’ve decided to track certain metrics, such as turnover and retention rates, you’ll need to collect this data internally.

Many HR software tools offer reporting features for workforce data, including the ability to create custom reports with selected metrics for benchmarking, streamlining the process. These tools also provide access to historical data through their employee database software system.

After collecting internal data, you’ll need to collect the data for comparison, which is either internal data (from other departments or past year) or external (from other companies).

For external data, target mid-sized businesses in your industry and region, preferably those open to benchmarking. However, accessing such data can be challenging due to confidentiality practices. 

Even if you visit other organizations, obtaining authentic information can be difficult, which undermines the credibility of benchmarking. Therefore, purchasing benchmarking reports from reputable research institutions can be a helpful workaround to ensure accuracy.

Finally, analyze your internal data against the selected benchmarks to determine if it falls within, above, or below average.

4. Interpret the results

During this phase of the benchmarking process, you compare metrics by examining a spreadsheet or report containing two sets of metrics. You identify similarities and significant gaps between the numbers. 

Benchmarking aims to help you understand these deviations. You should determine whether the deviations are positive or negative and analyze the processes, factors, and practices influencing them.

5. Develop an action plan to implement changes 

What is benchmarking revealing to you? Insights from the benchmarking process may highlight performance gaps that require attention. Establish a project timeline, specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and assign responsibility for implementation.

Develop a tailored benchmarking plan that aligns with your company culture for seamless implementation. Seek support from your company’s executive leaders. 

6. Analyze long-term results

You have the specified metrics for benchmarking, enabling you to monitor progress over time and evaluate the effectiveness of your HR plan. To do this, you’ll recreate the spreadsheet or report used earlier and repeat the benchmarking process.

Review the changes and adjust your plan as needed for your HR benchmarking process. What is benchmarking lacking as a strategy? 

Benchmarking and Company Culture

What is benchmarking in relation to company culture?

Benchmarking and company culture are closely related, as the success of the benchmarking process often depends on the organization’s company values and norms. 

A strong company culture that values innovation, collaboration and continuous improvement is more likely to embrace benchmarking as a tool to drive positive change. Employees in such cultures are more open to sharing information and best practices, which is pivotal for successful benchmarking. 

Conversely, a weak company culture can hinder benchmarking efforts, as employees may be reluctant to collaborate or share information. Therefore, creating a culture that supports benchmarking can lead to more effective use of benchmarking data and improve business performance. 

Curious about creating a vibrant company culture?

Transforming Data into Actionable Strategies

The benchmarking process plays a crucial role in modern businesses by providing valuable insights for decision-making and driving continuous improvement. 

By comparing performance metrics against industry standards or competitors, businesses can identify areas of growth and implement strategies to stay competitive – which is highly pivotal in this ever changing landscape. 

With all-in-one HR software like Omni, you can leverage automation and streamline your processes while gaining actionable insights for continuous improvement and team effectiveness.Through leveraging the power of automation, Omni allows HR teams and managers access to custom reports on specific metrics in the benchmarking process and swiftly address potential issues and drive company performance. 

To join the 83% of Omni customers who have unlocked new, actionable insights after using our solution, book a free demo with our team today.

Slack Tips and Tricks for More Productive HR Teams

Managing growing teams of people can be overwhelming, especially when there are many ways to stay connected.

Recently, Slack has been progressively replacing email for internal communication within workplaces, and for good reasons — a high degree of customization and a broad set of collaborative features.

For many remote workforces, Slack is at the forefront of enhancing their remote team communication. Whether remote or not, employees and HR teams use it as often as emails, hence the need for easy-to-use HR hacks for Slack.

If you’re looking to increase productivity as an HR team, here are our top 10 Slack tips that will help you stay ahead of the game.

Let’s dive right in.

What is Slack?

Slack has become one of the most widely used workplace communication platforms since its 2013 public launch. Their report shows that over 100,000 organizations, including 77 Fortune 100 companies, use Slack.

Its instant messaging capabilities provide faster and often more casual communication than email, making it gain traction. Slack has earned a reputation for its integration. Over 2,000 integrations exist, including Omni, Salesforce, Google Calendar, GitHub, and Loom.

Besides internal communications, you can use Slack for employee onboarding, conveying company culture in a virtual space, collaborating with other companies, and managing project workflows.

What are Slack Channels?

Slack channels are one of Slack’s main features and the simplest way to organize teams around a shared goal. With channels, you and your team get a shared view of the work done, making progress easier to track.

The two types of channels on Slack are public channels and private channels.

In the public channels, everyone on the team can view the messages. Public channels can be things like #General, for general work-related conversations, or #Random, which can be used for non-work related activities.

Private channels — identified with a padlock icon in front — are not open to all team members. They are primarily for specific teams within the company; someone must invite you to the private channel before you can access it.

Channels are created based on their relevance in building a good workspace atmosphere, especially for fully remote teams and employees working from home. Slack tips can make navigating these channels easier, especially for new employees.

Ways to Make the Most Out of Slack for HR Team Productivity

Now that we’ve established the basics, let’s dive into the Slack tips curated for HR teams. These tips are great for enhancing productivity and fostering collaboration, ultimately improving the efficiency of HR operations.

1. Establishing dedicated channels

An effective practice in Slack is to create channels tailored to specific projects, topics, or teams. This approach brings together relevant people and information, making it easier for idea-sharing, decision-making, and moving work forward.

For example, creating a private channel dedicated to employee onboarding can provide new hires with a platform to get more information regarding the process or ask questions. To create a new channel, simply click on the “add channel” button and provide details about the channel’s purpose and members.

Not sure what to include in your employee onboarding channel?

2. Integrating HR features with Slack

Slack’s real-time messaging and collaboration features make it easier for employees to communicate and collaborate on HR-related tasks.

Integration is a crucial feature that every HR software must have. For example, Omni integrates seamlessly with Slack. This integration allows managers to receive and manage time off approvals directly within the platform, simplifying leave management with just a click.

These features not only streamline HR processes but also boost productivity and efficiency across the entire team.

Slack tip

3. Jump on a huddle and share your screen with ease

As remote work becomes increasingly prevalent, work calls are on the rise. With Slack, it’s easier to join huddles, sort out issues, provide updates, and catch up with team members.

Huddles allow for quick discussions and the gathering of multiple perspectives, speeding up the decision-making process. They are also more engaging than long meetings, encouraging employee participation and boosting employee engagement.

Additionally, you can use the huddle feature to easily share your screen for real-time visual guidance. This feature can be beneficial for HR professionals during the onboarding process as it allows them to guide new hires through company policies, software tools, and other essential information virtually. It can also be a fantastic way to host brainstorming sessions.

For desktop users, a useful Slack tip is to use the shortcut “Ctrl + Shift + H” to initiate a huddle instead of clicking the huddle button on a person’s profile, saving time and streamlining communication.

4. Implementing workflow automation

Another valuable Slack tip on our list is to take advantage of Slack’s Workflow Builder, which simplifies daily tasks for you and your modern HR team by automating repetitive tasks and streamlining workflows.

HR teams can create workflows for various tasks such as onboarding, leave requests and performance evaluations.

For example, a workflow can be set up to welcome new employees with personalized messages and links to relevant resources and information upon joining a team channel, saving time on manual introductions.

Additionally, connect Workflow Builder to Google Sheets and get automated updates on employee information or track progress on onboarding tasks within a shared spreadsheet, improving data visibility and collaboration.

5. Conducting advanced searches

Mastering advanced search techniques in Slack can be a great boost for HR team productivity by enabling quick information retrieval in the vast pool of data. This feature saves time and effort, ensuring that important information is easily accessible when needed.

Here’s a Slack tip for finding information quickly across:

Slack channels

  • For Mac: “Command + G”
  • For Windows or Linux: “Control + G”

To search within a channel or direct message: 

  • For Mac: “Command + F.”
  • For Windows or Linux: “Control + F”

You can also use search filters such as people, dates, and conversations to refine your search results. In the “More filters” section, you can leave out bots, apps, and workflows to prevent other apps’ updates from cluttering your search results.

Additionally, combine keywords with Boolean operators such as “AND,” “OR,” and “NOT” to refine searches further. For example, search for messages containing “marketing” AND “experience” but NOT “intern” to identify candidates with relevant marketing experience excluding internship roles.

6. Leveraging polls and surveys

One of the essential ways to build workplace culture is by directly asking for feedback from team members.

Surveys are vital for representing your team’s views, measuring effectiveness, and clarifying expectations. It also provides a platform to explore development opportunities, ensuring that employees’ voices are heard.

For example, HR teams can conduct employee satisfaction surveys to improve performance. While Slack doesn’t offer a built-in polling or survey feature, you can easily create a poll using emojis as a simple Slack tip. Here’s how:

  1. Write the question for the poll you want to conduct.
  2. Format the text appropriately for better readability.
  3. Send the poll to the channel, allowing everyone to respond with their reactions.
  4. To initiate the vote, reply to the message with the available emoji options first and encourage others to participate.

By using Slack for polls and surveys, it allows for real-time feedback and promotes employee engagement. This data collected can help drive informed decisions, and integration with other tools ensures seamless workflows.

7. Setting up or pausing notifications for focused work time

Managing notifications is key to staying focused. You can pause notifications and mentions as needed to minimize distractions and concentrate on tasks at hand. Another helpful Slack tip is to schedule notifications for specific times, allowing you to control interruptions.

When you resume notifications, you can review messages received during your focused time. Team members will see a “do not disturb” icon next to your name if they message you, but they can send urgent messages that will override the pause once a day.

To switch on this feature:

  • Click on your profile picture.
  • Then click “Pause notifications.”
  • Select a timeframe from the list, or click Custom to set your own. To turn it off, use this same step and select “Resume notifications.”

Alternatively, use the command “/dnd” followed by the duration you want to pause notifications for.

8. Personalize settings to highlight unread channels

One of Slack’s most beloved features is its high level of customization, allowing users to personalize virtually every aspect of their experience.

Sorting unread messages is a particularly useful Slack tip for enhancing productivity.

You can do this on your desktop by:

  • Clicking the “menu” at the top of the “Unread messages” bar to sort messages into a sidebar.
  • The messages are displayed in descending order, from newest to oldest.

9. Using commands to boost productivity

Shortcuts are invaluable for boosting efficiency, and these Slack tips and tricks will help in your navigation:

  • /invite [@username] [#channel]: To invite someone to a specific channel
  • /collapse: To collapse long messages, making them easier to read
  • /mute: To temporarily put all messages in a channel on mute
  • /who: To show the members of a channel and their status
  • /status: To set your status easily
  • /expand: To expand all collapse message
  • /remind: To remind yourself, someone else or the whole channel about something

When you need to recall available shortcuts, simply use: /shortcuts to display all keyboard shortcuts.

10. Updating your status to indicate if you’re OOO

Showing that you’re “out-of-office” on Slack has become simpler, as you can now easily set your status to inform colleagues that you’re unavailable. Here’s how:

  • Click your profile picture in the sidebar and select “Set a status.”
  • Choose “Out of office” from the list
  • Select when your out-of-office status should be removed under “Remove status after… “
  • Optionally, tick the box next to “Pause notifications” to switch off notifications until your status clears.
  • You can also add an “Out-of-office message” to display on your profile or when someone mentions you in a channel.
  • Click Save.

Another helpful Slack tip is to use the shortcut “Ctrl + Shift+ Y,” to quickly bring up the pop-up.

Importance of Communication Tools for HR Teams

Slack tip

Effective communication is essential for modern HR teams to operate effectively. Communication tools like Slack can significantly enhance HR productivity by streamlining communication, fostering collaboration, and enabling quick access to information.

Slack’s well-loved features, such as channels, direct messaging, and integrations with other HRIS tools like Omni, can help HR teams stay organized, informed, and responsive.

Omni frees HR teams from administrative cycles by offering HR automation for the entire end-to-end employee lifecycle — from recruitment and onboarding to employee engagement and payroll — allowing you to redirect your time to strategic work that drives business growth.

Omni also seamlessly integrates with Slack, enabling managers to receive and manage time off approvals directly within the messaging platform, removing time-consuming steps from leave management with a quick push of a button. With automated calculations, employees and managers can easily view leave balances in real-time without the intervention of HR.

Book a demo with us today to learn more about how Omni can transform your processes, saving you time, reducing administrative burdens, and enhancing overall efficiency.

What is an ESG Score and Why Should it be a Part of Your People Strategy?

According to the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) must be limited by 2025 to avoid the irreversible effects of climate change. Asia Pacific has a crucial part to play, as an increasing share of global emissions will come from the region; this has seen an increase from 35% in 2010 to 39% in 2019.

Net zero emissions ensures that business growth not only benefits the bottom line but also ensures a legacy for the people and the planet. To estimate your company’s impact on climate change and other no-less critical issues, you can refer to ESG HR specialists.

But what is an ESG score? In this article, we’ll delve into its definition, how it’s calculated, and why it’s crucial to incorporate it into your people strategy.

What is an Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Score?

what is an ESG score

An ESG Score, or Environmental, Social, and Governance score, is an unbiased, quantitative measure of a company, fund, or security’s adherence to ESG criteria. This score reflects the level of consideration ESG HR leaders give to ESG risks.

However, the answer to “what is an ESG score?” is a challenging one because it lacks standardization. Various providers use different metrics and rating systems, each focusing on one or more ESG categories and then computing an overall ESG score.

Still, what exactly does ESG HR score assess in terms of risks or concerns?

Some rating systems focus on general factors that are relevant across different industries, such as climate change, inclusion, diversity, and human rights. Others are more industry-specific, focusing on issues that are prevalent within those sectors.

For example, the roofing industry faces the risk of slip accidents, which can lead to severe injuries. This necessitates the implementation of fall protection measures.

How are ESG Scores Calculated?

Explaining the calculation process for an ESG score, which addresses the question “what is an ESG score?”, typically involves three main steps, depending on the rating agency.

Firstly, the rating agency collects data to assess your company’s environmental, social (including ESG HR practices), and governance risks. Resources may include:

This data is compiled using reporting frameworks such as:

  • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
  • Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
  • Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)

Secondly, the reporting agency determines the weight or value to each data point based on its potential impact within a two-year timeframe. They then evaluate the company’s performance regarding these issues and assign a rating.

Finally, the agency calculates the overall ESG score by multiplying the ratings with their respective weights.

For instance, MSCI uses 37 key issues and assigns scores from zero to 10 based on their impact and timeliness. A higher score indicates better risk mitigation. Companies may receive a classification such as “leader” with a score range of  5.714 to 10.000, and a letter score of AA to AAA.

Omni Tip on ESG HR:
To get a well-rounded evaluation, you can compare your company’s ESG score across different agencies.

How Does ESG Score Impact Your Organization?

what is an ESG score

Now that you have a grasp on “what is an ESG score”, It’s important to understand its importance and give ESG HR the attention it deserves.

Ensure Compliance With Regulations

A strong ESG score can deter regulatory agencies scrutiny, minimizing the risk of investigations, fines, and legal issues. This translates to substantial cost savings and avoids reputational damages that often arise with legal troubles. A high ESG score signifies that your organization is committed to meeting environmental, social, and governance standards, which can help build trust with regulators and stakeholders alike.

Source of Competitive Advantage

A high ESG score can heavily impact your business by creating a competitive advantage. Here’s why:

Investors may incorporate an ESG review into their investment analysis to gauge a company’s long-term potential, risks, and strategic priorities.

For other investors who prioritize ethical and sustainable business models, they may use an ESG rating as a primary screening criterion. Companies with low ESG scores, typically below 50, may be eliminated from consideration by socially responsible investors.

These investors often compare a company’s ESG performance across various providers for a comprehensive assessment. Additionally, they assess a company’s ESG HR practices against that of other companies. This underscores the importance of understanding ‘what is an ESG score’ to gain a competitive advantage.

Attracting and Retaining Workforce

A higher ESG score corresponds to lower ESG risk rates and lower attrition rates. But what is an ESG score to top talent, and why do they care?

Millennials and Gen Z, who form the majority of the workforce, prioritize mitigating ESG risks due to their heightened awareness and access to resources.

According to the Asia Pacific Workforce Hopes and Fears Survey 2022, these generations value transparency regarding health and safety records, economic impact, environmental impact (such as climate change), and diversity and inclusion in the workplace. This demand on transparency indicates that millennials and Gen Z make employment decisions based on these factors, highlighting the importance of employee engagement and attraction.

Gen Z, often called the “change generation,” prioritizes purpose over salary and is highly conscious of its social impact. These generations seek proof of sustainability efforts, making an ESG score a key indicator of effective ESG HR risk management.

As organizations focus more on improving their ESG commitment and scores, HR departments can achieve greater success by retaining and attracting top talent, reducing the cost of recruitment, and enhancing employee performance.

Read next: Is Your Business Prepared to Work With Gen Z and Gen Alpha?

Risk Management of ESG Score

While ESG scores offer various benefits, they also come with risks that organizations need to manage effectively.

Firstly, data management and transparency is important. Organizations need to ensure accurate and reliable data collection, storage, and reporting to provide stakeholders with complete insight into their ESG performance.

Secondly, establishing clear metrics and methodologies for assessing ESG performance is crucial. This includes defining relevant indicators, setting performance targets, and regularly evaluating progress against these benchmarks.

Finally, internal governance plays a critical role in managing risk of ESG scores. Organizations need robust governance structures and processes in place to oversee relevant ESG initiatives, ensure accountability, and drive continuous improvement in ESG performance.

Why is it Important to HR Leaders?

To gain a deeper understanding of “what is an ESG score”, it is important to recognize the increasingly important role of HR leaders in managing the social aspect of ESG. Hence, incorporating ESG HR into your People strategy is pivotal.

Attracting and retaining talent

As mentioned earlier, ESG scores play a huge role in attracting and retaining talent. It is imperative to review and potentially update your HR policies and practices to stay ahead of the game when it comes to employee attraction and retention.

Understanding the concept of an ESG score and aligning with its criteria can further empower you to reshape your existing policies, thus fostering a more attractive environment for both current employees and prospective talents.

Shaping company culture

Company culture plays an important part in shaping employee experiences. With the growing emphasis on ESG HR efforts, HR leaders must adeptly manage employee relationships. Recent events such as the COVID-19 pandemic underscore the need for proactive engagement and support from HR in cultivating a positive company culture.

Read next: Strategies and Tools for Defining Culture in the Workplace

Aligning with stakeholder values

Aligning with stakeholder values is crucial for organizational success. By exploring the question, “what is an ESG score?” and embracing its principles, HR can pave the way to aligning company values with those of stakeholders. This alignment not only benefits the organization’s reputation but also fosters trust and credibility among stakeholders and employees.

Incorporating ESG Into Your People Strategy

Integrating ESG into your People strategy is vital for modern organizations. It aids in attracting and retaining top talent, shape a positive company culture, and ensure alignment with stakeholder values. HR leaders play a key role in managing the social aspects of ESG within this framework.

All-in-one HR software like Omni can be instrumental in this process by providing features such as comprehensive employee records, which allow for the analysis of workforce demographics and employee well-being, key aspects of ESG management.

Furthermore, our performance management module facilitates the integration of sustainability goals in performance evaluations. It also provides real-time analytics for data driven decision making, offering instant reports to monitor and incentivize employees towards achieving ESG objectives.

With a comprehensive suite of modules that cater to all aspects of your business, Omni’s intuitive and customizable platform seamlessly integrates with your team’s well-loved systems, facilitating a smooth and timely adoption of ESG principles into your company’s culture.

If you’d like to learn more about how Omni’s all-in-one HR software can bring your ESG commitment to the next level, book a demo with us today and start building a more sustainable and socially responsible organization!

Paying your employees is one of the most important expenses your company incurs. However, it’s not always as straightforward as paying out a base salary. You need to consider the cost of recruitment, variable pay, deductions and fluctuations in market rate so your recruitment strategies can remain competitive.

This is where a detailed salary budget comes in. This strategic outline helps account for all the expenses associated with maintaining (and growing) your workforce. It’s an essential part of any organization’s roadmap, and needs to be carefully considered with present expenses and future opportunities balanced together.

Here’s everything you need to know about the cost of recruitment, tracking and implementing a salary budget, and what technology you can lean on to help the process.

What is a Salary Budget?

Before we dive right into the guide, let’s get to know the basics of a salary budget. For HR professionals, a salary budget serves as the foundational financial plan outlining how much you expect to spend on employee compensation for a defined period (often aligning with the fiscal year). This budget outlines how your organization’s financial resources dedicated to the cost of recruitment, salaries, wages, bonuses, and other employee-related expenses will be spent.

Key components of a salary budget

Base salaries: These are the fixed amount of money allocated for roles at your organization, and represent the core of employee compensation.

Variable pay: This deals with bonuses, incentives, commissions, and any other form of performance-based pay that may vary based on individual or team achievements.

Benefits and perquisites: In addition to direct monetary compensation, a salary budget often includes provisions for employee benefits such as health insurance, retirement contributions, and other perks.

Payroll taxes: Tax-based deductions also need to be considered. These expenses related to employer-paid taxes are critical to consider when setting your overall salary budget.

Salary adjustments: You’ll need to account for periodic adjustments, whether they’re cost-of-living increases, merit-based raises, or adjustments to remain competitive in the job market.

A well-defined salary budget is one of the single-most important steps your HR department can take each year. Accounting for predictable costs while leaving room for cost of recruitment and flexibility will help you attract and retain talent, ensuring everyone is adequately compensated and employee satisfaction.

Learn more: Recruitment Fees Explained: Types of Structures You Can Expect

Why is Having a Salary Budget Important?

As mentioned, one of the biggest expenses for an organization is paying the salaries of its employees. Ensuring fair compensation fosters an engaged and motivated workforce. Thus, establishing a salary budget is crucial. Delve deeper into the significance of a salary budget with the following reasons: 

Financial Control and Predictability

  • Financial stability: A salary budget provides a structured framework for allocating resources, helping establish stability in your organization’s financial landscape. It also allows for better control over spending related to employee compensation.
  • Budget predictability: Having a well-defined salary budget allows your organization to predict and plan for labor costs, which minimizes financial surprises and helps with financial forecasting.

Talent attraction and retention

  • Competitive compensation: A well-crafted salary budget guarantees that your organization remains competitive in the job market. It enables you to attract top-tier talent by offering salaries and benefits that meet industry standards, and appeal to high-value candidates.
  • Retention strategies: This involves allocating funds within your organization for salary adjustments, bonuses and benefits aimed at enhancing employee satisfaction and employee retention. Consequently, investing in such expenditures fosters organizational continuity, reduces turnover rates, and mitigates recruitment costs associated with talent replacement.

Performance alignment

  • Linking performance to compensation: A salary budget serves as the mechanism which links individual and team performance to compensation. This encourages employees to strive for excellence, knowing that their efforts are recognized and rewarded.
  • Merit-based adjustments: The budget allows for performance-based salary adjustments, acknowledging and incentivizing high-performing members of your team, contributing to a performance-driven company culture within your organization.

Strategic Workforce Planning

  • Resource allocation: Your organization can strategically allocate resources based on its business priorities. For example, a salary budget could include provisions for targeted hires or additional training to address specific skill gaps within your workforce.
  • Long-term planning: It also aids in long-term workforce planning by considering factors such as succession planning, skill development, and workforce expansion.

Cost Management and Compliance

  • Cost containment: By defining and managing your labor costs, a salary budget helps your organization manage its overall budget effectively and accurately. It also allows for adjustments in response to changing financial circumstances, such as a market downturn.
  • Compliance with regulations: Your salary budget helps maintain compliance with labor laws and regulations related to compensation (such as minimum wage or overtime pay) preventing any legal issues that could arise if there were salary disputes.

Organizational Transparency and Employee Morale

  • Transparency: A clear and communicated salary budget fosters transparency in the organization. Employees are aware of the criteria for salary adjustments and bonus allocations, promoting a sense of fairness.
  • Morale boost: Knowing that the organization has a structured approach to compensation increases employee engagement and morale. It establishes a sense of trust and fairness in the employer-employee relationship.

In short, a salary budget is essential for proficient financial management, talent strategy, and overall success, spanning short and long-term objectives. It ensures alignment of financial resources with strategic goals, accounts for the cost of recruitment, and cultivates a harmonious and prosperous work environment.

salary budget

What to Consider When Creating a Salary Budget?

Developing a comprehensive salary budget requires a careful and detail-oriented approach, particularly when approaching elements that directly impact your organization’s success and your employee well-being and financial security (like the cost of recruitment). Let’s take a closer look at the key aspects to focus on when crafting a salary budget.

Market research and industry standards

When approaching your salary budget creation, begin by taking a deep dive into market research in order to grasp the current industry standards and salary benchmarks. Look into compensation surveys, industry reports, cost of recruitment standards, and relevant market trends. This data should form your foundation for determining competitive and attractive salary ranges that resonate with the broader market.

Analyzing competitor salary structures and understanding the average compensation for similar roles in the industry will provide valuable insights, and give you a keener understanding of the cost of recruitment you can expect. This step also ensures that your organization remains competitive and will attract top talent.

Organizational Needs and Priorities

Aligning the salary budget with your organizational needs and priorities should be your top priority. Consider the strategic objectives and overarching goals of your company, and consider—if there are imminent plans for growth, allocate budget resources accordingly, making sure that the salary budget supports these strategic initiatives.

This step involves a careful consideration of your organization’s mission and vision, company values, and strategic plans. For example, if its focus is on innovation, the salary budget might need to account for attracting specialized talent in cutting-edge fields, which could potentially increase the overall cost of recruitment.

Benefits and Perks

Beyond basic salary figures, your overall compensation packages probably include perks and benefits. Delve into structuring a comprehensive benefits plan, including health insurance, retirement contributions, and additional perks. The aim with this step is to create an enticing package that goes beyond monetary considerations.

Consider the specific needs and preferences of your workforce. For example, younger demographics like Gen Z and Gen Alpha might place a higher value on professional development opportunities, while a more senior team member might prioritize retirement benefits.

Retention and Talent Acquisition

A strategic salary budget should address both talent retention and the cost of recruitment. Identify important positions for targeted retention efforts and allocate resources for competitive compensation packages. At the same time, set aside budgetary provisions for attracting new talent, especially if there are plans for expanding the workforce.

You’ll need to consider the turnover rates for key positions and understand the cost of losing valuable talent. A budget that recognizes and rewards loyalty while attracting new talents is essential for maintaining a dynamic and resilient team.

By taking a close look at aspects such as market research, organizational needs, benefits, and talent strategies, your organization can develop a salary budget that not only meets industry standards but also supports the attainment of its unique objectives and enhances workforce dynamics. 

Useful Tools for Preparing and Tracking Your Salary Budget

Considering the significance of a salary budget, it requires meticulous attention to detail. However, this complexity can be significantly simplified with the aid of tools and technologies accessible to HR professionals. Your team can utilize various software solutions to improve accuracy, efficiency and overall ease in managing your salary budget. Here are some useful tools for the task: 

HRIS (Human Resources Information System)

An HRIS is a fully integrated system that facilitates the management of employee data, including payroll and compensation information. It automates many different HR processes, helping you communicate seamlessly between different HR functions. HRIS tools provide a centralized platform for payroll, making budget preparation (like predicting the cost of recruitment) and tracking a much more simplified task.

Budgeting software

Dedicated budgeting software offers robust features specifically designed for financial planning and analysis. These tools often include tools for salary budgeting, allowing your team to allocate funds for the cost of recruitment, set salary structures, and monitor expenditures. Modern HR budgeting software can also provide forecasting capabilities for future budget cycles.

Microsoft Excel

While considered traditional, Microsoft Excel remains a versatile and extensively utilized tool for budgeting functions in many businesses. While not as specialized as dedicated HRIS or budgeting software, Microsoft Excel allows HR professionals to create detailed and customizable salary budget templates. It’s also particularly useful for small to medium-sized businesses that may not require an extensive software solution (or lack the budget for one).

Compensation benchmarking tools

Compensation benchmarking tools can help your organization compare its salary structure against industry standards and competitors. These tools provide valuable insights into the cost of recruitment for specific roles, enabling your team to make data-driven decisions when preparing your salary budget. Some tools also offer real-time updates on market trends, helping you stay ahead of the game and make changes to stay competitive.

Selecting the right combination of tools depends on the unique needs and scale of your organization. If you work for a larger enterprise, you might benefit from a comprehensive HRIS and budgeting software solutions. If you’re a smaller business, you may find Microsoft Excel and specialized compensation benchmarking tools to be cost-effective alternatives. Regardless of the size of your organization, integrating technology into the salary budgeting process maximizes precision, agility, and assists with strategic decision-making.

Read next: Tools and Tips for Building an HR Budget

Unlock Smart Salary Budgeting with Omni

salary budget

Affordable, functional, and suitable for modern growing businesses— Omni is the payroll provider that your business can rely on when creating your salary budget. Our comprehensive payroll solution is specifically crafted to meet the unique requirements of your business, regardless of your geographical location. 

With product features like local currency support, automated tax calculations, and instant payroll reports, HR teams can simplify their salary budgeting process while ensuring adherence to regulatory standards. What’s more, Omni provides clear and timely insights into your organization’s spending, helping you build and audit your salary budget backed by real data.

Read how Unravel Carbon Maximizes Annual Savings with Omni

If you’re ready to take your salary budget implementation to the next level, book a demo with us today. We’ll walk you through the platform’s features and demonstrate how Omni can transform your processes, saving you time, reducing administrative burden, and enhancing overall efficiency for your team.

HR Calendar 2024 for 365 Days of Engagement

As the new year rolls in, HR professionals are gearing up for another round of initiatives and celebrations that build stronger bonds, boost team morale and ramp up on employee engagement. Whether it’s Employee Appreciation Day or National Pet Day, there’s a monthly excuse for a coffee break chat or calls for celebration!

To keep things breezy for you and your HR team, we’ve put together a comprehensive HR Calendar 2024. It’s got all the important holidays, special events, and the nitty-gritty details on annual payroll and tax compliance that you should keep tabs on. That’s not all, we’ve compiled a full list of employee engagement ideas throughout the year to keep the spirits and energy high all through the year. Let’s dive right in!


First up on our HR Calendar 2024, January is the perfect time to set the pace for the new year. Start the year strong with your team by reaffirming your company’s vision and values. Engage in a company-wide vision board activity and spruce up the office with a little spring cleaning action for a clean slate on Clean Off Your Desk Day (8 January 2024)! Cap it all off by delighting your team with some delicious fresh bagels on Bagel Day (15 January 2024).

Omni Tip: January frequently sees new hires coming on board, and providing a positive onboarding experience is key to boosting employee engagement and retention. Explore our complete employee onboarding checklist or new hire training plan template to ensure a smooth onboarding journey for your new team members.

Key dates and holidays

  • New Year’s Day – 1 January 2024
  • Data Privacy Day – 28 January 2024

Employee Engagement Ideas

  • Clean Off Your Desk Day – 8 January 2024
  • Bagel Day – 15 January 2024


Chinese New Year is just around the corner! Decorating the workplace with festive decorations not only adds a touch of celebration but also makes employees feel appreciated, lifting their spirits. Additionally, consider spreading some love on Valentine’s Day by stocking up the pantry with chocolates for a sweet treat. Finally, mark Random Acts of Kindness Day (17 February 2024) by encouraging employees to nominate someone who demonstrated a random act of kindness during the week. Let’s keep the positive vibes flowing all year round! 

Key dates and holidays

  • Chinese New Year – 10 -12 February 2024
  • Valentine’s Day – 14 February 2024
  • National Day of Brunei Darussalam – 23 February 2024
  • Leap Day – 29 February 2024

Employee Engagement Ideas

  • Random Acts of Kindness Day – 17 February 2024 


As we wrap up the first quarter, March not only provides an excellent opportunity to evaluate your processes and initiatives but also serves as an ideal time to celebrate small wins on Employee Appreciation Day (1 March 2024). Acknowledging these wins is a powerful way to increase employee morale and engagement!

Omni Tip: This month is also a strategic period to prepare for the upcoming mid-year performance review. Omni’s total performance review kit is the perfect resource to kickstart the process and elevate your team’s performance to new heights!

Furthermore, March is recognized as Women’s History Month! Consider these significant days and events in mind when planning your HR Calendar 2024. 

Key Dates and Holidays

  • International Women’s Day – 8 March 2024
  • Good Friday – 29 March 2024
  • Performance Review Preparation

Employee Engagement Ideas

  • Women’s History Month
  • Employee Appreciation Day – 1 March 2024 

Compliance, Tax & Payroll Information

  • Philippines: Deadline for companies to file annual income tax returns – 31 March 2024


Entering April in our HR Calendar 2024, we joyously usher in Hari Raya celebrations! Infuse the workplace with festive spirit by adding appropriate decorations. Additionally, observe Earth Day by inspiring eco-friendly practices among your team, fostering a culture of sustainability and environmental awareness. 

Celebrate National Pet Day (11 April 2024) by encouraging employees to share adorable pictures of their pets. If circumstances allow, consider allowing pets in the office for the day to create a lively and pet-friendly atmosphere! 

Key Dates and Holidays

  • April Fool’s Day 1 April 2024
  • Hari Raya Aidilfitri – 10 April 2024
  • National Pet Day – 11 April 2024
  • Songkran Festival 13-15 April 2024
  • Administrative Professionals’ Day – 18 April 2024
  • Earth Day – 22 April 2024

Employee Engagement Ideas

  • National Volunteer Month
  • April Fool’s Day – 1 April 2024
  • National Pet Day – 11 April 2024

Compliance, Tax & Payroll Information

  • Hong Kong: Deadline for individuals to file salaries tax returns – 15 April 2024
  • Philippines: Deadline for individuals to file income tax returns – 15 April 2024
  • Malaysia: Paper filing deadline for individual income tax returns – 30 April 2024


It’s important to establish a supportive environment for your team to voice their thoughts, express concerns, and seek camaraderie within the workplace. Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month by encouraging peer-to-peer shout outs, introducing mental health days, setting up zen spaces in the office, and conducting informative mental health workshops. 

Key Dates and Holidays

  • Labor Day – 1 May 2024
  • Mother’s Day – 12 May 2024
  • National Bike to Work Day – 17 May 2024
  • Wesak Day – 22 May 2024 

Employee Engagement Ideas

  • Mental Health Awareness Month
  • World Password Day – 2 May 2024
  • Star Wars Day – 4 May 2024

Compliance, Tax & Payroll Information

  • Malaysia: E-filing deadline for individual income tax returns – 15 May 2024


Hooray, we’re halfway there in our HR Calendar 2024! Brighten your team’s day by indulging in sweet treats on National Donut Day (7 June 2024)! 

Omni Tip: As you gear up for mid-year performance reviews, rest assured with our ultimate performance review template and a collection of 200 performance review phrases for managers. Gain a well-rounded understanding of what constitutes a comprehensive performance review and find inspiration for crafting the best performance review questions and answers. 

Key Dates and Holidays

  • Dragon Boat Festival – 10 June 2024
  • Philippines’ Independence Day – 12 June 2024
  • Father’s Day – 16 June 2024
  • Hari Raya Haji – 16 June 2024
  • Mid-Year Performance Reviews

Employee Engagement Ideas

  • Leave the Office Early Day – 2 June 2024
  • National Donut Day – 7 June 2024

Compliance, Tax & Payroll Information

  • Hong Kong: Deadline for companies to file profits tax return – 15 June 2024
  • Malaysia: Deadline for companies to file paper annual audited accounts and tax return – 30 June 2024


Embrace July with a delightful and popular concept – honoring the deliciousness of chocolate on World Chocolate Day (7 July 2024)! Take this moment to encourage your team to unwind and rejuvenate for the second half of the year with a dedicated Self-Care Day (24 July 2024). 

Key Dates and Holidays

  • Parents’ Day – 28 July 2024

Employee Engagement Ideas

  • World Chocolate Day – 7 July 2024
  • International Self-Care Day – 24 July 2024
  • National Intern Day – 25 July 2024

Compliance, Tax & Payroll Information

  • Malaysia: E-filing deadline for companies to submit annual audited accounts and tax return – 15 July 2024


Books have a way of bringing people together. Switch things up from the usual happy hour and snacks by encouraging your team to exchange their favorite books in celebration of Book Lovers Day (9 August 2024). Consider organizing a book club, providing colleagues with an opportunity to connect through their shared love for reading. 

Need some recommendations? Explore our curated list of the best books for HR professionals!

Key Dates and Holidays

  • Singapore’s National Day – 9 August 2024
  • Indonesia’s National Day – 17 August 2024
  • Malaysia’ National Day – 31 August 2024

Employee Engagement Ideas

  • International Cat Day – 8 August 2024
  • Book Lovers Day – 9 August 2024
  • National Financial Awareness Day – 14 August 2024
  • National Dog Day – 28 August 2024


September promises a blend of cultural richness and professional appreciation, making it a vibrant and significant month for both personal and career milestones. Consider organizing a festive gathering during Mid-Autumn Festival (17 September 2024), encouraging colleagues to share their favorite mooncake flavors, or even hosting a lantern-making competition to infuse the workplace with the spirit of this cultural celebration. 

Key Dates and Holidays

  • National Day of Vietnam – 2 September 2024
  • National Heroes Day – 16 September 2024 
  • Mid-Autumn Festival – 17 September 2024

Employee Engagement Ideas

  • National Working Parents Day – 16 September 2024
  • IT Professionals Day – 17 September 2024
  • HR Professional Day – 26 September 2024 


As the final quarter of our HR Calendar 2024 rolls around, this is a great time to assess team dynamics and be vigilant for signs of employee burnout, ensuring a supportive work environment. Mark World Mental Health Day (10 October 2024) by fostering discussions on mental well-being, organizing workshops, and providing resources to bolster the mental health of your team. 

This month also brings the joyous celebration of Deepavali. Embrace the cultural diversity within your workplace by decorating the workspace with vibrant decor, creating an inclusive atmosphere that enhances employee engagement and fosters a sense of belonging. 

Key Dates and Holidays

  • World Mental Health Day – 10 October 2024
  • Deepavali – 31 October 2024
  • Halloween – 31 October 2024

Employee Engagement Ideas

  • Diversity and Inclusion Awareness Month
  • World Mental Health Day – 10 October 2024
  • Halloween – 31 October 2024


In November, seize the opportunity to foster gratitude and kindness during National Gratitude Month. Set up gratitude walls around the workplace, providing spaces for employees to share their appreciations openly. Alternatively, host luncheons to bring the team together, allowing them to share a meal and express gratitude towards one another. 

Professionally, November also signifies National Career Development Month. Embrace this occasion by arranging skill-building workshops, engaging in career or networking events, and facilitating impactful 1-on-1 career development conversations. It’s also the perfect time for year-end reviews and goal setting, allowing for reflection on personal milestones and strategic planning for the new year. 

Key Dates and Holidays

  • World Kindness Day – 13 November 2024
  • Year-End Review and Goal Setting

Employee Engagement Ideas

  • National Gratitude Month
  • National Career Development Month

Compliance, Tax & Payroll Information

  • Singapore: Deadline for individuals to file income tax returns – 15 November 2024
  • Singapore: Deadline for companies to file annual audited accounts and tax returns – 30 November 2024


You’ve made it til the end of our HR calendar 2024! December is the time to sit back, unwind and reflect on the year’s accomplishments, and celebrate milestones. Plan fun activities for your team to discuss the highlights of the year, and consider hosting a festive Secret Santa gift exchange to get your team in the festive spirit! 

Key Dates and Holidays

  • Christmas Eve – 24 December 2024
  • Christmas Celebration – 25 December 2024
  • Year-End Break and Holidays
  • New Year’s Eve – 31 December 2024

Employee Engagement Ideas

  • Holiday Celebrations

Planning Your HR Calendar 2024

HR Calendar 2024

That’s a wrap on our comprehensive HR Calendar 2024! Bookmark this calendar to plan your key events and holidays. If you would like the printable version with an added bonus of employee engagement ideas applicable throughout the year, and reap the engagement benefits that come from these occasions, 

Omni’s intuitive, all-in-one HRIS helps HR teams and managers keep track of key dates, engagement opportunities, and manage employee schedules easily with automated reminders and at-a-glance scheduling. Omni’s platform allows you to create bespoke calendars for your employees around the globe, with pre-loaded holidays and cultural happenings based on your employee’s location, and automated alerts so you never miss a holiday, work anniversary, or opportunity to engage with your team or prepare for your next important HR initiative. 

With a full suite of modules to support every aspect of your business, Omni’s platform offers an intuitive and fully customizable platform that integrates with your team’s favorite tools for a seamless and timely adoption. If you’d like to learn more about how Omni’s all-in-one HR software automates the entire end-to-end employee lifecycle, book a demo with our team today and explore the features tailored to enhance your HR experience in 2024!

The 2024 Public Holidays Singapore Guide

Public holidays play a crucial role in shaping a company’s culture. These designated days off represent more than just breaks from the regular work routine; they are important in fostering a balanced and inclusive workplace. 

Recognizing and appropriately managing public holidays is an essential part of HR functions, contributing to employee well-being, morale and legal compliance. As we welcome the new year, HR professionals need to keep track of the 2024 public holidays Singapore as it affects work schedules, payroll, leave management, and overall business productivity.

This comprehensive 2024 Public Holidays Singapore guide will provide you with important information on Singapore’s gazetted public holidays, and employee entitlements during these dates. 

The 2024 Public Holidays Singapore List

Singapore, being a nation rich in diverse cultures and religions, celebrates 11 public holidays annually. Here are the list of 2024 public holidays Singapore:

2024 public holidays Singapore

Public Holiday Entitlements in Singapore

According to the Ministry of Manpower, employees under the Employment Act are entitled to paid public holidays each year.

Typically, public holidays are considered a rest day for employees. However, if they are required to work on a public holiday, special regulations apply. Here are some common scenarios and rules when it comes to entitlements for 2024 public holidays Singapore: 

Do employees get paid for working on public holidays?

In the case where an employee is required to work on 2024 public holidays Singapore employers should pay an extra day’s pay on top of their monthly gross salary. Employers will also need to pay overtime for work that’s done beyond the normal working hours. 

Employees are entitled to gross rate of pay for working on public holidays, if they are: 

  • not absent on the working day before or after the holiday without consent or reasonable excuse, or;
  • on authorized leave (e.g. sick leave, annual leave) on the day immediately before or after a holiday. 

Employees are not entitled to holiday pay if it falls on their approved unpaid leave date.

For example,

If employees are on approved unpaid leave on 30 April 2024, they will still be entitled to a paid public holiday on 1 May 2024.

If employees are on approved unpaid leave from 30 April to 3 May 2024, they will not be entitled for a paid public holiday on 1 May 2024.

What happens if a public holiday falls on a rest day or a non-working day?

Before we dive into the entitlements, let’s get to know the differences between rest days and  non-working days. 

In Singapore, a rest day is a day, as defined in the employment contract, where employees are entitled to at least 24 hours of continuous rest. A non-working day, however, is any day when employees are not required to work, but it may not necessarily be aligned with their designated rest day. 

For example, if you are on a 5-day work week, Saturday would be considered a non-working day, and Sunday would be your rest day. ​

As stated in the Employment Act, when a public holiday falls on a non-working day, employees covered by the Act are eligible for either an extra day off or an additional day’s salary in lieu of the public holiday, calculated at the gross rate of pay. 

If the 2024 public holidays Singapore falls on a rest day (Sunday), the following working day (Monday) will be a paid public holiday. An example of this is Monday, 12 February 2024 being a replacement public holiday for Chinese New Year holiday that falls on Sunday, 11 February 2024. 

In summary, if the public holiday falls on:

Non-working day (Saturday), employees should get either a day off or salary in lieu.

Rest day (Sunday), the next working day will be a paid public holiday.

What if an employee is not covered under the Employment Act?

In Singapore, the Employment Act does not cover all employees. The Act excludes a specific groups of employees, and some include: 

  • Managers and executives
  • Seafarers 
  • Domestic workers
  • Statutory board employees
  • Part-time employees
  • Temporary employees

It is important to note that while the Employment Act may not cover these specific groups, alternative regulations or employment agreements may apply to ensure their rights and welfare are protected. Employers should be aware of the specific employment regulations that apply to their workforce, especially when it comes to 2024 public holidays Singapore leave and pay entitlements. 

Are employees entitled to public holiday in lieu?

If employees work on a public holiday, both the employer and employee can come to a mutual agreement to substitute a public holiday for another working day.

If employees are not covered by the Employment Act, employers can grant time off in lieu for working on a public holiday. The time off however, should consist of a mutually agreed number of hours. 

In the instance that no mutual agreement is made, employer can decide on one of the following: 

  • Pay an extra day’s salary at the basic rate of pay for one day’s work.
  • For working 4 hours or less, grant time off in lieu of 4 hours on a working day.
  • For working more than 4 hours, grant a full day off on a working day. 

Managing Leave and Public Holiday Pay with Omni

2024 public holidays Singapore

Managing leave and 2024 public holidays Singapore is crucial at the workplace. Employers should communicate holiday schedules early, ensuring enough coverage during peak employee absence periods. Clear rules on holiday pay and time-off requests, especially during festive times, contribute to fair time off management and payroll practices. 

Omni’s time off management capabilities empower managers and HR teams to swiftly navigate employee leave applications. Our platform allows you to approve leave applications on the go and keep track of who’s in and out of the office with at-a-glance scheduling. 

Our employee self-service portal enables employees to submit their time off requests, which automatically routes to the appropriate manager thanks to customizable approval workflows. Automated calculations offer real-time leave balance visibility without the need for HR intervention. 

For public holiday entitlements, Omni’s comprehensive payroll solution integrates seamlessly with leave management. Supporting SGD and offering automated public holiday pay, tax calculations, and managed CPF contributions, Omni simplifies payroll processing while ensuring compliance. 

Choose Omni to effortlessly manage your 2024 public holidays Singapore leave and entitlements, tailored to meet your evolving business needs. Book a demo with our team today to learn more.

Tools and Tips for Building an HR Budget

Effective Human Resources takes more than just humans—it takes resources too. The best HR teams are well-funded, and equipped with the money they need to invest in the people that ultimately drive organizational success.

But it’s not just about having access to financial support, it’s about how that money is allocated to maximize its impact. That’s where a well-planned HR budget comes in, a firm financial guide that will help you and your team devise where your money is spent, and predict the outcomes it will have.

Here, we’re diving into the nitty gritty of what makes an HR budget more than just a sheet of facts and figures, and instead makes your HR department an essential part of the organization-wide strategy.

What is an HR Budget? 

Like all budgets, an HR budget is a financial plan that outlines how a Human Resources department will allocate their resources. It serves as a roadmap for managing the expenses related to all HR functions, and acts as a guide to ensure financial resources are properly distributed to meet all business needs, without overspending.

Expenditures you can expect in an HR budget include employee salaries, recruitment costs, training and development programs, benefits administration, HR technologies, and initiatives aimed at enhancing the overall employee experience.

Crafting an effective HR Budget is essential for aligning HR activities with the broader financial strategy of your organization. Done effectively, it will help create and advance effective workforce and performance management and development.

Why Plan an HR Budget?

hr budget

While planning a budget doesn’t exactly scream “excitement,” creating a proper HR budget is one of the most strategically significant steps a successful organization can take.

  • Managing the costs of human capital — One of the most important functions of an HR budget is to manage the costs associated with the people who work for your organization, sometimes called “human capital”. By carefully forecasting and allocating resources, your HR department can prevent overspending, inefficient allocation of resources, and ensure that your organization invests sufficiently in its most valuable asset—its people. A well-planned HR budget also offers the flexibility to reallocate resources when circumstances change, like when an organization needs to quickly grow its head count.
  • Ensuring HR operational efficiency — An HR budget is the guide to follow for resource allocation, providing a comprehensive view of where and how funds will be spent, and what initiatives take priority. This clarity maximizes efficiency and helps HR teams to align their activities with strategic objectives, avoid resource bottlenecks, and streamline processes.
  • Achieving organizational success — As all HR professionals know, the success of an organization is directly linked with the effectiveness of its Human Resources. A well-planned HR budget helps you optimize the potential of your workforce, and fosters a culture of productivity, engagement, and continuous improvement, each initiative receiving proper funding as allocated by the HR budget. It also allows you to anticipate and adapt to regulatory changes, helping you stay agile, and future-proof your HR strategy.
  • Having a seat at the decision-making table – These days, HR is increasingly expected to be a strategic partner with leadership. In fact, 60% of executives expect HR to become partners in improving a company’s competitive advantage. A well-planned budget is more than a financial document—it’s a key to the decision-making table. By presenting a comprehensive budget plan, HR professionals elevate their role from administrative support to strategic contributor, demonstrating how HR initiatives align with and drive broader organizational objectives. This strategic positioning is crucial as businesses recognize HR’s essential role in driving the overall success of the company.

What to Include in Your HR Budget

Building a comprehensive HR budget involves considering all the areas that directly impact employee well-being and organizational growth. Here’s a breakdown of essential components to consider in your HR budget:

Talent Acquisition & Recruitment: Allocate funds for recruitment efforts, including job postings, recruitment software, and staffing resources. A well-funded talent acquisition strategy ensures a robust pipeline of qualified candidates. When allocating resources for talent acquisition consider—what is the growth trajectory of your company? This is a perfect example of where HRs role can become strategic and forward-thinking.

Learning and Development: Invest in employee growth and skill enhancement programs. Include allocations for training sessions, workshops, and online learning platforms to promote continuous learning within the organization.

HR Upskilling: As technology and industry landscapes evolve, earmark funds for upskilling HR professionals. This ensures that the HR team grows their skillset and can leverage the latest tools and strategies.

HR Technology: Allocate resources for HR technology tools and platforms. This includes HRIS (Human Resource Information System), payroll software, performance management systems, and other technologies that enhance HR efficiency. With the explosion of HR technology available to you, carefully consider which options offer the most value to your organization, and budget accordingly. Also consider the resources required to train your employees on any new technology they need to incorporate into their skillsets.

Compensation and Benefits: Of all budget lines, this one is likely to receive the most scrutiny and interest. Include allocations for employee compensation, benefits packages, and incentives. This encompasses salaries, bonuses, health benefits, retirement plans, and any additional perks that contribute to employee satisfaction and retention. Adequate compensation is incredibly important for keeping talented employees on board, and motivating employees to perform at their best.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives by allocating funds for programs and activities that foster an inclusive workplace culture. This may include diversity training, mentorship programs, and events that celebrate diversity. Initiatives that promote diversity are especially important as Gen Z becomes a major part of the workforce, as shared values are a major motivating factor for them.

Employee Relations and Talent Management: Devote resources to employee relations programs that enhance workplace harmony, such as town halls, social events and skill development opportunities. Also, budget for talent management initiatives such as succession planning, performance reviews, and employee engagement activities.

Employee Safety and Well-being: Make employee health and safety a priority in your HR budget by allocating funds for workplace safety measures, wellness programs, and mental health initiatives. This not only protects your employees but also contributes to a positive work environment, and a workforce that feels safe and respected in their workplace.

HR Administration: Cover essential administrative functions of the HR department, including salaries of HR staff, office supplies, and other day-to-day operational expenses. While not as high profile as other budget lines, having adequate coverage of admin costs is essential to the smooth functioning of an HR department.

Tips to Building an HR Budget

hr budget

Creating an effective HR budget means delving into strategic planning and developing a thorough understanding of what your organization needs. Having a clear view of how your strategy ladders up to the success of your organization is key when setting up your budget.

Define business goals

The first step of creating an HR budget is aligning it with overarching business goals. If your company aims for rapid growth, allocate resources to talent acquisition and onboarding. If innovation is a key objective, earmark funds for learning and development initiatives to upskill your workforce.

Remember, as an HR professional you’ll have a clearer view of how your workforce will respond to growth and new initiatives, and you have the opportunity to not only understand business objectives, but actually help shape them.

Review previous spending

Next, examine historical spending patterns with a critical eye. Identify areas where resources were well-utilized and those that might need adjustment. For instance, if a particular training program yielded high employee retention, consider expanding it. Alternatively, if surveys indicate an employee engagement initiative or training program is being ineffective or underused, consider reallocating resources to more successful campaigns.

Forecast workforce needs

You can anticipate future talent requirements by understanding the evolving needs of the business. Assess the skills your workforce possesses and those needed for upcoming projects or strategic shifts. This ensures that your budget addresses the organization’s changing dynamics.

Analyze data

Leverage HR analytics for data-driven decision-making. Metrics such as turnover rates, performance metrics, and employee satisfaction scores provide valuable insights. Use this data to pinpoint areas for improvement and allocate resources accordingly. Collecting and analyzing data also helps you make informed strategic recommendations, based on solid information.

Hope for the best, plan for the worst

Even the best laid plans can face disruption. It’s simply impossible to predict everything. That’s why your budget needs to include contingency plans for unexpected challenges. If your budget is contingent on revenue projections, build safeguards for economic downturns. Establishing a financial buffer allows the organization to navigate unforeseen circumstances without compromising HR initiatives.

Consider investments

Evaluate HR initiatives as strategic investments. For instance, if you’re considering HR technology, weigh the potential benefits in terms of time saved, improved accuracy, and enhanced employee experience. Ensure that each investment aligns with your organizational goals. Money spent this year could have positive impacts in years to come if invested wisely now.

Leverage tools

Explore modern HR budgeting tools that automate processes and provide real-time insights. These tools often come with features like predictive analytics, facilitating more accurate forecasting. Integration with other HR systems ensures seamless collaboration and data consistency.

Save On HR Costs Through Automation

HR automation helps save significant time and reduce costs associated with the various manual tasks performed every day by HR and leadership. Studies have shown HR automation can decrease administrative costs by 30% for HR professionals and 49% for employers.

Routine HR workflows, such as data entry, employee onboarding, leave management, and payroll processing, are streamlined and automated, freeing up HR teams to focus on more strategic and value-added activities that drive productivity and profitability for your organization.

What’s more, HR automation tools like Omni provide clear and timely insights into your organization’s spending, helping you build and audit your HR budget backed by real data.

Learn how Omni users like Unravel Carbon save thousands of dollars annually by leveraging HR automation tools. If you’re ready to make that jump and take charge of your HR budget,

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